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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

                     'Hanoi Jane' Rumors Blend
                     Fact and Fiction

                     Dateline: 11/03/99 

                     By David Emery 

                     Email rumors blending fact and fiction about Jane
                     Fonda's activities as an anti-war protester during
                     the 1970s have reopened old wounds for Vietnam
                     veterans and inspired a new round of recriminations
                     for things the actress did long ago, and things she
                     never did. 

                     The rumors (see next page) center around Fonda's
                     tour of North Vietnam in 1972, during which she
                     cozied up to the enemy, posing for photo ops with
                     communist troops and broadcasting anti-American
                     propaganda over Radio Hanoi. 

                     During the same trip she participated in a staged
                     press conference with American POWs, the
                     purpose of which was to demonstrate that they
                     were not being mistreated by their captors. Years
                     later when the released POWs described the
                     torture and degradation they really did suffer at the
                     hands of the North Vietnamese, Fonda called them
                     "hypocrites and liars." 

                     Those facts are not under dispute. Fonda's behavior
                     at that time, considered treasonous by some,
                     earned her the nickname "Hanoi Jane" among the
                     veterans and POWs of the Vietnam War, some of
                     whom hate her to this day. 

                     Since the '70s Fonda has revamped her image
                     several times over, rededicating herself to her acting
                     career, becoming a fitness guru in the early '80s,
                     and marrying billionaire Ted Turner in 1991. In
                     1988 she delivered a televised apology to Vietnam
                     veterans and their families, a gesture that didn't
                     mollify everyone but established some distance
                     between the new Fonda and old Fonda, whose
                     actions, she finally admitted, had been "thoughtless
                     and careless." 

                     As the '90s progressed Fonda's past was less
                     frequently brought up as an issue and seemed to
                     dwindle in importance – until this year, that is, when
                     Barbara Walters chose to honor the actress in a TV
                     special called "A Celebration: 100 Years of Great
                     Women." The announcement of the program –
                     which aired in April 1999 and did honor Jane
                     Fonda – prompted an instant outcry from veterans
                     and ex-POWs, many of whom vented their
                     indignation via the Internet. Angry recriminations
                     were posted in newsgroups, published in
                     newsletters and on Web pages, and shared by

                     Apparently bits and pieces of these texts, along with
                     a few shameless fabrications, were cobbled
                     together by persons unknown to create the "Hanoi
                     Jane" diatribe which still circulates today. Parts of it
                     are true and parts of it are false.

                     Though we don't know precisely when versions of
                     the "Hanoi Jane" message first began making the
                     rounds (presumably among veterans and military
                     personnel), they found their way into general
                     circulation in early September. Each of the versions
                     I've seen exhibits slight variations in format and
                     wording, and in some cases added comments
                     and/or deletions. 

                     Jon E. Dougherty, a columnist for WorldNetDaily,
                     saw fit to quote a version of the message verbatim
                     in his September 15 column entitled "Not saluting
                     Jane Fonda." Interestingly, Dougherty's piece,
                     complete with his own commentary, was copied
                     and distributed by readers and quickly established
                     itself as another popular variant of the
                     already-circulating text. [Update: Mr. Dougherty
                     published a correction on Nov. 10.] 

                     Below is a representative example of the basic
                     message. Bear in mind that only part of what you're
                     about to read is true (see next page for analysis). 

                        Looks like Hanoi Jane may be
                        honored as of the "100 Women of
                        the Century". JANE FONDA
                        remembered? Unfortunately may
                        have forgotten and still
                        countless others have never known
                        how Ms. Fonda betrayed not only
                        the idea of our "country" but the
                        men who served and sacrificed
                        during Viet Nam.

                     There's no disputing that Jane Fonda toured North
                     Vietnam, propagandized on behalf of the
                     communists, and participated in an orchestrated
                     "press conference" with American POWs in 1972.
                     There's no denying that she defamed POWs by
                     whitewashing the Viet Cong's treatment of them and
                     later calling them liars when they spoke out. 

