
MRC Alert: More on Freeh/Reno Ignored; Shirtless Gumbel & Drag Queens

Media Research Center CyberAlert
Wednesday June 7, 2000 (Vol. Five; No. 98)

More on Freeh/Reno Ignored; No Interest in Nashville; Shirtless
Gumbel & Drag Queens

1) Dan Burton released long-suppressed Justice documents and the
key officials in the controversy, over whether Reno was pressured
to drop fundraising, appeared before Burton's committee. NBC gave
it 35 seconds, FNC a full story. Zilch on ABC, CBS and CNN.

2) George W. Bush was clueless about the identity of DNC Chairman
Joe Andrew, FNC's Carl Cameron pointed out. Bush: "I don't know
who Joe Andrew is." Cameron added: "With Democrats questioning
Bush's overall smarts, Andrew could not resist a jab."

3) NBC actually slipped in a 17-second mention of the Gore rental
property situation, sans any video. GMA spent over a half hour
with Gore but did not mention his rental house. FNC's Brit Hume
revealed that the Nashville Tennessean has run only a wire story
on the situation and has no plans for further coverage.

4) National Enquirer headline: "Matt Lauer and Bryant Gumbel's
Wild Night with Drag Queens." But it's not made up. They
published photos of a bare-chested Gumbel getting a lap dance
from a he/she.

    >>> Watch the appearance by the MRC's Tim Graham Monday night
on FNC's The Edge with Paula Zahn when he discussed Elian
coverage. The six minute segment, during which he appeared with a
woman from, has now been posted in RealPlayer format by
MRC Webmaster Andy Szul. It's in two places. First, at the bottom
of the executive summary for the MRC's special report on Elian:
    And second, on the MRC's Media Bias Videos page: <<<

    > 1) House Government Reform Committee Chairman Dan Burton on
Tuesday released documents the Justice Department had long
suppressed about conflicts in Al Gore's statements and three FBI
and Justice Department officials who participated in a 1996
meeting, in which two of the three maintain Justice's Lee Radek
conceded Janet Reno was under pressure not to pursue fundraising,
appeared before Burton's committee.

    The ABC and CBS evening shows ignored it all Tuesday night,
June 6. ABC led with productivity growth and a new diabetes
treatment topped the CBS Evening News. CNN's Inside Politics
delivered a brief item about the document release but skipped the
hearing. The World Today ignored both developments.

    NBC Nightly News gave the document release 35 seconds, but
only after devoting over two-and-a-half minutes to Robert Hager
reciting a Washington Post story about how a United Airlines
flight, from Washington Dulles to San Jose, diverted to Denver
for an early landing when the airline realized they'd put a dog
in the unheated baggage department with limited air. The move
saved the dog. FNC's Special Report with Brit Hume ran a full
story on the hearing.

    Anchoring from the National D-Day Museum New Orleans, Tom
Brokaw felt compelled to taint the source of the latest
    "In Washington tonight the release of a secret memo written
by FBI Director Louie Freeh back in 1997 that could have
political ramifications now. In it, Freeh said there was
compelling evidence that cast doubt on Vice President Al Gore's
accounts of his fundraising activities in the 1996 campaign. It's
long been known that Freeh wanted an independent counsel to
investigation the Clinton-Gore fundraising operation, but
Attorney General Janet Reno said no. The Freeh memo was released
by one of the Clinton administration's fiercest critics,
Republican Congressman Dan Burton of Indiana."

    On FNC's Special Report, anchor Brit Hume reminded viewers:
    "It has been known for some time that the FBI strongly urged
the appointment of an independent counsel to investigate the
Clinton-Gore campaign finance scandal from the 1996 election, but
further details on that tumbled into public view for the first
time this day when internal documents long known about but never
released became public. As Fox News correspondent Wendell Goler
reports, it was a contentious hearing."

