Aleisha - You KNOW ALL THIS stuff below - REALLY!  (ggg)

& you wrote:

"Screw them all.......get that bible and find out who really wrote it and
 why....even Marx knew it was sheer opium and mind control"

Marx in fact wrote that "religion" not the 'bible', was the "opiate" not the
'opium', of the "people" not of 'mind control'.

I would also suggest that what you think Marx "knew" is a near impossible

Marx was also influenced by the doctrine of the Illuminati cult. The
Illuminati cult was founded by the Vatican via a supposed "rogue" Jesuit
priest Adam Weishapt.

The purposes of the Order was to overthrow the nobility, religions, and
powers of Europe opposed to the Papacy. Hence Russia, the home of the
millennial nemesis of the Papacy, the powerful Russian Orthodox Church,
became a prime target.  Thus, the Orthodox religion was suppressed and near
brought to extinction by the supposed "Godless Communists" until it began to
prostrate itself to Rome, betrayed by its leadership, via ecumenical
"dialogues" with the RCC in expectation of the US/Vatican alliance to regain
the Papal States of Europe, and overthrow said "Godless Commies" created by
the Jesuits themselves.

Some years ago, Time Magazine ran articles how under Hollywood cue-card US
President Reagan allied with the Pope - the US/Vatican alliance - triumphed
with near ease in the overthrow of the puppet "Evil Empire" of the Soviets.

China is next on the cards for Global Evangelisation by the US/Far
Right/Vatican cabal, and forces are now being mustered via media, public
opinion, conspiracy theory lists, a plethora of Chinese reports of
"apparitions" of "UFOS" (an all time favourite con of the Vatican/CIA),
piercing cries of Communist religious persecution, so on and so forth.

That aside, and furthermore, the once Protestant countries, feared and hated
by the Vatican, and the popes, who pronounced the most venomous official
curses via there publications and "Bulls" against these lands and peoples,
were also high targets on the Vatican agenda.

The prime exponents of Protestantism were the US and Britain which also
were, and became, prime exports of Masonry, and havens for Papal persecuted
Jews, Christians, many Pagans, Esoteric groups, and cultural disenfranchised
minorities. Hence, one will always come across dis-information and paranoia
about the Masons, fed into various groups by the Vatican and its agents,
even though Masonry is now virtually an insignificant and toothless old boys
club, and of course one will always find propoganda against the other
ever-scapegoat, and concocted nonsense of the Vatican - the evil 'Christ
Killer' Jews. vatican supported Catholic Hitler and the Papal Knight Nazis
had a field day with the extinction of the Jews, masons, and other
minorities, the Jews extermination also being supported by the Muslims Grand
Mufti who called for the same, and allied with the Nazi's.

Today, the US has as its President, a man trained and indoctrinated by RCC
Jesuit priests in Global politics via the Jesuit Georgetown University.

Clintons mentor was the Jesuits own Professor Carroll Quigley - the
"Conspiracy Theorists" arch guru whose mighty tome "Tragedy and Hope" is
every high Conspiracy Theorists bible, and where the modern Anglo/Masonic
styled 'Great Conspiracy' propaganda was hatched. Naturally, Quigley doesn't
mention either his 'church' nor his Jesuit Order as part of any Grand

The people running the NWO/US/Vatican/Far Right alliance are not die hard
godless Atheists, but at core are religio-politically driven ideologs
seeking to establish their expectation and version of the the messianic
"kingdom of god on earth" by every means at their disposal, which is aptly
represented  by the proverbial expression and appropriate descript of
notoriety for the Vatican's Storm Troopers, the Jesuits and Jesuitism, -
"the end justifies the means".

Aleisha, I would further add that whilst the bible, or lesser books
purporting to be revelations from God for that matter, such can be put to
good or evil use - it is not difficult to turn a life-saving ambulance into
a vehicle of carnage. However, from what I've read of your rants about the
good book, you really are completely ignorant of its central and wholistic
themes, and also the incredibly irrefutable evidence of the reliability of
its textual transmission and its unique content.  Whilst no one can argue
that it's content can be misused and abused, its textual reliability is
impeccable- as any honest inquiry will readily reveal.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Aleisha Saba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2000 9:10 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

> My brother in law, old military family dating back over 200 years, had
> great-grandfather who was Skull and Bones - much maligned on this list
> are these fellows.   On my mother's side we had a fellow up there too -
> and often in old days anyway, when someone like my brother in law
> married, the enitire family was checked out as  I was even though I was
> still in high school.
> The general idea was not to indict an entire family or church or anybody
> for the acts or reputation of one.
> I have always tolerated these stories and even Masons - they are all
> rings and things - some good and some corrupt and come in many differen
> countries and under different flags sometimes friendly and sometimes
> hostile.
> But after all this I only know for a fact, that this bible, this judeo
> christian bible, is being used by a force of evil so powerful only
> because they have had the privilege to operate in secrecy and the
> fulfill prophecies in the bible too.
> Genocide one of their more infamous acts of murder....cencus - an as j.
> Edgar said - Russians insist they have fulfilled all the prophesies in
> the bible - but these rotten communists have not for they are back, to
> fulfill some more - they start the 60 period all over.
> Why do you think Jung and Sigmund Freud spent so much time deciphering
> the dreams in the bible the basis of psychology and the control the
> words of the bible had over the people?
> Today we have another bible - it is the newspapers, and it is the
> more Shakespeares to write plays showing a king or queen
> murdered - they had one movie showing our White House blown up and this
> is all on monkey see monkey do - even the Old Man in he Mountain, Hassan
> used drugs to induce his followers to murder for him.....jump, he would
> say and ike the Fool in the Tarot Card he jumped to his death for he
> wanted to return to paradise, a place created by the Old Man with drugs
> and a garden, and just plain whores for the boys....and under the
> influence of these drugs, oh boy - take me to paradise again.
> The killer on the third cross told Jesus, remember me....he promised to
> take this man, to paradise....the write songs about paradise and remembr
> me - always remember me, for this was a promise made once over 2,000
> years ago.
> I detest religion today for the Assassins have taken control over the
> Church or the Church always consisted of assassins and I think the latr
> applied....even St. Paul was accused of being a member of the Assassins
> for a snake wrapped itself about his thou that egyptian
> rose......
> Well guns and roses and murder for hire, and drugs.....welcome to the
> New World Order.
> What Shakespeare did with his pen, he TV does with a picture worth a
> thousand words....movies so vile and obscene not fit for decent people
> bt ths is to control our children who now as a dim wit psychologist woud
> say, act ot i school.
> Take good look at Littleton and remember Klebold who said it is
> Judgement Day and they called him a neo nazi?
> I call the news media neo nazis for it is their evil under government
> control and council of churches and UN control, that is behind the
> desruction of Amrica and they intend to murder the white race in
> particular and make a more gullible land of jews would say,
> a nation of goyim?
> Screw them all.......get that bible and find out who really wrote it and
> why....even Marx knew it was sheer opium and mind control.
> A. Saba
> Dare To Call It Conspiracy
> <A HREF=""></A>
> ==========
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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