Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


21 June 2000

"When we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen."
General George Washington, New York Legislature, 1775

Soldiers For The Truth Foundation, PO Box 63840, Colorado Springs, CO

SITREP from the President

Hack's Column:
Korea: Lessons Of a War Not Learned

"From my Position" -- On the way!"
Article 1 - Kuwaiti Commemoration of the Gulf War

Big Picture:
Article 2 - Anthrax Fiasco Continues
Article 3 -- Flag Officers Net Jetliners In New Defense Bills

Voices from the Field:
Article 4 -- Political Correctness - a Reader response
Article 5 - Msgt Neil is not alone!
Article 6 - Women in the Military
Article 7 - Training is also a Unit Responsibility
Article 8 -- Veterans' Health -- PROSTATE CANCER
Article 9 -- Tale of a Stolen Flag

G.I Humor:
Article 10 -- The Essentials of Combat

Medal of Honor:
Article 11 -- JOHNSON, OSCAR G., Italy 1944

1.  Main topics:  1) Korea and the Gulf 2) Luxuries for our Princes 3)
Anthrax 4) Readiness/Training 5) Healthcare

2.  Future targets:  a) Leadership  -- veterans speak out about your
experiences b) Training c) Political correctness


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100k to be dangerous.

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And once again, we're ready to counterattack -- "LOAD SABOT and DRIVER MOVE

R.W. Zimmermann
President SFTT
Hack's Coulumn
Korea: Lessons Of a War Not Learned
By David Hackworth

Fifty years ago this week, Harry Truman proclaimed that the Korean War --
which had just kicked off -- was a "Police Action." Harry not only came up
with a misnomer, he didn't send enough "cops."

His next mistake was to believe the air generals who assured him that flying
machines would stop the invading North Koreans.

Granted, airplanes pummeled Korea from one end to the other, but bombs
weren't what stopped the Reds. Their steamroller was halted by determined
mud soldiers behind rifles and machine guns, gallantly dug in along a tiny
scrap of what was left of South Korea, the Pusan Perimeter.

This week, on the 50th anniversary of the Korean War, we honor those who
fought there and remember the 33,686 American warriors who were killed in
action during that three-year-long bloodbath.

Back in those heady days, the United States was the only superpower on the
block, and it rushed a bunch of our young boys -- as green and ill-prepared
for war as the tanks they rode in on -- off to defend a country most
Americans couldn't find on a map. The brass thought the American flag and
the presence of GI Joe would turn the Red aggressor around.

Truth to tell, Gen. MacArthur's inept intell folks actually believed that
when the enemy saw the Red, White and Blue on top of our wheezing tanks,
they'd toss down their weapons and flee in panic. Instead, our pathetically
trained troops, who would've had a hard time guarding a PX in downtown
Tokyo, came close to being bulldozed into the sea by what the Pentagon then
rated as a third-class force.

Yes, the brass back in 1950 were wrong about what air power could do. Yes,
our experts back in 1950 failed to understand the enemy. Yes, our forces
back in 1950 were not trained hard and disciplined enough, nor was their
state of readiness up to slugging it out with a mean and nasty foe.

Have we learned anything from the nightmare of Korea? Nope. Maybe that's why
it's called "The Forgotten War" -- because no one on high really wants to
remember what went down there.

Maybe that's why the same mistakes made in Korea were repeated in Vietnam.

And repeated again during the Gulf War, where fortunately for our
first-to-go paratroopers and Marines, Saddam Hussein twisted his moustache
and did TV while Stormin' Norman used the time to build a massive force
right in front of Iraqi bunkers. An awesome hammer that set a new record in

The most recent go-around with Serbia was more of the same. A tiny,
1970s-equipped Serbian army outfoxed the mighty air power of NATO -- which
succeeded only in knocking out a dozen Serb tanks at a cost of about a
half-billion bucks a vehicle.

Of course, the Pentagon went into denial mode and lied about what happened
at the end of three out of four of these exercises. The generals and flacks
spun: "We stopped 'em cold." "We won all the battles." "Air power won our
first war."

At almost 70, I am a military cynic, convinced that the powers that be are
dead set on never learning anything useful from the past. I console myself
that the cheaters usually get caught out in the end, but that doesn't make
us any smarter the next time around. Or bring back the dead.