    Goler, as transcribed by MRC analyst Brad Wilmouth,
explained: "House Government Reform Committee Chairman Dan Burton
released a number of documents he said the Justice Department had
tried to keep secret by warning Burton he himself was the target
of an investigation."
    Dan Burton: "Well this about the most transparent attempt to
intimidate a member of Congress that I've ever seen, and it ain't
gonna fly."
    Goler picked up: "A 1997 memo from FBI Director Louis Freeh
accuses the Justice Department of ignoring reliable evidence that
conflicted with Vice President Gore's accounts of his fundraising
activities in the 1996 election. Three of the four principals in
a December 1996 meeting testified together for the first time.
The FBI's general counsel Neil Gallagher and former Deputy
Director Bill Esposito say the head of the Justice Department's
public integrity section, Lee Radek, told them he was under
pressure to save Janet Reno's job by not appointing an
independent counsel to investigate the President and Vice
President's fundraising efforts."
     William Esposito, Former FBI Deputy Director: "I remember
specifically her job could hang in the balance now, I'm not,
because it's been three and a half years, convinced of whether it
was the word ‘pressure' or ‘stress.'"
     Goler: "Radek and a deputy say it couldn't have happened
that way if it happened at all."
     Lee Radek: "I do not remember this meeting in any way, and
Mr. Gengloff (sp?) does not either, as he testified this morning
in front of Senator Specter."
     Goler: "Republicans also point to a memo Director Freeh
wrote to Esposito in 1996 in which he mentioned telling Reno
about the incident. Freeh said he ‘stated that' these ‘comments
would be enough for me to take him and the Criminal Division' of
the Justice Department ‘off the case completely.' Freeh asked
Reno several times to appoint an independent counsel, but
Democrats noted he also testified several times after writing the
memo he didn't think her refusal to appoint one stemmed from
pressure from the White House. The ranking Democrat on Burton's
committee says the title of today's hearing should have been
‘Beating a Dead Horse.' He says there are innocent explanations
for why Reno's aides felt she was under pressure. She had, after
all, already asked for five independent counsels to investigate
the Clinton administration, but Republicans say the most
reasonable explanation for her not wanting to give up control of
the campaign finance investigation is that she felt something was

    Hume followed-up: "Wendell, what exactly was Burton talking
about when he said he was intimidated. What did he mean by that?"
    Goler answered: "Well Burton was notified last night that he
was the subject of what may be an ongoing investigation. He says
Justice Department officials would not tell him whether it was an
ongoing investigation. He fired off a memo to Janet Reno just a
short while ago saying if it's an effort at intimidation, it
won't work."

    > 2) How much or little does George W. Bush pay attention to
political news? Both CNN's Inside Politics and FNC's Special
Report with Brit Hume ran stories on how the DNC will start
airing pro-Gore TV ads paid for with soft money and how that
seemingly contradicts Gore's promise to not allow the DNC to use
soft money for ads until after the Republicans did first on
behalf of Bush.

    But only FNC's Carl Cameron alerted viewers to how when asked
about Democratic National Committee Chairman Joe Andrew's claim
that Bush had benefitted from ads placed by secretive section 527
groups, Bush clearly never heard of Andrew.

    Cameron played a soundbite of a clueless Bush: "I don't know
who Joe Andrew is, I'm sorry, I don't think I've ever heard of
Joe Andrews." [second time he got name wrong by making it plural]
    Cameron then pointed out: "With Democrats questioning Bush's
overall smarts, Andrew could not resist a jab."
    Joe Andrew: "For a guy who says he wants to reach out to
Democrats, you'd think that George W. Bush at least might know
who the chair of the Democratic Party is."
    Cameron: "Bush aides say the Texas Governor's ignorance of
Andrew's role at the DNC only shows that he's focused on policy,
not partisan attacks by Gore operatives."
    Bush: "Is that the game where some guy I never heard of gets
to lay out something and I have to respond?"
    Cameron led into another Andrew soundbite: "Andrew was happy
to explain his position," before noting: "Republicans on Capitol
Hill merely laughed it off."
    Trent Lott: "I didn't know who he was, either. I don't think
it shows anything. I'd rather that our candidate for President to
be focused on important domestic substantive issues."

    After the taped piece, Hume asked Cameron: "Back on this Joe
Andrew business, Carl, do you expect much fallout from Bush's not
knowing who the guy was?"
    Cameron suggested: "Well, Democrats obviously are trying to
make a big deal out of it. Republicans say it's not a big deal,
but for the Bush campaign anything that raises questions about
George W. Bush's intellect or knowledgeability is the last thing
they want in the last few months of this fall campaign."

    Let's hope he's at least heard of Jim Nicholson.

    > 3) NBC actually slipped in a 17-second mention on Sunday's
Today of the Gore rental property situation, but sans any video;
Gore appeared on Tuesday's Good Morning America for over a half
hour but was not asked about his rental house; and Tuesday night
FNC's Brit Hume revealed that the Nashville Tennessean, edited by
a Gore friend, has run only a wire story on the rental house and
has no plans for further coverage of the local story. Meanwhile,
tenant Tracy Mayberry and her husband have moved into their pick-
up truck and dumped their kids in a trailer.

