: And another bug crawls out of the woodwork.  We have no idea who he/she is.
: How usual.  But thank you for the opportunity to give my views.

: Let us review the bidding.  Israel came into being through war on the
: indigenous people
: of Palestine by Jewish immigrants mainly from Europe, most of whom have no
: known blood connection to the Israelites who left there nearly two thousand
: years ago.
: They were and are thus alien colonists without a shred of right to the Land.

: At the time they began their vicious war on the Palestinians, the Jews of
: Palestine
: numbered some half million perhaps a few more, while the Palestinians
: numbered about
: one million four hundred thousand.  The Zionist thugs drove somewhere
: between
: 650,000 and 800,000 Palestinians out of Palestine using massacres and
: terror.
: They robbed them of the 94% of the land they owned, their houses, their
: goods,
: and their bank accounts.  Israel is in the same position vis-a-vis those
: bank accounts
: as the Swiss were WRT the Jews of Europe.
: After they had gained strength, the Zionists again attacked the remnant of
: Palestine
: in the West Bank and Gaza, and conquered them.  They have resisted every
: attempt
: of the Palestinians to make peace, and went so far as to invade Lebanon in
: order to
: drive away the refugees there who Israel had impudently and against
: international
: law always refused to allow to return home. They stayed in Lebanon for 18
: years, from time to time attacking the Lebanese as they saw fit, and killing
: more
: than 20,000 people in the process.  Just a wonderful group of all American
: boys.
: Israel only entered the "peace process" when George Bush decided that the
: killings
: of young Palestinians who had gallantly offered up their bodies to the
: brutal
: Israeli thugs guarding their prison of a country had to stop.  It was the
: nightly
: horror on American TV that caused revulsion in our country.  Reportedly the
: Mossad
: tried to engineer an assassination of Bush at the Madrid conference.  But
: you got your revenge
: at the ballot box.

: It has always been the notion of the Zionists that the Palestinians do not
: want peace.
: This appears to be propaganda put forth for the purpose of avoiding having
: to engage in
: actual peace.  Yet the Israelis have gone from terrible offer to yet more
: terrible.
: In Israeli words, the Palestinians never lost a chance to lose a chance.
: But this
: was sort of gallows humor, in that the Israelis used every ounce of their
: then power to
: try to impose on the Palestinians impossible choices.

: Now time is no longer on Israel's side.  Israel has lost over a half million
: Ashkenazis
: those original settlers who feel they are the only true Israelis.  They are
: leaving
: because they want to live well, and they can in New York or Silicon Valley.
: More than a half million have left. Moshe Arens' boy lives in LA, and is a
: vocal
: opponent of his father's policies.

: Israel has no source of Jews with which to replace them, and has been driven

: to accept "near Jews", Russians who may have some Jewish blood or may not.
: More than a quarter of the approximately one million Russians in the last
: ten years
: are not Jewish, and more than half those who came in '98 and'99 were not.
: Why not
: naturalize the women you bring in for the whore houses?  Or would the wives
: of the
: Orthodox object?

: Israel and the United States are isolated on the international scene.  For
: many years
: and on these benighted boards, as late as a year or so ago, some of your
: cult buddies
: were still saying that it was the oil Arabs who engineered support for the
: Zionism is Racism resolution (It is, BTW, clearly) and other resolutions
: calling for sanctions
: on the racist state.  For years, the US and zionstate could pressure some
: twenty or more states
: into voting with them.  This no longer is true.  Recently the US could only
: get Micronesia
: or the Fiji Isalnds, those great continental powers to vote with them, and
: in the last year or
: so even those countries no longer will prostitute themselves.  Recent votes
: in the UN have
: been as high as 153 to 2 in favor of sanctions.

: It has been clear for awhile that time is no longer on Israel's side.  This
: is the most important
: point.  Israel cannot fill those apartments she builds apace and illegally
: in the West Bank.
: Israel spends an enormous amount of money on armaments, while one terrorist
: with
: a suitcase bomb in Tel Aviv could wipe Israel out.  Literally.  The country
: would be devastated
: from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, depending on the wind, but that would not be the
: worst. Remind me to
: point out to the guys that the wind would mostly favor the bomb in West
: Jerusalem or a little north.
: The Ashkenazi would just leave.  In droves.  And more droves.  the Russians
: would follow.

