from "Executive Intelligence Review," April 28, 2000

     "Information Society" -- A Doomed Empire of Evil
     Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

     The myth of the "information society" is nothing other
than a mass delusion, like the infamous tulip-mania and John
Law-style financial bubbles of the past.
     The notion that "information technology" IS somehow "high
technology" is the most pathetic of the expressions of exactly
such a culturally and economically suicidal mass-delusion ...

     Sum up that point this way:
     Imagine the results of the Wall Street, junk-bond hostile
takeover of a formerly productive, high-quality manufacturing
firm, now renamed Blivets, Inc., whose new management had the
firm's production of physical product reduced savagely, to
ABROAD -- sending former manufacturing operatives out to make a
living taking in one another's laundry, or in related forms of
make-work employment in financial and personal "services."
     Now, within the cannibalized firm's new administration, it
has increased greatly the size of the accounting, bookkeeping,
sales, and related ["bean-counting"] functions of administration,
and therefore increased greatly the sheer quantity of the number
of administrative calculations made each day, by use of modern
computers as accounting machines.
     This would then be called an "information economy."  The use
of such accounting machines, for such purposes, in such ways,
might lead to [importation of slave-labor products] being called
(using one's hand, in an act of discretion, to cover the sadistic
smirk on one's lips) a new "high-tech industry" -- by means of
which the old agricultural and industrial economy has been turned
into a superseded relic of the past.

     If you think Blivets, Inc. typifies the success of a new
kind of economy, see a competent psychiatrist immediately, if you
can still afford one (after the ongoing turns in the financial
markets); but, make certain, that the putative psychiatrist's
personal financial management, does not show him to be one of
those lunatics, who has joined in taking over the asylum -- a
lunatic spreading the very tulip-bubble style in mental illness,
from whose effects you need, most urgently, to be liberated.

     The crucial measurement to be made in any economy is
centered around the following proposition:
     1) What percentile of the total labor-force, is engaged in
either a) applying new physical principles to increase mankind's
per-capita power over nature, or b) generating new physical
principles and technologies employed "at the point of
     2) What is the rate of net increase of physical output per
capita and per square kilometer of the Earth's surface-area, as
expressed at the point of physical production of basic economic
infrastructure, agriculture, and manufacturing?

     Those factors, viewed within the context of employment of
the entire labor-force, and [the participation of] the entire
population, are the true rule-of-thumb measure of
physical-economic performance ...
     Do not confuse ["market"] prices with physical reality;
rather, assess the MEANING of prices by subjecting them to such
standards of physical reality.
     Such is the point of view of SANE men and women -- the point
of view from which the lunacy of the "Information Economy" is to
be assessed rightly by HONEST accountants ...


     BIS Warns of US Stock Market / Dollar Collapse

     'On June 5, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the central
bank of world central banks, warned in its annual report that the US
financial bubble is "unsustainable" and that "a soft landing is by no means
     'In Europe, all of the leading press, from the Financial Times of
London, to Germany's Handelsblatt, to France's Le Monde, prominently covered
the report.  "Warning of Global Hard Landing," "Dangerous Dynamic on
Financial Markets," and "The World Economy Is Threatened With Shock," were
the headlines of articles in these newspapers.
     'But in the major US media, the report has been totally blocked out ...'


     In a popular computer-user rag like "Computer Currents," I was recently
startled to read the following statement made in a column written by a
high-tech consultant:

     "KILL THE INTERNET."  That was written seriously, not tonue in cheek.

     Move over, "Kill your TV" -- the Internet has become the cultural
successor to television and has already, within the space of only two years,
betrayed all hopes of its potential value as a medium for education and (mere
cliche now) "information."

     At worst, the Internet has become the world's MOST saturated medium for
"marketing" -- advertising ANYTHING and EVERYTHING, but especially "products"
and "services" which require the CHEAPEST advertising because they're
     The 'Net has become the ultimate "flea market," seventh heaven for "junk
     Information?  You won't find any there.  Gresham's Law applies to the
bad currency has driven out good, to the point where any "information" which
is obtainable via the Internet is almost certainly inaccurate, biased, or

     At best, "e-commerce" has only speeded up the normal rate of exchange of
dollars-and-cents-type "information" in the FINANCIAL transactions of our
progressively SICK economy, already scraping bottom.  Profit-taking has
become logarithmically faster -- but so have the ultimately ruinous effects
of what it represents: only a few people making exorbitant sums of money from
a non-productive "service" economy rapidly descending into pure slave labor,
dehumanizing to any society.
     The bubble of our increasingly "virtual" global-market economy was
inescapably destined to burst, eventually.  But now, with financial exchanges
fast approaching "instanteous," however, such a bubble's traditionally short
lifespan has been shortened even more.  Its collapse could come literally
"any minute now."

     And realizing that fact --that "survival of the fittest" is now also a
frantic game of "beat the clock"-- the most predatory near the top of the
"e-commerce" pecking order have begun to act like heroin addicts facing the
LAST CHANCE to get their next fix, or   gamblers down to their last dollar,
all the odds against them, as the casino is closing.
     Forget conscience, forget ethics, forget even laws against CRIMINAL
activity -- indeed, forget SANE behavior -- because what's at stake here is
the LAST dollar EVER to be made (and hopefully invested "securely," despite
now overwhelming risks) before the game is finally OVER and the dollars of
future players become WORTHLESS ...
     Over a century ago, Hegel described the Western economic system as
     Faust's behavior just before the stroke of midnight, when the Devil
arrives to claim his soul for all eternity, is not something you would want
your OWN life to depend on ...

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