LOVELY story on "senator" Hilliary Clinton who now is dodging the press
- when caught off guard, she is almost speechless and I wonder who
writes her speeches these day.

Now she had to cancel her speaking engagement with Jesse Jackson - and
now we find he has 2 illegitimate children and who pays for the other
one?   Any taxpayers or UA money involved in that Rainbow ripoff?

$10,000 a month child support would feed a lot of hungry children and
now it is the Jackson 7 it seems, no longer Jackson 5, or Jackson

So New York welcomes Hilliary - not exactly a breath of fresh air for
she brings more stench with her than your local sewage lines.


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January 26, 2001
Michael Reagan:: Recommends new book on Clinton's Bitter Legacy


For the story behind the story...

Friday, Jan. 26, 2000 9:59 a.m. EST

Hillary on the Lam From Pardongate Heat
Scandal-scarred Sen. Hillary Clinton was reported to be hiding out in
her Chappaqua, N.Y., mansion on Friday, canceling all public
appearances, including one with new daddy Jesse Jackson - as outrage
grew over charges she conspired to sell presidential pardons for
campaign cash.

The New York Post reports that Clinton has canceled all public
appearances for the day, including her address to Jackson's Rainbow/PUSH
Coalition's Wall Street Project, announced only yesterday.

Clinton also will pass up previously scheduled meetings with two top New
York City Democrats, Public Advocate Mark Green and Comptroller Alan

New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani saved the new senator the trouble of
canceling his meeting with her. He did that himself late Thursday,
saying he was outraged over the Clinton pardon of Marc Rich, the
tax-dodging fugitive whom Giuliani had indicted in 1983 when the mayor
was U.S. attorney for New York's Southern District.

Rich's ex-wife Denise has donated over $1 million to the Clintons and
other Democrats since 1993.

"I'm very upset about this," Giuliani told reporters yesterday. "I think
what the president did is an absolute outrage."

Mrs. Clinton may be able to dodge Pardongate questions for now, but both
Clintons could wind up trying to explain the cash-for-clemency scandal
to Congress before too long.

Yesterday House Government Reform and Oversight Committee chief Dan
Burton launched a preliminary investigation, saying,

"When a pardon appears questionable on the merits, the American people
have a right to know why the president made his decision, so that the
constitutional power to grant pardons will not be abused in the future."

Finis  -30-

So the pigs have gone home to roost and left a pig stye for others to
clean (no insult to the pigs intended) that the power is
gone, let us see how friends stick to these Teflon Kids....remember John
Gotti - he was a piker compared to the Clintons......Remember Waco,
Remember Ruby Ridge, Remember the Balkans and above all Remember Janet
Reno, the one that walked with her left hand.

Inside Cover Stories
 Tiny TV Camera Produces Guided Tours Of Body's Byways
 NBC's Mitchell Disputes Charge That Bushies Also Trashed White House
 Hillary on the Lam From Pardongate Heat
 British Spy: Mandela Worked for Us
 A Second Jesse Jackson 'Love Child'?
 CIA Morale Woes Over Tenet, Deutch
 Top Judiciary Dem Leahy Defends White House Trashing
 Air Force One Looted on Last Clinton Trip As Aides Trash White House
 Greenspan Gives Boost to Bush Tax Cuts
 Hillary to Address Jesse Jackson Group
 Dale, Hale, Chung, Aldrich, Tripp – What's Bush Waiting For?
 More Inside Cover Stories
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