    -- The June 5 CyberAlert accurately reported how none of the
broadcast network Sunday morning interview shows or evening shows
on Saturday or Sunday had mentioned the Gore rental house
problems. And ABC, CBS and NBC didn't touch on it in the morning
or evening on Monday or Tuesday either. But, MRC analyst Paul
Smith noticed that during the news update on the half hour on the
June 4 Today, over a picture of Gore, news reader Hoda Kotbe took
17 seconds to relay:
    "A woman who lives in a house owned by Vice President Gore is
accusing the Vice President of being a slumlord. She contends the
$400 a month four-bedroom home in Carthage, Tennessee has
plumbing problems. Gore says he wasn't aware of them but has
promised to fix the backed-up toilets and sink."

    Since Today ran no video, it remains true that only CNN, in a
38-second Inside Politics item Monday, and the Fox News Channel
have shown video of the condition of the home. See the June 5
CyberAlert for a RealPlayer clip of FNC's story:

    (One caveat, Washington's WUSA-TV did not carry CBS's Sunday
Morning on June 4 so I cannot rule out a mention on that show,
though neither Face the Nation or the Evening News that day
touched it.)

    -- The June 6 Good Morning America had Al Gore on for over a
half hour for a roundtable on women's issues, but apparently
working toilets and sinks are not of concern to women as the
rental home was never mentioned by ABC's hosts or guest

    The roundtable took place at 7:30, but toward the end of the
7am half hour ABC's Charles Gibson posed two questions on other
topics to Gore, including pressing him about breaking his promise
to not spend soft money first. Gibson's questions, as transcribed
by MRC analyst Jessica Anderson:
    First, "ABM Treaty. The President in his summit with
President Putin of Russia this weekend didn't get agreement on
modifying the ABM Treaty to allow the U.S. to construct a limited
missile defense system. If President Putin does not modify his
position, are you prepared to pull us out of the ABM Treaty?"

    Second, "Soft money. Let me play you something you said on
this broadcast March 15th, money and politics. Take a look."
    Gore: "Last night I asked the Democratic Committee to set
aside any soft money and don't spend it on any issue ads unless
and until the Republican Party does."
    Gibson: "Your pledge was they'd have to go first before you
spent soft money on issue ads. They haven't. You're about to
launch a $25 million campaign. Are you breaking your pledge?"

    Elizabeth Vargas moderated the subsequent roundtable and
Marie Wilson, President of the Ms. Foundation, got the first
    "Well, one of the most important things, I think, about child
care, having had five children and worked on it for 30 years
trying to get this stuff together, is not only what you're
proposing, Mr. Vice President, but the public's attitudes toward
child care because all of these policies are terrific, but we're
still ambivalent in America about whether Americans really
deserve and need help for our children, whether these folks who
take care of our children are workers or are they part of our
families, because they are. And I'd love to know what you'd do as
the president to really create a kind of cultural change, not
just policy change, but a cultural change about child care as a
part of extended families that everybody needs."

    The second question went to Good Housekeeping magazine
Editor- in-Chief Ellen Levine: "Our Good Housekeeping readers
tell us they're seriously worried about the quality of education,
and it was a shock to some of us that the top three spots in the
National Spelling Bee were taken by home schooled kids....What
would you fix first in our public school systems that would help
give parents back faith in the quality of our school education?"

    The third and final question from the panel actually hit Gore
from the right. Melody Hobson, Senior VP at Ariel Capital
Management, wondered: "You have opposed Governor Bush's proposal
to privatize Social Security, whereby an individual could take
just 10 percent of their annual contribution and contribute that
to stock or bond investments, and for someone like me, young
people who have another 35 years to work -- a long time -- that
sounds like a great opportunity to create wealth. Yet you have
been opposed to this opportunity to create wealth in a way that
would also offset the funding shortfall that we know we have
looming out there. Why is that?"

    Next, pre-selected audience members got to pose a few
questions, such as asking about the plan for an NRA restaurant in
Times Square, but none asked about the rental house. Of course,
if they rely on ABC News for their information they don't know
about it.

    -- In a larger piece on Gore's day spent in part with Rosie
O'Donnell at an event promoting Gore's day care plans, FNC's Jim
Angle picked up on how Letterman's Top Ten list Monday night was
the "Top Ten Al Gore Tenant Pet Peeves." Before playing a couple
of them Angle showed a clip of Letterman explaining the tenant's
complaints: "Busted septic system, crumbling plaster, missing
linoleum. Ooh, had linoleum floors!"

