
The exploits of Queen Hillary

Tony Blankley

     King Henry II of England in the year 1170 was furious at his
archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Becket, for opposing him on a
church/state dispute. The enraged king turned to his trusty
sword-wielding knights and proclaimed: "What! Shall a man who has
eaten my bread, insulted the king and all the kingdom and not one
of the lazy servants whom I nourish at my table does me right for
such an affront? Who will free me from this turbulent priest?"
Four of the king's loyal swordsmen promptly went to Canterbury
and murdered Becket at the alter.

     All of Christendom condemned King Henry for the murder. He
was forced to execute the assassins —his loyal henchmen — and pay
personal penance by being whipped by a line of monks. The
remainder of his reign was ruined — with his own wife and sons
turning rebelliously against him.

     Eight centuries later, Queen Hillary royally grumbled about
her will not being respected in the matter of the White House
Travel Office. And, as in the days of yore, two trusted knights —
Sir Stephanopoulos and Sir Watkins — snapped into action,
wielding their swords of justice in a base and contemptible way:
Sir Stephanopoulos pressuring the FBI to put out a press release
accusing the Travel Office workers of possible criminality, while
Sir Watkins organized the firing and false indictment of Billy
Dale — head of the office.

     Queen Hillary denied — under oath — any role in the
miserable affair, admitting only to an innocent inquiry of the
problems in the office. And, although Mr. Watkins later confessed
that he understood her constant inquiring to mean that there
would be "hell to pay" if the dirty deeds were not carried out,
she and her spokesmen persisted in her denials.

     Last week, the independent counsel in the Travel Office
case, Robert Ray, proved that it is harder to gain justice
against a first lady in the year 2000 than it was to sanction a
king in 1170.

     He found that the White House had delayed or failed to
deliver probative, subpoenaed evidence, and that there was
substantial evidence that Hillary had — under oath — disguised
her role in the episode. However, he decided against prosecuting
her because he was not satisfied that he could make the case
beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury of typical Americans.
Apparently, the prosecutor assumed that a 21st century juror
would be unfamiliar with the persuasive force of a royal inquiry.
But clearly the president's men — Messrs. Stephanopoulos and
Watkins — were under no illusions as to the intent and power
behind her majesty's pronouncements. It is a fair bet that no
politician or staffer in Washington who has ever personally seen
the cold steel in the first spouse's blue eyes would doubt the
prudence of their feudal submission to her will.

     The only truly innocent actor in this charade, aside from
Billy Dale, is the independent counsel — Mr. Ray. Not having the
courage of his obvious conviction that Hillary was guilty of
perjury, he foreswore her prosecution, while he implied her
guilt. Then in an act of a supreme folly, he spent a half an hour
on "Meet The Press" discursively assessing his prosecutorial
responsibilities. Undoubtedly, Hillary's henchmen will have that
transcript studied by leading liberal law professors who
specialize in prosecutorial misconduct. They will search Mr.
Ray's words for the slightest implications of a misstatement of a
prosecutor's duty.

     If they cannot construe a mistake in his words, they will
misconstrue one and then they will pounce. Friendly reporters,
editors and producers will be briefed. Portentous op-eds will be
published. Talking heads will be unleashed. And within a month
Mr. Ray — "Ken Starr Junior," as Hillary's hit men are already
saying — will be one more honorable Clinton accuser with his
reputation in ruins. Any thoughts he may have of prosecuting
President Clinton for perjury next year will not be feasible.

     He will be both professionally and personally humiliated.
Sixty-five percent of the public will once again be induced to
judge the prosecutor instead of the suspect. And Mr. Ray will
have learned the truth of the age-old adage: Don't strike at the
monarch and miss.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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