If Korea exploded all over again this week and a million zealots came
screaming South, we'd be in even worse shape than we were in 1950. At least
then we had battle-trained officers and noncoms who were as tough as
one-dollar steaks, vets from World War II with the combat savvy to turn
tenderfoot teens into warriors. Then, too, social experiments and low
standards hadn't destroyed the most essential components of combat
effectiveness -- discipline, unit cohesion and teamwork. Factors that forge
THE BROTHERHOOD that makes the impossible easy. And, back then, our military
wasn't spread around the world, near broken from saving all those global

We're lucky the North and South Korean presidents are hugging and kissing
like two long-separated brothers at a family reunion. Thanks to President
Clinton and Secretary of Defense Cohen, it would be mission impossible to
save South Korea again today.
Http://www.hackworth.com is the address of David Hackworth's home page. Sign
in for the free weekly Defending America column at his Web site. Send mail
to P.O. Box 5210, Greenwich, CT 06831.
© 2000 David H. Hackworth
Distributed by King Features Syndicate Inc.
ARTICLE 1 - "From my Position" -- On the way!"
Kuwaiti Commemoration of the Gulf War
By R. W. Zimmermann
President SFTT

Last week, my friend Roger Charles sent me a message that had originated in
the Kuwaiti Information Office.  Reading it, I suspected the piece came from
the same place that artfully scripted the story of the Kuwaiti babies,
killed in the incubators by the bloodthirsty Iraqis.

The letter stated that "as part of our efforts to commemorate the Gulf War,
we would like to post on our web page a collection of excerpts from essays
written about personal experiences that people had during the Iraqi invasion
of Kuwait.we are interested in responses from citizens, policy makers,
academics, and others."

The list didn't include soldiers, the guys who had made this liberation
business possible!  As a Gulf veteran and at the great peril of again
appearing politically incorrect, I attempted to answer the battery of six
questions.  You can forward the answers to the Kuwaitis if you like.

Where were you on 2 August 1990?  How did you hear the news?

I sat in a German "Gasthaus," slamming a few "brewskies" in the best of
Spearhead traditions when one of the troops mentioned the invasion.  We all
asked:  "where in the hell is this place anyway?"  Consensus:  No be a big
deal - the New York City police could easily trash the Iraqis.

Tell us about your feelings when Iraq invaded Kuwait?

Served the sheiks right for driving up the oil prices.  Maybe this conflict
would be a good incentive for us to develop alternative fuels.  Then we'd be
able to dictate the prices to them -- you can't drink oil!  What a great
opportunity to try out that M1 Abrams without the safety restrictions in

How did the Invasion of Kuwait affect you?

It really ticked me off!  Had to cut short my romantic Thanksgiving weekend
that I spent with my bride in Heidelberg.  I promised myself to take it out
on all these Mid-Eastern critters that had just spoiled my weekend. I
returned to Gelnhausen with a crappy attitude and participated in senseless
meeting marathons that did almost nothing to prepare us to go to war.  All
the "big cheeses" seemed to volunteer to be the first in the crisis zone.
Quote by the brigade commander: "You miss out on this war and your career is

In what way did the occupation of Kuwait change your attitudes toward
family, work, country etc.?)

Family became more important than ever.  I sensed that we Americans were
becoming mercenaries for the rich sheiks.  They were evacuating their
families and their wealth to America, while we liberated them from the awful
Iraqis.  Worst of all, General Schwarzkopf and the political handlers forced
us to ingratiate with our host/owners, by not officially referring to
Christian beliefs such as Christmas or openly displaying the crucifix or
Star of David, the very religious symbols America guaranteed as basic

What did the liberation of Kuwait mean to you?

After a Lebanese-style fireworks demonstration, with every Kuwaiti firing
their AK-47's into the oil smoke blackened skies, things quickly returned to
normal.  The Sheiks were back in power and many business opportunities arose
for our greedy military contractors.

Are there any unique experiences during the occupation/liberation of Kuwait
that you would like to share?

