----- Original Message -----
From: "Soren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 11:25 AM
Subject: (50 Years) World Bank and corruption in Lesotho

> Nineteen individuals and major corporations are currently on trial in
> Lesotho for bribery connected to the Lesotho Highlands Water Project. In
> addition to the World Bank, many export credit agencies - COFACE, ECGD,
> HERMES - supported the project. NGOs are calling for the companies to be
> suspended from further contracts and export credits, should investigations
> find that they were guilty of wrongdoing.
>  Below is a talk given by Nicholas Hildyard of the Corner House to a
> organised by Transparency International at Chatham House in London.
>  ************
>  The Lesotho Highland Water Development Project - What Went Wrong?
>  (Or, rather: What went Right? For Whom?)
>  Presentation to Chatham House Conference , July 10th 2000
>  "Corruption in Southern Africa -  Sources and Solutions"
>  I have been asked to discuss the charges currently being prosecuted in
> Lesotho courts against 19 corporate and individuals accused of bribing a
> official  in the Lesotho Highlands Water Project in order to gain project
> contracts. My allotted task is to explore the question: "What went wrong?"
>  I want to turn this question around. Instead of asking "What went wrong?"
> would like to ask, "What went right? For whom?"  I want to do so because I
> would like you to consider the possibility that what went most "wrong" -
> continues to go most "wrong" - from the perspective of project affected
> people, human rights groups, environmentalists and a range of other civil
> society groups concerned with accountability, transparency, equity and
> sustainable development is precisely what went most "right" from the
> perspective of those who have benefited institutionally and financially
> the project.
>  Taking this approach may, I hope, challenge us to reconsider some widely
> held explanations of corruption and "development failure", whether in
> Southern Africa or elsewhere, and to look afresh at proposed solutions. It
> may encourage us, for example, to focus less on the perceived "lack of
> political will" to tackle corruption and more on those vested interests
> daily generate immense political will to block investigations when they
> initiated and to undermine anti-corruption drives. It may encourage us to
> look not only at how regulations could be improved but also at the daily
> institutional practices that actively encourage the flouting of existing
> development guidelines and anti-corruption regulations. Or again, to look
> not only at ways of opening up decision-making to public participation and
> scrutiny but also at the institutionalized racism that assumes the Third
> World to be inherently corrupt and corruptible and which thereby
> bribery even where nominally accountable procedures are in place.
>  I will return to these points later. First, I would like to look at some
> specific examples of how
> "what-went-wrong-for-civil-society-went-right-for-corporations" - and how
> this phenomenon may actively have laid the ground for corrupt practices. I
> leave it to the courts to decide whether or not such corruption took place
> as alleged. My concern here is to examine how the actions (and inactions)
> the public institutions involved may have aided and abetted bribe giving,
> regardless of whether or not any bribery actually occurred.
>  From its outset, the Lesotho Highlands Water Project was founded on rule-
> breaking. The project, which is intended to divert water from Lesotho to
> South Africa, was first conceived during the Apartheid era when South
> was subject to international sanctions. To avoid the difficulties of
> international financiers openly aiding the then-apartheid regime, the
> project's financial advisers - Chartered WestLB - set up a London-based
> trust fund through which payments could be laundered. It was an
> which, to say the least, was of borderline legality - yet it was
> at the highest international level, not least through the Directors of the
> World Bank (who collectively represent the bulk of the world's
> From a civil society perspective, this was the first thing to "go wrong"
> with the project. For the companies and bureaucracies, however, it was the
> first thing to go "right". Indeed, the project could not have proceeded
> without such sanction busting.
>  Rule breaking on this scale is hardly conducive to encouraging good
> governance. Moreover, it did not stop there. Throughout the project cycle,
> numerous World Bank guidelines - intended to ensure that the project is
> implemented without adverse effects on the environment and on people -
> been flouted; the project was approved on the basis of a deeply flawed and
> inadequate environmental impact assessment, striking construction workers
> have been shot, and project-affected peoples moved without proper
> compensation. The World Bank - one of the project's principal players -
> done little to ensure compliance. On the contrary, it has dodged and
> its critics, even maintaining the convenient fiction that Lesotho is the
> borrower for the project (despite South Africa in fact responsible being
> repaying the loans) where this has proved useful in evading its
> responsibilities. In 1998, for example, residents of a local township
> a claim with the World Bank's Inspection Panel, pointing out that as the
> project effectively ignores demand side management in South Africa, it is
> breach of World Bank rules for water projects. In response, the Bank
> "As important as demand side management in the water sector is, there is
> specific reference in the project to such measures, nor is there a legal
> requirement in the loan for RSA [Republic of South Africa] to implement
> policies, since this is a loan to [Lesotho-based] LHDA."
>  Again, it is doubtful if the project would have got the go ahead had the
> Bank's guidelines been properly enforced. What went wrong once again went
> right.
>  Funding for the project has come from the World Bank; the European
> Investment Bank; the German, British and French bilateral aid agencies;
> UK Commonwealth Development Corporation; commercial banks including Banque
> Nationale de Paris, Dresdner and Hill Samuel; and a number of export
> agencies (including Germany's Hermes, France's COFACE, South Africa's
> and Britain's ECGD). The ECGD's support amounted to £66 million and went
> loan guarantees five UK companies: Balfour Beatty, Kier, Stirling,
> Boving and ABB Generation's UK subsidiary.
