Gee,  *IF*  this is the way it is,  as you state in you post below,  Nicky,
I will NEVER call myself a Christian again... Can't say I've ever heard the
end times stories told quite like this before...  but then,  as you write on
various subjects,  I notice that you always seem to go off on your own
belief system from whatever information you seem to collect and call your
And then again,  I suppose if one gets technical about it,  don't we all?
And rightly so,  we are ALL entitled to believe what we choose to believe.

Personally,  I'll stick with what the Bible says,
regardless of Jew, Gentile, Maitreya, AntiChrist,
Bob Dylan, or ET.

eagle 1

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nicky Molloy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] The Jewish Plan

> Interesting FWP.
> I actually believe Josh thinks we all come from apes as he said he is an
> athiest, but that he especially thinks he is a chosen ape. I thought Bob
> Dylan went back to Judaism when a Rabbi talked him back into it. I think
> can still be a Christian in their heart but not follow any form of
> Americanization of Christianity. Some people don't understand this. I
> a lot of people do accept Jesus but if it came down to it they wouldn't do
> single thing for Him to help make the world a better place, or fight for
> lies to be removed from the teachings of fake 'Christian' preachers and
> they are hypocrites. I mean Christians who spout common sense, psychology,
> positive thinking, mass mind control through mass emotional hypnosis as
> 'Christian'. Well it says in the Bible that a remnant of Jews will remain
> and I believe whoever is in Israel at this late hour of impending
> is meant to be there right now.
> People can boast all they want of being a chosen race, but they are not
> in Israel, because their blood dosen't call them there. Heck even the
> Palestinians are killing themselves to live in that land. They love it.
> has Hebron? Admittedly inflation is offputting. Even Yassir ( admittedly a
> Freemason) wants Jerusalem as his capital. So any Jew outside Israel is
> going to be missing out on the real endtimes action. I know the Jews are
> waiting for the Messiah to return there and one Jewish rabbi said his
> Kabballah said the Messiah is returning in 2,005. This will be the crunch.
> Will Jews accept yet another Messiah or are they going to decide Jesus was
> the one? I guess many will reject this Maitreya Et that the Illuminati
> chosen.
> I think personally that Christianity as we know it is so distorted with
> garbage I'm ashamed to say I'm one to those who will immediately think
> is the kind of religion I follow.. I said I was one and Tenebrous
> immediately associated me with the Americanization of it. NEVER!  What do
> get - pass the loot TV? It's rotten right at the core from the Pope, to
> Freemason Anglican and Baptist Bishops and ministers down to the bored
> Catholics sitting religiously on the pews worried they'll go to hell if
> don't turn up.
> We definately need the Jews to create a new Christianity with a new name -
> call it Messianic Jews whatever. Dr Horowitz ( AIDS) is a Jewish
> now that's what is the ideal. Chuck Missler another. I have books by
> Jews who have worked out a way of making things better by living as
> Christians and sticking to the Biblical rules.. Christianity needs to be
> remade without 2,000 years of distortion by men who have personality
> problems, greed, overactive adrenals and materialism. Also Jesus needs to
> portrayed not as a lefto, pinko, bearded sandal wearer but as a mighty
> who rules the Universe.
> Sure Jesus decided to come and live humbly but that is for a good reason,
> give us a good example of doing the same and not being materialistic. It
> time for us to set our sights heavenward, I do believe this planet will be
> changed in the twinkling of an eye and this world will be destroyed by
> As it says in 2 Peter.  How many good deeds have we done in 2,000 years?
> Jesus said do good deeds. In total have we generated enough light to have
> the oil in our lamps?  Maybe we have to have the kundalini as a light at
> crown chakra, to see Jesus return.
> We can only hope that Jacob, Isaiah, David and all the other Biblical
> figures are here now fixing up the mess of this planet with their special
> abilities. I think if King David was here he'd be in the resistance. King
> Solomon would be a journalist and Isaiah would be a religious reformer
> exposing lies in Christianity.
> One can always hope things will improve. We have a slight problem of being
> invaded by Ets right now and are seemingly at their mercy. A few prayers
> would go along way.
> Nicky


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