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Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 11:08:57 -0700 (PDT)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [LIFE-GAZETTE] "A Light Unto The Nations"...Contested.

> Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 18:08:38 EDT
> Subject: Some Jews Who Converted To Christianity
> You may forward this to any lists if you want to.
> I suggest/perceive that immigration & citizenship rights, laws & rules are
> arbitrarily  & subjectively applied. Israel's laws are seemingly as
> capricious & confused as any, perhaps more so than  the norms of other
> nations-States-Countries.

"Officially", from the Constitutional documents I have read, Israel is
first and foremost to be a haven for those defined as "Jews". However, I
like the slogan better, ie "A Light Unto The Nations". I think it should
be put to a contest, sort of a "God's Chosen People" contest or "Who is
Numero Uno?"

 Israeli poster Hannah Weiss indeed has the best
> take on this phenomena as I've encountered. It would be neat if she would
> respond to your solicitation for participation. She is passionate and
> articulate.

Her material is scholarly.

> One ought not be too shocked & super-critical by Israel's inconsistencies &
> contradictions.

I'm not. I just think it was premature. The Soviets offered the
Jews/Semites an autonomous region in the far east. They should have taken
it for a dry run before instigating 50 years of war in the Middle East.
If that had succeeded they could have "cashed out" and moved on. After
all, a shekel is a shekel even if it is called a ruble.

 If it were up to me:  IMHO: The aspect of "persecution" &
> "discrimination against" for being considered a "jew" (whether religious or
> not), genetic  (whether "semitic" or not) has to be the raison d'etre for
> full welcome admission to modern Israel.

The persecution here is not primarily against Jews/Semites. They are the
subculture most protected from even criticism. The most hated subculture
in Canada-USA are those who believe the teachings of Christ, ie TRUTH, or
as the Romans said "Veritas odium parit". And the gaggle of churchocratic
parasites paraded on CBC's "Moral Divide" are not the real McCoys. They
don't have what it takes, from RC's to Salvation Army. As Jesus Christ
said, "You will be hated of all people". When the Grahams or Wojtylas
stand before huge adoring crowds are they "hated of all people"? I rest my
   It is easy to prove by social-psych study that followers of Christ are
most hated in Canada. It is easy to prove that Jews/Semites are almost
immune even from scholarly critism.

> The over-riding religious  folk culture  cannot be dismissed. Jews are not
> born as sterile intellectuals &
> agnostics & cynics & skeptics & agnostics.

You forgot "atheists". Somewhere here I have a quote from Golda Meier
lamenting the difficulty of national cohesiveness when some 30% of
Israelis were atheists. Is that the spiritual legacy which Jacob/Israel
wanted passed on? Would Jacob/Israel grant aliyeh rights to White Atheists
(as some of these people are)?

 "Jews," whether mostly secularized
> or not, exist in a World full of competiting theologies & philosophies &
> ethno cultures.

Well, you know what Mao said on this.

> For instance: IMHO: Most "real Jews" are proud of HATIKVAH, the Israeli
> national anthem.
> It sounds a lot like the Czech Smetna's symphonic MOLDAU (sp?) (i think).
> When I heard it in MUSIC APPRECIATION 231, I was kinda shocked. When I heard
> the ancient Roman Catholic GREGORIAN CHANTS, I may have initially identified
> it as
> Hebrew prayer chanting.
> Furthermore: I observe a whoie lot of Islamic affectations in Hebrew prayer
> service, or is that Hebrew affectations in Islamic prayer services (?).
> There is a  universal human element in incantations to deity(ies).

They started to teach us Gregorian Chants during my short career as an
Anglican choir boy:

"O' come ye Immanuel,
O' come ye to Israel"

But don't ask me to sing/chant it!

> Last sentence but not least: You cannot get it out of your mind that  the
> original dichotomy of Jewish theology versus the Christian theology is the
> KEY differentiation.

OK, I'll accept that this is so. Now, all you, Hannah, Yair Davidy et al
have to do is provided a REASONED explanation as to why
"Antichristism" which began with the arrival of Jesus Christ is
justified. Or, as the De Sola Poole Traditional Jewish Prayer Book says,
"Judaism has never called for an unreasoned faith". CONVINCE ME that the
Antichrist position is more reasonable and you win. I think I've heard
about all the Semite/Jewish arguments there are. Surprise me!

 The "Jews For Jesus" people are a major turnoff for
> Israelis, including those in charge of establishing & enforcing immigration
> rules.

See above re REASONED defence of that. Paul/Saul called himself "The Jew
of Tarsus". The reasons for his excommunication by the infallible popes of
the Sanhedrin do not hold up to reasoned debate. Give it a try. And as a
Judge Cohen (retired) from the Supreme Court of Israel said a couple of
years ago on tv, The Trial of Jesus was a MISTRIAL. Here's the chance to
set the record straight re "Evidence That Demands A Verdict".

>  I certainly understand how you can perceive the whole shebang as absurd &
> unfair;

Not unfair so much as lacking in sufficient insight and UNREASONABLE. I'd
like to see the intelligence of the debate kicked up a notch. That is why
Life-Gazette exists.

 but we do have  this
> dichotomy that is "celebrated by both of our religions' conditionings.
> I think everybody knows: Modern Israel would not have beeb (re-) establlished
> if it were not for the so-called Final Solution.

You mean the Holocaust of 66 million (up to 1957) referred to by
Solzhenitsyn and the ongoing persecution of the followers of Christ in
countries like Canada and USA? You mean the Abortion Holocaust, begun in
USSR in 1920 under a Semite/Jewish regime of terror? You mean the
desecration and destruction of the cultures modelled on the Teachings of
Christ? You mean whore after whore leading the false church from Grahams
to Wojtylas who sell their own souls and those of the flocks to those with
a few pieces of silver? Oh yes, I undersand the "Final Solution". I have
been victimized by it all my life.

> What would a complete society be like if it were to "do all for the glory of God"? 
>(I Corinthians 10:31). What would Canada be like if it were a "Godly Society" 
>functioning in this manner?


Missing old school friends? Find them here:

What would a complete society be like if it were to "do all for the glory of God"? (I 
Corinthians 10:31). What would Canada be like if it were a "Godly Society" functioning 
in this manner?

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