I remember the fine impression I got of our Kuwaiti allies when entering
Kuwait City from the north on Highway 8.  A friend and I found a small tank
assembly area of Kuwaiti T 72-type tanks (actually a Yugoslavian variant).
The tanks were abandoned but fully uploaded with ammo and live chickens.
Behind each tank was a Bedouin tent.  In it, we found loaded assault rifles,
some with the safeties off and.Hash pipes.  When I finally found an armed
Kuwaiti troop about 5 kilometers south, he told me not to worry about
security but to join the victory celebrations.  I politely refused (maybe
not so polite) and returned to our base camp, determined not to risk any of
our troops foolishly in this mercenary war.

The Gulf War wasn't the liberation of Europe in WWII.  Besides making me a
bit cynical and critical of our national strategy, it convinced me that we
can't leave war and grand strategy to a few elitist know-it-alls.

Today, we are still at war with Iraq, and even the thousands of glittery
little medals we received from the Gulf Kingdoms won't alleviate the medical
problems of our Gulf War veterans.  Maybe Kuwait's sheiks could pitch in a

© R.W. Zimmermann, LandserUSA
Anthrax Fiasco Continues
Ed.:  AP release from the Detroit News, 14 June 2000.  ANOTHER bailout for
BioPort, the producer of the Anthrax vaccine after taxpayers got clobbered
for $ 45 million already!  I guess more money is needed to support BioPort's
useless construction projects, outrageous bonuses for their executives and
propaganda material to convince us that rogue countries and the Anti-Christ
are planning surprise Anthrax attacks on our troops.  Please help me out -
aren't North and South Korea talking conflict resolution, and couldn't we
use some of this wasted money to pay for veteran's health care?
I think it's time for another wave of letters to our political
representatives to STOP this political and economic insanity.
Detroit News, June 14, 2000
By Associated Press.

LANSING -- A financially troubled lab serving as the sole-source supplier of
the anthrax vaccine to the military expects to finalize within days a new
contract with the Defense Department, according to a newspaper report.

BioPort Corp. officials said the contract would help the company cover costs
related to a lengthy, continuing U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval
process of BioPort's renovated anthrax vaccine labs.

The contract's payout -- $2 million to $2.5 million a month for an
unspecified amount of time -- would be the second Pentagon bailout in a year
for the company bought from the state in 1998.  "This isn't extraordinary
relief," said Fuad El-Hibri, BioPort's co-owner and its chief executive.

BioPort cannot sell any new anthrax vaccine -- a protection against
biological warfare -- without the FDA's blessings. The FDA would not say
when it might complete the certification process, which began last August.

"Taxpayers have already invested some $45 million propping up BioPort," said
Rep. Walter Jones, R-North Carolina. "The way this whole thing has been
handled between the Department of Defense and BioPort raises a lot of

In 1998, Defense Secretary William Cohen ordered all active duty and reserve
troops to get the shots, starting with soldiers most likely to encounter
biological warfare overseas. Anthrax is a deadly biological agent that
defense officials believe poses a threat to tens of thousands of U.S. troops
stationed in the Middle East and South Korea. The Pentagon believes Iraq and
other nations hostile to the United States have produced anthrax weapons.

The vaccine has come under increasing scrutiny from lawmakers as soldiers
have expressed concerns about taking the six-shot regimen. Complaints
included fevers, muscle pain and dizziness. Reserve and National Guard
pilots have said that morale was plummeting and colleagues would resign
rather than take the vaccine.

But Pentagon and FDA officials have said repeatedly the vaccine is safe and
effective. FDA officials also say there is no basis for demoting the
approved vaccine to an investigational drug category.

Under BioPort's initial contract with the Defense Department, the company
sold the vaccine for $2.26 or $4.36 per dose, depending on the year. The
price jumped to $10.64 per dose last August as part of a package that raised
the Pentagon's contract with BioPort by $24 million, including an
$18-million cash advance to help the company stay afloat.

Despite the larger contract, BioPort officials envision a possible
$18-million cash shortfall for 2000, according to an internal Defense
Department audit completed in March.

The audit drew attention to what inspectors considered questionable spending
at BioPort, including $1.1 million on office furniture, parking-lot paving
and other renovations that could have been postponed until the company was
in better financial shape. Auditors also questioned $1.28 million in
projected bonus for senior management. Those bonuses will not be paid until
BioPort gets FDA approval.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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