I will give "SLICK WILLIE" the benefit of the doubt...
The guy has a vivid imagination   ...  
[[[  but with infinite ulterior motives behind
his fork-ed tongue...  ]]]
Clinton: Internet Can Fight Poverty

BERLIN, Jun 03, 2000

(AP Online via COMTEX) -- President Clinton floated some ideas Saturday for how the Internet could be used to improve lives and fight poverty in the developing world, from downloading school books in poor villages to marketing native crafts in cyberspace.

"We should recognize what an enormous potential the Internet has for bridging economic, educational and social divides," Clinton said at the closing of a Berlin conference on retooling government for today's global information society.

Clinton noted that Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien told the other leaders about how his government had connected remote Eskimo villages to the Internet.

"That has enormous health implications, enormous educational implications and, my guess is, enormous economic implications," Clinton said.

If schools in poor or remote spots had Internet-access, they'd also have the same access to knowledge as the rich world, he said.

"If you have a printer and a computer in a poor village, you don't have to be able to afford textbooks anymore," he said. "It's a far more efficient way for government to spread universal information."

Clinton also suggested "a systematic effort to use e-commerce" to market native arts and crafts from Latin America and Africa, which he said would "increase the income of poor people in villages dramatically."

He also described something he saw on his recent trip to India. A new mother was able to get quality up-to-date information on how to care for her baby by going into her village's health office and calling up a Web page.

"We're going to keep more babies alive because of the Internet," he said.

"Those of us in the wealthier countries should be providing the money and the technical support for countries to do more of this," he said, "because it will move more people more quickly out of poverty I think than anything that's ever been out there, if you do it right."

By PAUL GEITNER Associated Press Writer

Copyright 2000 Associated Press, All rights reserved


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