    Letterman delivered more information about the situation in
setting up his Top Ten than has CBS News so far.

    Later, in the "political Grapevine" segment of the June 6
Special Report with Brit Hume, the anchor of the same name noted
how Gore has promised repairs, but Hume added:
    "If you want to find out more, don't bother reading the
Nashville Tennessean. It may be the largest local paper, but it
has published only one story on the subject -- a wire dispatch
story two days ago. Gore, of course, used to work there and the
paper is staunchly Democratic. A spokeswoman said the paper has
no plans to assign a reporter to the story. The editor, Frank
Sutherland, an old Gore friend, recently appeared in one of
Gore's campaign ads."

    -- It's not only the Tennessean. The print media in general
have shown no more interest in this story than have the networks.
The New York Times and Washington Post have run only one AP story
inside and USA Today ran the AP dispatch on Monday as well as
another paragraph on Tuesday. Only the Washington Times, New York
Post and Weekly Standard have sent reporters to talk to the
Mayberry family, Washington Times reporter Bill Sammon pointed
out in a June 7 story.

    In a June 6 story filed from Carthage, Tennessee, the New
York Post's Vincent Morris disclosed:
    "A tenant of Al Gore says she's so fed up with her rundown
house -- and her landlord -- she'd rather live in a pickup truck.
    "Tracy Mayberry, who first vented her frustration with Gore
on Saturday, yesterday told The Post that her home's backed-up
toilet, mildewed walls and general disrepair are too much to cope
    "‘Me and my husband will go live in our Ford,' Mayberry said.
‘I'll drop the kids off at my momma's house. She lives in a
trailer. This is too nerve-wracking.'"

    > 4) CyberAlert usually skips, actually, always has skipped
over National Enquirer stories. But I came across one too good to
ignore. And since it is accompanied by pictures, it has the added
advantage of appearing to be accurate. Here's a sentence I bet
you thought you'd never read: Matt Lauer "participated in a
‘sandwich,' between the dancers' gyrating bodies, squashed along
with bare-chested Bryant."

    The June 13 issue features a two-page spread of four
illuminating photos under the headline: "Matt Lauer and Bryant
Gumbel's Wild Night with Drag Queens."

    One photo caption, which matches what you see in the color
photo, read: "Bare-Chested Bryant has the time of his life as he
gets his own personal lap dance."

    The National Enquirer Web site does not post current
articles, so you'll have to go to the store to see the pictures,
but MRC intern Michael Ferguson typed up the text of the
accompanying unbylined story:

Morning star Matt Lauer had a WILD night out -- at a drag queen

That's where Matt's wife Annette Roque gave him the surprise of
his life -- a sexy lap dance by a trio on transsexuals!

Joining the fun were Matt's buddy "Early Show" host Bryant Gumbel
and his girlfriend Hilary Quinlan.

As these exclusive ENQUIRER pictures show, modest Matt and a
shirtless Bryant enjoyed every kinky minute!

"Matt was grinning from ear to ear," an eyewitness told The
ENQUIRER. "Bryant was having the time of his life. And Annette
and Hilary cackled like two hens."

The couples had dinner on Friday, May 19, at Lucky Cheng's, known
as "New York's original Drag Queen themed restaurant."

After the foursome was seated, three scantily clad performers --
Desire, Sparkles, and Mayoko -- surprised Matt and Bryant and led
them to the back of the dining room.

"The ladies had prearranged a special treat," explained nightclub
manager Tommy Bolski.

Mayoko unbuttoned Bryant's shirt. "He was eager and it came right
off," said Bolski. Wearing only a black lace body stocking,
Mayoko squirmed on Bryant's lap.

Matt refused to part with his shirt, but participated in a
"sandwich," between the dancers' gyrating bodies, squashed along
with bare-chested Bryant.

The dancers were so stunning that a baffled Bryant had to ask one
"her" real gender. The performer relied: "What do you think,

Afterward, Matt, 42, and Bryant, 51, signed autographs and
feasted on filet mignon and a $40 Belgian chocolate dessert.

    END Reprint

    The June 13 "double issue" costs $2.69 and it's definitely
worth it just to see these photos. Or, you should at least go to
your local grocery store and take a peek. The story runs across
pages 2 and 3 of the issue featuring a photo of O.J. on the
cover, with a blonde putting a sombrero on his head. The
headline: "O.J. Attacks Lover: ‘You'll Die Like Nicole.'"

    Maybe if The Early Show played this kind of video of Gumbel's
wild nights out a few more people would tune into his low-rated
program. -- Brent Baker

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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