: Without going into doomsday scenarios, Israel wildly bombing the rest of the
: Mideast,
: or what, and we know it would be vicious, there is every reason for Israel
: to want to
: conclude peace now.  For many years, Israel could build more settlements,
: and quietly
: cut the West Bank into as many pieces as the American handouts would
: support.
: They can yet and are continuing to do so, but the empty apartments belie the
: enthusiasm
: of people like Berkowitz and the mad Brooklyn crowd.  (Is he kin to Son of
: Sam BTW?
: How's the boy doing in jail?  Holding up?  Is it antisemitism that keeps him
: there?
: Pity you can't get him in one of those crazy settlements.  Just keep him
: away from
: your women folk.  Who knows though, the women who are crazy enough to live
: in
: those settlements might just take to him.)

: But I digress.  Peace now.  Why?  Well Arafat is dying, though slowly, he
: cannot be
: expected to last more than another year or so, and the palestinians are
: becoming
: restless even as it is under him.  Who knows who or what regime will replace
: him,
: whoever it wil be will not be so supine.  (Not that he hasn't shown some
: spunk).
: [What dreams may come must give us pause.]
: Cost.  GOK how much it costs Israel in various ways to oppress the
: Palestinians.
: Clinton is going out.  Al Gore, Ol' Whore as I call him doesn't look like a
: sure pop from
: here.  I am not going to vote for him.  Most of your crazy cohorts think the
: Shrub
: won't be good for Israel. Do you think he ever talks to his father?
: (Whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of
: outrageous fortune
: and all that) It will be interesting to see how our media cover this
: election. Have you
: heard that Ralph Nader is running?  Spread the word.

: Israel's leaders know that the world is against them.  There is a slowly
: evolving
: consensus against the continuation of the grosser forms of oppression.  The
: Israeli Supreme Court visit from time to time with their brethren in the
: world.
: Their rulings have been almost civilized, probably actually courageous in
: their milieu
: where there is no constitution to support them.  The Ashkenazi elite spend
: time
: in the United States, and other countries, where the morality is worlds
: apart from
: Israeli morality, and although they can live comfortably with our media who
: are by and large owned by their brethren, they know that Israel is like
: Johnny.
: (Did you ever hear the story about Johnny.  We have time, let me tell you,
: it was one of my mother's favorite stories, I have never figured out why
: she told it to me all the time.  Seems there was a war and all the boys went

: down to join up.  [Yes it was a long time ago]  Anyway there came a time
: when the regiment had its first parade, and Johnny's mother went down to
: see him march.  She came back and was full of praise for her boy.  It was
: Johnny this and Johnny that.  Finally she couldn't contain herself any
: longer
: and she told her friend: "And you know, Marge, they were all out of step
: but Johnny!")

: Economics. Israel is a schnorrer state.  It takes from the US $10 billion a
: year
: another billion or so from American Jews who buy worthless Bonds for
: Israel, (some 25% of which is subsidized by the tax code, weirdly enough).
: It takes from Germany somewhat less, but Germany underwrote the
: three nuclear subs, although they appear to be having some qualms about the
: last one after the recent tests in the Indian Ocean.  It takes from
: Switzerland, and France and anywhere else it can scare up guilt geld.
: Edgar Bronfman recently said you crazy guys would be going back to the
: German well again and again.  Lyndon Johnson warned aginst that.  Meanwhile
: Israel doesn't spend the money it collects as trustee on the victims it was
: supposed to spend it on.  Elderly victims of the holocaust had to file suit
: to
: get Israel to pay their pensions out of the German money.  (If you will rob
: your own, there's no telling what you'll do to others.)   There are signs
: that
: the money tree has about died, what with plucking all the leaves.  In the
: Congress
: Sonny Callahan has shown the first independence in years.  God love him.
: There are signs that the American people have about had the holocaust
: up to their ears.  We aren't guilty, you should leave us alone, but no .....

: German companies (and American ones) have balked at paying money for
: slave labor worked sixty years ago.

