Kris, you deserve a great deal of accolades for organizing this event.  It couldn't 
have come at a better time and in a more productive climate for change.  I believe, as 
you and many of the other speakers at the event do as well, that the war on drugs and 
the financing of illicit covert operations by the CIA (and other intelligence 
agencies) with drug money is a NEXUS point for "the Conspiracy" of elite societal 
control and manipulation, and the means by which fascist, totalitarian, police state 
tactics are implemented to undermine the constitution and our freedom and rights.  It 
also explains why (some) drugs will NEVER be legalized, because there is TOO MUCH 
money being made that is financing TOO MANY illegal black programs, that is totaly 
secret and out of the public perception.
Thanks again for doing this and keeping us all informed.

On Mon, 19 June 2000, Kris Millegan wrote:

> from:
> se+Behind+The+Veil
> Click Here: <A
> HREF="
> +Glimpse+Behind+The+Veil">d|i|s|i|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n - CIA-Drugs Symposi…</A>
> -----
> CIA-Drugs Symposium: A Glimpse Behind The Veil
> "Whatever system we are living under, it is not a democracy, and we are not
> protected by the Rule of Law," said the former US Assistant Secretary of
> State for Housing & Urban Development.
> The US Government has known about drug trafficking among its assets,
> protected those assets helpful to whichever cause the US Government was
> backing at the time, and will never legalize any of the currently illicit
> substances as there is too much money being made from the War Against Some
> Drugs.
> These were the overall messages at the CIA-Drugs Symposium in Eugene Oregon
> (June 10th, 2000). "I'm just really tired of the situation we’ve got here,
> and I really don't want my children to have to deal with it," said organizer
> Kris Millegan in his opening remarks. With a showing of the film Secret
> Heartbeat Of America, by Daniel Hopsicker, detailing America’s secret history
> during the later half of the 20th Century setting the tone right away. This
> was not an event for those who didn’t want to know the truth, or who believe
> what they don’t know won’t hurt them!
> Speakers included Millegan, Hopsicker, Mike Ruppert (former LAPD narc and
> publisher of the newsletter From The Wilderness), Dedon Kamathi (former Black
> Panther, and still-outspoken activist), Catherine Austin Fitts (former
> Assistant Secretary of State for Housing & Urban Development under President
> Bush from 1989 to 1990), Cele Castillio, 12 veteran of the DEA, Rodney Stich
> (author and former FAA flight accident investigator), and Peter Dale Scott
> (former Canadian diplomat, Professor at University of California, Berkeley,
> and prolific author).
> "This report is full of lies, flat out lies, in terms of what they've already
> admitted," remarked Scott, about the report released by CIA-man Rep. Porter
> Goss (R-FL). The US Select Committee On Intelligence (May 11th, 2000) found
> "no evidence" of any involvement of any CIA employee or assets in the
> narcotics trade, at any time.
> In a report completed the week before the symposium, Scott writes that the
> committee has for some time, instead of exerting some form of oversight of
> the Intelligence Committee, "had been operated as a rubber stamp, deflecting
> public concern rather than representing it. It is however possible that never
> before has such a dishonest and deceptive document, on such an important
> subject, been approved without dissent by the full membership of the
> committee . . .The CIA practice of recruiting drug-financed armies is an
> ongoing matter."
> Cele Castillio, who was the DEA's sole American field agent in Guatemala and
> El Salvador from 1985 to 1990, told the room about his misadventures trying
> to investigate the trafficking in and out of those Central American countries
> during Oliver North’s Contra supply operations. "I was there, I saw it. I
> kept journals. I took pictures of the good, the bad and the ugly," claimed
> Castillio.
> "I met then Vice-President Bush at a party in the US Embassy in El Salvador
> once, and told him there was something funny about the Contras, after Bush
> asked me what I did. He just smiled and walked away."
> Castillio says he saw Bush meet later that day with Ollie North and others in
> the same US Embassy building. "It is going to get worse before it gets
> better," revealed Castillio about prohibition and the false War Against Some
> Drugs, "but we know who did this to us."
> As Kamathi, co-founder of Crack the CIA Coalition, and a record producer with
> Motown Records who focuses on Conscious Rap, as opposed to the
> Gangsterism-promoting Rap, said in his impassioned presentation, "When you
> think Crack, don’t think Black, think CIA!"
> Research by Preston Peet
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mike Ruppert/Cele Castillio
> At Web this site you can purchase tons of material about drugs and the CIA.
> Read important exposes of US government involvement in a myriad number of
> ways in the international drug trade and the implications for the US
> populace. Subscribe to Ruppert's newsletter From The Wilderness for all the
> latest news. Order Cele Castillio's book Powderburns (one hell of a graphic
> description about his experiences in the service of the Dark Side, until he
> became awake). Look out for Rupert's new section on suppressed writers. This
> is one of the best Web sites available: well worth repeated visits!
> >>Go
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Daniel Hopsicker
> Order the explosive film In Search Of The American Drug Lords, as well as the
> two-hour documentary Secret Heartbeat Of America. Both films should be shown
> in every American Junior High and High School by DARE officers (who should
> then have to face the penetrating questions of outraged American kids). These
> seriously sadistic men and women clog their minds with anti-drug propaganda,
> priming them to always think about and use drugs, or to turn in their friends
> and parents. Our spies ensure we have tons of drugs to choose from!
