
>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

Subject: Re: [MC]  -- remote viewing --
Date: Saturday, May 27, 2000 9:41 AM

In a message dated 5/26/00 8:21:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  > Howard Blum's "Out There: The Government's Secret Quest For
>  > Extra->Terrestrials"
>  Blum is one of those journalists who use "leaks" from covert sources and
>  implies that he's getting a scoop. If you've ever had a top secret
>  clearance (like I had) you don't talk about secrets. Period. Blum is
>  either naive or thinks his readers are. These "leaks" are obvious media
>  manipulation. I've worked both sides of the fence (publicist and
>  journalist) and in my own experience, many journalists are easily
>  manipulated.
>  Thus the MJ-12 disinfo in the book from an alleged NSA source, an
>  apparent cover story (for what--black surveillance projects, mind
>  control ops?).
- - - - +


I concur with Wes here. As it was widely reported that Blum's "source" was
Col. John Alexander, at a time when Alexander was still working at Los Alamos
when he was heading up an R & D program to think about and develop
"non-lethal weapons" for envisioned "low-intensity conflicts," nothing
Alexander (a former senior officer in the Army Intelligence and Security
Command, INSCOM, and before that a Special Forces officer who was highly
decorated for his service in Vietnam, etc.) would say to a purported
"journalist" like Blum would be anything OTHER than disinformation.

Also, be aware that journalists who work into high levels of access to major
news outlets (NY Times, Wash. Post, CNN, networks) would not be there if they
hadn't come to terms with the realities of what they can say, what they can
ask, and who it is that they really work for. Some things just can't be
allowed to "be true," and the reporters who don't accept that don't get to
play at the uppermost levels. They are, after all, just the "talking heads"
and pretty faces representing a world view of ???

Specific writers who have made decisions to support (or are active players)
in some of the magnificent disinformation initiatives of recent times (about
these topics) are: William J. Broad, NY TIMES, who did the piece on "CIA says
'UFOs' were us." ('95)
Mike Wallace, 60 MINUTES who with producer Don Hewitt is a "navy intell
Larry King, CNN (his "handlers" are his producers & bookers, as in his "Larry
King Live from Area 51 "UFO show" at the height of the Roswell Crashed-saucer
scam. Blum, of course. Richard Rhodes, the Princetonian who has written
recently about "the bomb" and more recently, "mad cow disease," in which he
glossed over the role of convicted homosexual pedophile (and Nobel laureate)
Dr. D. Carlton Gajdusek. And a host of others, who reflect, as former
Director of Central Intelligence John Deutch said when he was DCI, that
journalists on retainer to the intell community are and will continue to be
important assets. No paranoia required, just discernment!

What gives Blum's bogus motives away is what he left out of "Out There,"
i.e., the overlap of at least SOME so-called "UFO phenomenologies" to exotic
technology, albeit terrestrially developed and deployed for various political
and intelligence ops. It is impossible for a rational journalist to explore
much of so-called "UFOlogy" before coming to at least a preliminary
conclusion that there's an "all-of-the-above" color to the field, in terms of
"what are 'they' and where are 'they' from?", including so-called "mind
control" (actually, the term is 'mind-influencing') technologies (ours &
theirs), as well as cover stories for various developmental aerospace
technology (ours & not ours).

Such transparently bogus "UFO landings" as the Cash-Landrum case, in Texas,
which the government-related "proprietary UFO groups" like MUFON, CUFOS &
FUFOR make so much noise about, and the cult-creating "Gulf Breeze UFOs" of
the late 1980s on the Florida panhandle seacoast, are cases in point.
Although obvious counter-intelligence disinformation operations, complete
with high-level military and political operatives all over the place
pretending to be "New Agers" and UFOlogists, the bottom line is that defense
contractors and their agents inside the military are in constant struggles to
gain advantage over each other and non-American industries.

Add to that the certifiably "weird" experiences which do reside at the source
of at least SOME purported "UFO sightings," and the climate is established
for "B.S."

In the case of Blum, who previously wrote about "high crimes" and Mafiosi
(being careful to omit alleged linkages to political and intelligence
operations that would no doubt bring embarrassment to Blum's "patrons"), he's
just doing a contract job for somebody who got him to sell out his
credibility and "New York Times" label at a time when "UFOlogy" was going
mainstream. Blum's book filled a space in the book catalogs which effectively
precluded, at that time, other books which may NOT have been disinformational
and seeded by the people like John Alexander, Scott Jones and others who
allegedly were behind much of the "run-up" to the so-called Roswell "crashed
saucer" story and other shenanigans having various purposes, from the
aforementioned "non-lethality" cover-ops to disinforming the Russians (and
others) to trying (for their internationalista benefactors like Rockefeller,
et al.) to drag some of the new (and still secret) aerospace technologies out
of the "Area 51 hangars" to be exposed on the world stage. Objective:
neutralize American force-projection at a time (circa late 1980s, early
1990s) when the Internationalistas had visions of the U. N. forming the
centerpiece of a "global governance" strategy benefitting the rich and
self-anointed "elites," whose foundations paid for a lot of that UFO
gobbledygook. It is a techno-fascist control mechanism, whether any "aliens"
are involved or not.

It is, on balance, a political and illegal science story, and "mind control"
is very much a part of the program. Focus on the victims and overlaps with
psychiatry, and don't hang up too much on what the purported "victims" say is
happening to them.
All this "empowerment" chatter (on this list & others, guided by
disinformationists) is just so much chaff that obliterates rational
consideration of REAL technologies and programs which were "out there," both
before during and after Blum wrote his book.

- - - - +

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