They're Back.....Jessie, NAACP, Black Panthers, a return to the 60
period and all controlled by guess who - why Hill and Bill are
engineering this with their henchmen.

For you do not believe Hill and Bill are Democrats do you  - Bill tried
to make himself in to a JFK imagine and some wanted to see this image
again in the White House.   Well what they saw, was not what they got.

Instead we got Waco, Ruby Ridge, the Balkans, little Monica with her
Pizza Pie and now it is a return to the 60 period using the same old
rituals and turning loose CIA controlled Black Panthers - Graham, a
Martyer and Revenge My Death.

This is a direct threat to the life of George W. Bush, Jr.    They now
will try to get this man killed - and hey, who was the guy driving that
dump truck that nearly ran down Bush Jr.....all he said was, NO AMERICAN

So if Bush gets elected he better watch who he puts in 2nd spot.....make
it another Dan Quayle or a Gore type, that people would rather Keep
Clinton, than Have Gore for President....the secret, to his sucess.

Jessie Jackson I have concluded is an evil man for he has triggered this
maybe in his own the NAAP wants to disarm White
America?   Well now is the time for White American to remember, the idea
of this country is to be on defensive, and that does not mean going to
your local K Mart and buying a sling shot.   AK's are in at Littleton
and at Black Panther Party.

Now these people will move to destroy the Republican Convention just as
they did in 1968 when an element took over the Democrat party threafter,
and it was never the same.

Remember Reagan....he left the Democrat Party and he was nearly murdered
by this same element for he took on this CFR who warned him right in the
open - lay off the Federal Reserve.......and Hinckly gets weekends home
now?   Hope he doesn't watch any re-runs of Taxi with little Jodi.

They are turning wild animals loose in the streets.....we saw Central
Park...we need more Guilianos and dump Hill and Bill before this country
ends up like South Africa.

A Saba 

Saturday June 24, 2000; 9:45 PM EDT
Gary Graham's Dying Wish: 'Avenge My Death'

Rev. Jesse Jackson compared Texas Governor George W. Bush to Pontius
Pilate for refusing to delay his execution. And after he was dead
Jackson and others called him a martyr.

But Gary Graham's dying words had nothing to do with Christlike
forgiveness or even remorse for the 19 victims he left in his wake.

Instead, Graham's last expressed desire on earth was for revenge.

"He urged his supporters to avenge his death by whatever means
possible," reported "News 2 Houston" on its Web site Friday.

And although Rev. Jackson made no mention of it in the immediate
aftermath of Graham's execution, he informed the dead man's family the
next day that his dying wish was a request to "avenge my death."

If Graham's supporters decide to heed his call, it wouldn't be the first

"Shortly before a previous execution date last year, Graham called on
his supporters to come armed with AK-47's," reported the Houston
Chronicle on Thursday. In the last week members of the New Black Panther
Party have complied not once but twice.
On June 16, 15 Panthers armed with AK-47s, shotguns and assault rifles
descended on the state GOP convention as Texas first lady Laura Bush was
about to speak. Repeatedly shouting "black power!" they assaulted one
delegate, who demanded to know if their guns were loaded.  [Nice work
Hill and Billl - we know your style, we saw it at Waco and Ruby Ridge]

Five days later, Panther Information Minister Quanell X warned that he
would lead the same group in a march on the Huntsville, Texas death
house on the day of Graham's execution. Asked by "Fox News" if his gang
would be armed as before, Minister X said, "It wouldn't make sense to
take a butter knife to a gunfight."

Minister X also had some choice words for Governor Bush:

"I believe George Bush is a racist white man. In fact, he's the biggest
killer of black men here in Texas. George Bush has put more black men to
death than any other nation on earth."

In its Thursday report, the Chronicle also noted that earlier in the
year, "Quanell X, who planned the demonstration in Houston last week,
urged young blacks to take out their anger against whites in wealthy
neighborhoods instead of their own community if the execution is not

As Graham's final moments approached, Minister X stood outside the
Huntsville Walls Unit death house and told a curious "Fox News"
reporter, "You're damned right we're armed."
Minutes later he turned to another reporter, who happened to be white,
and warned, "If I looked like you, I wouldn't be around when he dies,"
the Chronicle reported Friday.

[Now remember South African Famers?  And see what Castrol and secretary
of UN talked about then they met?   We got to get this UN bunch out of
this country and now.   A Saba wrote this paragraph]

Quanell X seemed to have Gary Graham's last wish in mind when he told
the same journalist, "If our brother dies, I guarantee you none of us
will forget, and that's a promise."

Inside Cover Stories
Cuban-Americans Rally as Judicial Watch Joins Elian Case
Judicial Watch Joins Elian Case in 11th Hour Shocker
Gary Graham's Dying Wish: 'Avenge My Death'
Gore's Fund-Raising Denials Contradicted by Johnny Chung

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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