> >>Go
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Catherine Austin Fitts-Solari
> "The Solari Action Network is collection of individuals and organizations we
> communicate and work with who are interested in profit-making opportunities
> available from purging the influence of organized crime from our American and
> international financial systems," this site informs the visitor in the Action
> Network section. This is Fitts' newest effort to get a workable solution for
> the general population, and try to help them make money for themselves -
> without giving it all away to outside interlopers and organized criminals
> within US government agencies!
> >>Go
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Unfriendly Skies
> Order Rodney Stich's first book through this informative Web site. You won't
> be as relaxed about flying as you may have once been after reading this
> harrowing book, detailing the corruption and lackadaisical safety practices
> that go on behind the scenes in the airline industry. Do not read just before
> a flight!
> >>Go
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Defrauding America
> This is Rodney Stich's second book, in which he discusses even more
> corruption among the US Government. From drug trafficking to ripping off the
> American public (through banks, legislation, and corrupt judges), Stich
> details the mean, nasty, ugly methods of exercising absolute power over US
> subjects . . .oops, I mean, citizenry.
> >>Go
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Drugging America: A Trojan Horse
> This is Rodney Stich's third and latest extravaganza of a book, exposing even
> more corruption and duplicity on the part of US officialdom. For a wide
> variety of insider accounts of officially sanctioned crime and cover-up, you
> could not do much better than to start with any of Stich's huge books chock
> full of such information!
> >>Go
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The Boodle Boys: Kris Millegan
> "Everything you ever wanted to know about the Skull and Bones, but were
> afraid to ask," is the title of an essay featured at this intriguing Web
> site. With a father in the OSS and early CIA, Millegan has spent a lifetime
> trying to figure out just what it was exactly his father had gotten involved
> in during serving his country, and with whom. What Millegan has been finding
> out about the government service his father walked away from in disgust has
> not been a pretty sight, hence his efforts to bring together the diversity of
> CIA-Drugs Symposium (June 10th, 2000) speakers.
> >>Go
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> CIA-Drugs Symposium: Northwest
> Here are details of all the CIA-Drugs symposium (June 10th, 2000) speakers,
> and the graphic advertisements. Millegan deserves much credit, and thanks,
> for putting this together, for trying to "bust the media bubble" as he puts
> it. Hopefully, the symposium will force a big, bright light onto the subject
> of official US involvement in the international drug trade, and all the
> related areas of criminal endeavors.
> >>Go
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Peter Dale Scott
> Read many of Scott's writings on political criminality, cover-up, and crime
> here, as well as some of his recent poetry, much of it taken from the very US
> Government reports he has been studying for so long. This man wrote of US
> Government and military involvement in the drug trade as far back as at least
> 1970, in his rare book, The War Conspiracy, and why the US was caught up in
> the Vietnam War in the first place. It is a wonder that Scott is still alive!
> >>Go
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> CIA Admits Tolerating Contra-Cocaine Trafficking In The 80s
> This Online Journal report (June 8th, 2000) by Robert Parry outlines the
> CIA’s admissions in secret congressional testimony that indeed, it had known
> about, and tolerated drug trafficking on the part of Contra supporters and the
>  Contras themselves, contrary to previous reportage (May 11th, 2000). To see
> my own government release a report I know to be full of falsehoods and
> misrepresentations, to put lying as nicely as possible, is infuriating,
> disturbing, upsetting, and extremely nauseating.
> >>Go
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The Pornography Of Power
> This editorial by Tom J. Wright, (March 15-31st, 1997) has a real turn of
> phrase that I can completely empathize with. Take the following for instance:
> "You can think of the CIA as the Charles Manson of our government: they're
> both loony, violent, unpredictable, and convinced that they are the next
> coming of Jesus Christ, and thus holy . . .Picture Charles Manson with an
> army of secret agents all over the world to carry out his psychotic plans.
> Picture this Charles Manson with billions and billions and billions of
> taxpayer subsidized dollars in his personal checking account, to finance his
> unspeakable acts . . .That is the Charles Manson we are dealing with my
> friends and the bad news is that he's not in jail. If you've been paying any
> attention at all throughout this whole sordid situation that I've just
> described, or already suspected its truth from your own observations, a
> creeping sort of Holy-Shit-Mother-of-God-What-the-Hell-Can-We-Do feeling is
> coming over you right about now." I couldn't have said it better myself, but
> unfortunately this was written over three years ago, and nothing has gotten
> any better. We are no closer to shutting the CIA down. We don't even know how
> much of our money the CIA is spending this financial year!
> >>Go
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> In Plain Sight: The CIA Keeps Getting Away With It
> David Corn quotes in this article (June 2nd, 2000) the assertion in the US
> House Select Committee On Intelligence report that, "as described in Volume
> II of the CIA IG report, under various circumstances, the CIA made use of or
> maintained relationships with a number of individuals associated with the
> Contras or the Contra-supply effort about whom the CIA had knowledge of
> information or allegations indicating the individuals had been involved in
> drug trafficking." Com still seems to be trying to put these disturbing
> developments into as least a threatening light as possible, trying to make
> the situation less serious than it really is. The CIA wilfully allowed tons
> of drugs into the US for years, then tried to keep covert operations secret
> by engaging in cover-up, lies, and murder. Consider the fate of Barry Seal
> (the now deceased cocaine trafficker), whose assassins claimed they were
> under Oliver North’s direction. Seal was killed only weeks after phoning up
> Vice-President Bush’s office to threaten telling the world about the Contra
> supply and government-sanctioned drug trafficking operations!
> >>Go
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Back to top
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> © 1997-2000, The Disinformation Company Ltd. All rights reserved.
> -----
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