: More economics.  Israeli produced goods are expensive.  Israel has the
: highest cost
: of almost any industrialized country for goods produced with Israeli labor.
: So Israel needs to produce in Arab countries.  And of course, if the right
: peace can be made, Israel has all those Arabs in the West Bank who could
: produce
: right there in their own little bantustans.  I can see the drool.  This
: won't
: make Israelis any happier, by and large, because the only people who will
: benefit are the wealthy Ashkenazi.  The Sephardi and others will continue
: to drop behind as they have been.  But it is a powerful force.  If Israel
: could only make the peace they want, they could trade with the surrounding
: Arab states, exporting weapons of mass destruction, the stuff they know
: best how to make.  Lots of money there.  They could regularize the drug
: trade.
: They could become the Arab center for laundered money, not just for Russia
: and eastern Europe.  Every form of criminal enterprise in the world is
: already in Israel, and the Israeli mafia could replace the Sicilians.
: With the Russians the possibilities are limitless.  They could franchise the

: brothels, and do an IPO.

: But at the root, Israel can't continue the way she has. Israel has all her
: bets
: on making an oppressive peace with the Palestinians.  One of the papers
: put out the latest offer which may yet happen or something like it.  I sort
: of doubt it will, what with crazies like yourself threatening to kill the
: PM.
: Only in Israel!  Effective though, got to hand it to you.  Brute force.
: Even your own!
: More to the point and not to give you crazies too much credit, Israelis
: haven't had time to digest the prospects of peace.  Fifty years of
: indoctrination that you are the people chosen for this piece of real estate
: isn't going to change over night, as you certainly hope.

: On the details, looks like symbolic numbers of Palestinians return.  I see
: this
: as a major stumbling block.  They have the indubitable right to return, you
: don't
: have the right to keep them out, just the power at present, but of course,
: once the old man signs the agreement, he is done, and you will of course
: resort to the most brutal force to make sure none ever come.  You have
: already sown the wind, no use to remind you of the future.

: It's not yet clear about borders and settlements.  all those crazy settlers
: should
: be sent packing, but as time goes along, maybe a few violent episodes will
: induce
: them to leave.

: We will see.

: Thank you for the chance to share my thoughts with you.


: > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
: >   Roger Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: > > There is a group in New Jersey, right wing Zionists, who have formed a
: > > group to
: > > lobby the Congress.  Every week or so, weither Martin Berkowitz or
: > > another
: > > sends out a proposed letter for committed Zionists to send to their
: > > Congressmen.
: >
: > Thank you, Redneck L Alexander, for bringing to our attention the
: > violation of the Oslo accords by Palestenians which Mr. Berkowitz is
: > properly bringing to the attention of USA lawmakers. Hopefully, Mr.
: > Berkowitz will also insist that the 10,000 extra Palestenian "police"
: > who are now armed in violation of the Oslo agreement will be disarmed.
: >
: > You indicated in a previous post that you support a peace agreement. Do
: > you still desire a peace agreement that BOTH sides will abide by,
: > living side by side in peace?  Or do you support a peace agreement that
: > only Jewish Israel will abide by, and Arab Moslems will just use as a
: > tactic in their quest to destroy Jewish Israel?
: >
: > Or do you really not support a peace agreement at all, but were just
: > paying lip service to cover your bigotry?
: >
: > > Here is the latest.
: > > RLA
: > >
: > > Dear Sir:
: > >
: > > An ad in the June 21st edition of The New York Times displayed a
: > number
: > > of examples taken from Palestinian Arab text books portraying
: > > intolerance
: > > and hatred of Jews. While the Israelis are teaching a false
: > revisionist
: > > history in their schools about the establishment of the State of
: > Israel
: > > and the role of the armies of their Arab neighbors, the Palestinian
: > Arab
: > >
: > > education authorities are printing text books comparing Jews to the
: > > Nazis
: > > and stating that the Arabs will conquor the Jewish State.
: > >
: > > With whom are we forcing the Israelis to make peace? The Arabs come to
: > > the table and say peace yet they teach their people to hate. Until the
: > > Arabs start talking peace to their people their is no one for the
: > > Israelis to make peace with.
: > >
: > > I urge you to support the Israeli people - do not allow them to make a
: > > false peace. You must stop all support of the Palestinian Arab
: > Authority
: > >
: > > until they demonstrate a real interest in peace. Talk is meaningless.
: > > The
: > > Arabs must start putting their empty words of peace at the bargaining
: > > table into action with their people. Until then all talk will be a
: > waste
: > >
: > > of time.
: > >
: > > If the legacy of the Clinton Administration will be a peace treaty
: > under
: > >
: > > the present conditions, it will be a legacy that will turn into an
: > > embarassment. The will be no peace until the Arabs start acting peace.
: > >
: > > Support Israel.
: > >
: > > Respectfully yours,
: >

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