What happens if you invent a something say a mouse trap and
since you are in a state (let's say Communist, since they are
the only ones that would think of this)

this is a cycle that has happened since before the Egyptians,
but I will use current examples since they have dusted it
off and called it communism to legitimize it.

1.  All right I have invented a mouse trap
        the state owns me so they own the mouse trap and
        take it to say that it is theirs.
1a. I think of a better mouse trap
        I have just committed treason against the state
        by thinking that there can be a better way of
        doing something then what they have.
2. I have education and show students a reality that
        they can learn (example biology).  I happen to use a map
        or biology text to allow them something to base their reality
        on.  The students follow me because what I am teaching
        follows with what they can cite by seeing a pond or by having
        a fish tank (over 30 gal with fish and living plants) at home.
2a. My biology text is confiscated by the state because they believe
        that the students will automatically follow who ever has that
        icon of power.

Both of these examples show that those that use this to control
do not want any new ideas because they may not be able to control.
I also shows that they do not have a firm grasp of reality themselves.

WW2 and Iron Curtain (they are SLOW!)
3. Slowly they realize that they are not worshiped for the mouse trap
        or book.  Others have managed to get ahead of them, especially
        because of the five year plan - or because of promises that
        were not kept.
3a. Writing their own version of the book or getting a strangle hold of
        the copyright office, or of the Universities (like the skull and bones
        is doing at Yale, MIT's Psychology Dept., Baylor's statistical company
        site with a communist link) is their answer to this dilemma.
     -- all these schools probably have good side too, and I can no
        find that statistical company that was with Baylor from 1984 to 1998
        or so.

They believe that the object is an asset and without it that the
other person has nothing to offer.

(Darwin - evolution cited)
4. Slowly realizing that even though they have control of religion,
        all the books, and all Icons of power they do not have control.
        They get an idea of telling everyone that IQ and health is genetic
        and that money has to be the Icon of power.
4a. The second generation (example: Bush Sr. and Jr., and many other
        communist) believe this is what is meant by survival of the fittest.
4b. They advocate an idea that their children should not have to go
        through what they went through so the kids never face the
        consequences of their actions.

They have the Icons so they are in power, no assets but they can
define assets any way they want.

(books the show other realities are downed - Old Testament,
History text, Civil War Flag, Et, et.

reference: http://www.plumbingsupply.com/pmwhitehouse.html
"Tapping The White House: The early White House lacked
running water. The idea was conceived during the
Madison administration before the house burned, but water
wasn't actually piped in until the Jackson administration. In
1829 (when Jackson took office), the Committee on Public
Buildings had decided not to pipe running water to the
White House, opting to concentrate funds on the North
Portico. During that period, most hotels and private mansions
had indoor plumbing, particularly in the bathrooms and
kitchens. Springs, cisterns and wells fed the system."

"But by 1845, the installation of sanitary sewers began to pay
off with an outlet for waste water, indoor plumbing and working
water closets were getting closer to fruition. Unfortunately,
bad plumbing and the stench from open sewer connections made
some new homes uninhabitable."

5. The civil war (1861-1865) was because there were too many people in
        New York (tenement housing - 4 or more to a room, sink in the hall,
        Outhouses were still the rule for tenement housing)
        because indoor plumbing and sewer lines were not were not
        a true reality and sanitation was lousy.
        Many immigrant were not robust enough to consider the trip
        to western lands even if they had the money.  They saw the
        South as a place to dump these northern people and that the
        Southern states should just carve themselves up to accommodate
        these ideas.  Lincoln defined it as a "nation divided".
        New York and the government had goofed and wanted every one
        else to pay the price.