                     But how true are the further allegations in the current
                     email rumors? Let's examine their veracity point by
                     point, beginning with the most serious: 

                      Claim: Fonda betrayed POWs by turning over
                      slips of paper they gave her to their captors.
                      POWs were beaten and died as a result. 
                      Status: FALSE. 

                     "It's a figment of somebody's imagination," says Ret.
                     Col. Larry Carrigan, who was shot down over
                     North Vietnam in 1967. He has no idea why the
                     story was attributed to him. "I never met Jane
                     Fonda," he told me. It goes without saying he never
                     handed her a secret message. 

                     He confessed that he did see Fonda once while he
                     was a POW – on film. 

                     He recalled a night when he and the rest of the 80 or
                     so men he was interned with were called out into the
                     prison courtyard, "the first time we'd been outside
                     under the stars in 5 or 6 years." As they all stood
                     there wondering what was in store for them, a
                     projector started whirring in the background. Their
                     captors proceeded to show them footage of Jane
                     Fonda's visit to Hanoi. 

                      Claim: A POW spit at Fonda, for which he was
                      brutally beaten. 
                      Status: FALSE. 

                     This story is attributed in the
                     email to former Air Force
                     pilot Jerry Driscoll, who says
                     it's false and did not originate
                     from him. I wasn't able to
                     speak with Driscoll directly,
                     but Mike McGrath and Paul
                     Galanti, fellow officers of the
                     Nam-POWs organization to
                     which Driscoll belongs, told
                     me he unequivocally
                     disavows the story. 

                     [Update: after this
                     commentary was written I
                     received personal confirmation from Jerry Driscoll
                     that the story is bogus – as he put it, "the product of
                     a very vivid imagination."] 

                     Mike McGrath, currently serving as the president of
                     Nam-POWs, has been trying for more than a month
                     to help Driscoll and Carrigan squelch the false
                     rumors circulating under their names. 

                     "They would like to get their names removed but the
                     story seems to have a life of its own," he told me.
                     "There are a lot of folks out there who would love to
                     have a story like that to hang their hat and their hate

                      Claim: POWs were beaten for refusing to
                      cooperate or meet with Fonda during her visit. 
                      Status: TRUE. 

                     The final anecdote in the "Hanoi Jane" message
                     recounts the experience of a POW who agreed to
                     meet with Fonda but announced to his captors that
                     he planned on telling her how horrid conditions in
                     North Vietnamese prison camps really were. 

                     "Because of this," the narrative continues, "I spent
                     three days on a rocky floor on my knees with
                     outstretched arms with a piece of steel placed on my
                     hands, and beaten with a bamboo cane every time
                     my arms dipped." 

                     Those words were written by Michael Benge, a
                     civilian advisor captured by the Viet Cong in 1968
                     and held as a POW for 5 years. When I contacted
                     him, he confirmed that the story was indeed his, and

                     Benge's original statement, entitled "Shame on Jane,"
                     was published in April by the Advocacy and
                     Intelligence Network for POWs and MIAs. The
                     nameless, faceless author of the "Hanoi Jane"
                     message evidently picked it up from a Web page or
                     a newsgroup and combined it with fabricated stories
                     to create the forwarded text. Some versions now
                     circulate with Benge's name appended, others quote
                     his statement anonymously. 

                     "None of us are members of the Jane Fonda
                     Fan Club" 
                     A good cause is never well-served by lies, and that's
                     how all of the ex-POWs I spoke to or corresponded
                     with about the falsehoods in this message felt. Paul
                     Galanti said: "None of us are members of the Jane
                     Fonda Fan Club, but these fabrications are
                     something she just did not do." 

                     No one had an answer to the question "Who made
                     up these stories and why?" but both Carrigan and
                     McGrath expressed doubt that it was a POW. 

                     "She did enough to place her name in the trash bin of
                     history," McGrath explained. "None of us need to
                     make up stories on her." 

                     Jane Fonda could not be reached for comment. 

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