A blurp who Fred Lazarus, CFR, really was.  Though Jewish, their store
remained open on Saturdays and I loved that store but long gone under
new management.

Most true blue Jewish stores close Saturdays, so Fred Lazaras was a
Zionist without a doubt, and maybe that is a difference.  Knew one
Lazaras who ate pork, but one man's mean not always another man's

This is to show the power this man had, for Christmas is the time of the
three wise men who bring gifts for the Christ child....birthday gifts,
Christmas gifts, and Lazaras because of this one man, who was in the
bible brought back to life by Christ, this one man was powerful enough
to convince Franklin Deleano Roosevelt, to change Thanksgiving Day.

Boy what a Turkey.

So read under November 23, and then let us see how far back into the
transaltion of the bible goes the name of Lazarus; and, i n Daniel, who
made High Priest, President.

Hang on everyone, its the 60's again.

A Saba
Go down a bit to find Fred Lazaras = Dorothy Kilgalon dropped his name
on Whats My Line once and all ooohed and ahhhhhed.

November: It is beginning to get a little chillier. Everyone is getting
ready for the holidays, and Bill Clinton has been re-elected to a second
term as President.

Look in to the past and see what happened that influenced our ideas
about the presidential election:

To not to vote, that is the question
In 1845, Congress decided that every four years on the first Tuesday
that follows the first Monday in November we should hold a presidential
election. So that is why the 96 presidential elections were held on
November 5th.

November 15, 1872 – Susan B. Anthony and other women activists were
arrested for trying vote and choose who they wanted to run their

November 8, 1910 – Women finally get to vote in the state of
Washington. This was a big step for women's equality.
Uncle Sam talks to the Communists, then he doesn't

November 16, 1933 – The United States and the Soviet Union elect to
talk things out, to establish diplomatic relations for the first time in
26 years.

November 1965 – Look Magazine tells the world that the United States
rejected peace talks with North Vietnam. The meeting was arranged by
United Nations Secretary General U Thant.

Communism's wall falls in Eastern Europe
November 10, 1989 – The Berlin Wall comes down. East Germans and West
Germans come together making Germany a whole again. Through the 28 years
that the wall separated Berlin, 75 people were killed trying to cross
over. The Berlin Wall was two 8-foot high concrete barriers.

Matters life and death

November 30, 1980 – Cary Grant dies in Davenport, Iowa. The actor
starred in Philadelphia Story and other favorites. He was 80 when he

November 22, 1963 – President John F. Kennedy is shot dead while
riding in downtown Dallas on November 22 . The presumed killer was Lee
Harvey Oswald.

November 24, 1963 – Night club owner Jack Ruby shoots Lee Harvey
Oswald on November 24 before any one could really find out if he shot

A matter of health

November 1, 1992 – France takes a giant step toward better health by
banning smoking in public places. Of course, smokers protest, and many
defy the ban.

November 8, 1991 – NBA star Ervin "Magic" Johnson announces he has
HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. He retires from the Los Angeles Lakers
after 12 fantastic seasons.
Thanks for a good economy?

November 23, 1939 – Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday
of November, rather than the last, for the first time. Fred Lazarus, the
head of a large department store chain, wanted a longer Christmas
shopping season to boost the economy (and his company's sales. He
convinced President Franklin D. Roosevelt to change the date of the
holiday. Since when did the economy have a say in when we give thanks?

Other memorable events in November

November 21, 1974 – Congress passes the Freedom of Information Act
that says citizens have access to public information. President Gerald
Ford later vetoed the Act.
November 4, 1970 – The Concorde supersonic jet travels twice the speed
of sound. At 30,000 feet altitude, that would be more than 1,320 miles
per hour.
November 15, 1990 – President George Bush signed into law The Clean
Air Act to make the United States a prettier and cleaner place. The act
said there should be special gasoline pump nozzles to reduce fumes. Also
automobile makers were ordered to start producing cars that run on
alternative fuels.
November 1969 – Sesame Street debuts in November 1969. It was designed
by the Children's Television Work Shop. It's purpose

was to change children's views on learning.
Original characters were Oscar the Grouch, Big Bird, the Cookie Monster,
Ernie, and Grover.
this month's blast
more blasts...

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


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