Bard wrote:
> Webster's definition of 'a spoof':
>         "a light-hearted imitation of someone or something:  lampoon or
> parody."
> uugh!!  Ready?  Here we go:
> Here is my Profile of a Hillary Voter:
> 1.  a femme with loose morals;  she never heard
>         of a chastity belt;  her pacified addiction enabled
>         by protest-free zones,
> 2.  the offspring of Jews who were brainwashed by the pinko tyrant FDR,
>         who recognized his genocidal comrade, Stalin, while bending over to 
>         ploy to end Depression unemployment by deceitfully engaging us in
>         a war resulting from British appeasement and Stalin's conniving;  make no 
>         FDR's pinko Harry Dexter White knew exactly what he was doing,
> 3.  followers of the Rev. Jackson, et al clique;
>         they vote for a DemoRat out of fear of the NAACP (National
>         Association for the Advancement of Communist People);
>         and if given a few bucks will travel South to hoot and holler
>         to bring the g*d damn flag down, NOW, yuh hear;
>         Son, you gonna vote the way your grandpappy and I vote, yuh hear?,
>         we need those food stamps, boy, to ensure you have a healthy
>         body just like those white boys,
> 4.  homos who vote with their lower organ, as the upper
>         organ was twisted in early childhood;
>         they campaign to become 'special' at the
>         expense of those who are 'normal', and have
>         organized a dangerous recruitment program to make certain
>         their ranks do not go unreplenished;  the whore just
>         l-o-v-e-s to attend their fund-raisers sponsored by
>         The National Association for the Advancement of the
>         Homosexual Agenda (NAAHA);  as a payback she'll work
>         real hard to implement that Agenda,
> 5.  those locked in to sucking the federal teats to survive;
>         they're addicted to the sound of big bucks being
>         siphoned, thanks to LBJ, from the middle class;  this class has
>         been nurtured since March 4, 1933, and most likely
>         the largest constituency of the Profile, and the most
>         insidious patrons of the feds pushers,
> 6.  the greedy white-collar b & b's addicted to
>         federal subsidies paid for by the middle class;
>         their greed is manifested by the pride they
>         take in screwing their colleagues (pride being
>         the greatest of all Sins),
> 7.  the hollyweirdos who turn out trash to
>         twist the minds of the offspring of
>         liberated dysfunctional single mammas;
>         aided by No. 8 below.
> 8.  teachers ignorant of their primary responsibility
>         of educating our youth, and have become victims,
>         or at the most, unwitting dupes of the corrupt
>         pinko teacher unions;  believe it or not, the
>         ancestors of this class were once proud members
>         of a profession dedicated to instilling in our
>         youth those disciplines of behavior and knowledge
>         so essential to surviving in a vicious world;
>         they continue to deny the failure of the 'content-neutral'
>         ideas of Rousseau and John Dewey and the utter failure
>         of the curriculum of The Shopping Mall High School which
>         offers so many courses of so many kinds that the word
>         'curriculum' does not do justice to this astonishing variety,
> 9.  those who succumb to the false promise of utopian
>         ideals, which, historically, has never been fulfilled;
>         this is the class that has been created by the
>         members of No. 8 above.
> 10. the New York City cabbies who are dependent on the
>         members of No. 6 above who have their own Profile
>         of an acceptable patron;  gun control, of course,
>         will effectively prevent them from carrying a piece,
> 11. members of the corrupt New York City street maintenance
>         department who need five persons to fill a pothole;
>         they're so fearful their wasteful practices
>         will be found out they can't sleep at night.
> 12. drug addicts who believe [dream or wishful thinking] that
>         if they vote for a DemoRat they'll receive gratis not only
>         free syringes but the undiluted real thing;  they'll have
>         to clean up a bit, however, to enable entrée to the
>         Polling Place,
> 13. the porno crowd that hides behind free speech to peddle
>         their wares;  she'll have to retain Daddy Big Bucks, Larry Flynt,
>         as a taxpayer-paid Consultant to coordinate her position on
>         the First Amendment,
> 14. and, ooohhh yes, let's not forget that snobbish deceitful crowd of
>         intelligentsia surviving on tax-free inherited wealth;
>         the parasites of our society and the source of a huge
>         chunk of funds to be extorted,
> 15. and then there are the pinkos in the federal bureaucracy who escaped
>         detection of their treasonous activities and are on the verge
>         of retiring at our expense.
> 16. and lo and behold there are those members of the New York City police
>         department who are chopping at the bit to have someone in the
>         U.S. Senate that doesn't believe in prosecuting violations of
>         federal laws governing police corruption, let alone,
>         drug prosecutions;  prosecutions have seriously declined because
>         the federal prosecutors have adopted the new office behavioral
>         practices as defined by the rapist and his slut Monica.
> This is the flotsam that the rapist's whore is soliciting.
> Woe to the New York State voter who selects this creature
> who will stop at nothing to bend the mind and pad the pockets
> of her yet to be corrupted colleagues of the U.S. Senate;  if they
> don't kow tow to her she'll sic Larry Flynt on them.
> No, Mr. Mrs. Ms. New York State Voter, I am not the one filled
>         with hate.  I'm only telling it like it is.
>         Truth is Painful.
>         Those of you who are still in a state of denial
>         of what has happened to our Nation will not possibly
>         understand what I'm writing;  the pain of your existence
>         for which you rely on the feds for a 'fix' will never be
>         relieved until you experience an event [awakening] in your life
>         which requires that you tell the 'fixer' (dope pusher)
>         to get the hell out of my life, and start your long,
>         arduous path to right the wrongs done to you and yours for these
>         many years.  I plead you will not permit this creature
>         to visit your children who will attempt to instill in them
>         a disrespect for their parents, a technique originated
>         by her hero Karl Marx, and his minions.
> Webster's definition of a 'cynic':
>         "one of a sect of Greek philosophers, 4th Century B.C.,
>          who advocated the doctrines that virtue is the only good,
>          that the essence of virtue is self-control, and that
>          surrender to any external influence is beneath human dignity."
> Uuugh!!
> ---------
> Bard
> PS:  Hope you had as much fun reading this as I did in its composition.
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Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
      ---- Thomas Jefferson

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi

ICQ 14484977

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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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