>  Not one of these agencies however ever vetted the corruption records of
> companies bidding for contracts. Even today, there is no binding
> for any of them to undertake such a vetting process of the companies they
> award contact to. Yet, most of the companies now in the dock in Lesotho -
> charged with passing some £2 million in bribes to a key official in order
> win the contracts for the project - are no strangers to allegations of
> corruption. Spie Batignoles and Sogreah, for example, were involved in
> Kenya's Turkwell Gorge Dam which, because of bribes reportedly paid to
> Kenya's president and energy minister, cost more than twice what the
> European Commission said it should have cost.
>  Impreglio, Dumez and Lahmeyer were three of the principle firms involved
> the Yacyreta Dam in Argentina and Paraguay, which Argentina's President
> Carlos Menem called "a monument to corruption".
>  Lahmeyer and Impregilio also had contracts on Guatemala's Chixoy Dam.
> Various sources estimate that between $350 and $500 million were lost to
> corruption on this project.
>  ABB and Dumez worked on the Itaipu Dam on Brazil/Paraguay border. The dam
> was originally projected to cost $3.4 billion, but the final cost cam to
> around $20 billion. Numerous corruption allegations surround the project.
>  As for Balfour Beatty, it was banned in 1996 from bidding for contracts
> Singapore following allegation (denied by the company) of corruption. It
> also involved in the Pergau dam in Malaysia. Here an article in
> Observer is particularly pertinent. The author, Gregory Palast, quotes
> barrister Jeremy Carver, an advisor to Transparency International. Carver
> reportedly told Palast: "I went to a DTI reception. I was introduced to
> someone who identified himself as the chairman of a company and we were
> talking about corruption. He announced with great pride that he personally
> handed over the cheque to the government minister for the Pergau dam
> in Malaysia." Identifying Carver's interlocutor as "the chairman of
> Beatty", Palast continues: "The corporate honcho was not confessing, but
> boasting about the payment which he may have considered not a bribe but
> the cost of doing business Malaysian-style."
>  Balfour Beatty is part of the Lesotho Highland Project Contractors
> consortium. In March 1991, according to Swiss bank records which form the
> basis of the prosecution's case, the consortium allegedly paid 585,000
> pounds via an intermediary into a Swiss bank account controlled by a
> Lesothan official. Only one month earlier a building contract was signed,
> worth one hundred and thirty five million pounds.
>  In March 1994 the consortium allegedly paid another two hundred thousand
> pounds to the official's account. Two weeks later, they signed the
> to build another dam, worth forty one million pounds.
>  Altogether this consortium alone allegedly handed over a million pounds
> bribes.
>  Yet even when this evidence was set out in the charge sheets against the
> companies, many of the funding agencies which supported them appear to
> taken no steps to scrutinize the allegations. In the case of the UK Export
> Credits Guarantee Department, for example, the agency at first denied that
> Balfour Beatty, one of the companies it supported, was being prosecuted (a
> position it justifies on the grounds that although the charges had been
> filed, the case has still to come to court); it has made no inquiries to
> chief prosecutor in Lesotho; and its own inquiries appear to have ended
> assured by the company that no wrong doing took place. Meanwhile, demands
> from non-governmental organizations that the company be suspended from
> applying for other credits pending further investigations (it is currently
> seeking one for the equally controversial Ilisu Dam) have been resolutely
> rebuffed.
>  Yet again, what went wrong from a civil society perspective - the total
> absence of any good governance mechanisms requiring the vetting of
> contractors or mandatory investigations where allegations have been made
> a company -  went right for the companies. Indeed, had checks been
> undertaken and their results made public, it is an open question how many
> the companies would have been awarded contracts.
>  Internal investigations into the consistent failure of World Bank staff
> implement operational directives on issues such as resettlement and
> environment have repeatedly highlighted the "pressure to lend" as a major
> reason for non-compliance. The Lesotho saga adds a further twist to this
> indictment.
>  Leaked correspondence between the World Bank and the Lesotho government
> suggests that the Bank knew of corruption allegations against Masupha
> the former director of the Lesotho Highlands Development Authority who is
> alleged to have taken the bribes, as early as 1994. The Bank's reaction,
> however, was to berate the Lesotho authorities for having suspended Sole
> from his post pending an investigation into the project's accounts. Their
> reason: it would interfere with project construction timetables and could
> lead to costly overruns.
>  In a letter to Mr Pekeche, Principal Secretary at the Ministry of Natural
> Resources, Praful Patel of the Bank's Southern Africa Department, gripes:
> "While the undertaking of a management audit may be normal practice, the
> suspending of key management staff in order to conduct such an audit is
> unusual. In our view, the absence of key members of senior staff from the
> project during this critical time could seriously jeopardize the progress
> the project."
>  Instead of picking up the ball and immediately suspending the companies
> pending a corruption inquiry - the minimum that the Lesotho authorities'
> audit should have prompted - the Bank effectively turned a blind eye to
> corruption charges. Yet again, what went wrong for civil society - the
> institutional pressure to push ahead with the project regardless of
> of corruption - went right (in this case, very right) for the companies.
> suspensions been instituted at this stage in the proceedings, many of the
> companies might not have been awarded contracts for the second phase of
> project - constructing the Mohale Dam.
>  Indeed, it now emerges that, despite previous assertions to the contrary,
> the Bank - and the South African authorities - knew full well of the
> corruption charges at the time that Mohale was approved. Nonetheless, the
> Bank pushed to have Mohale built now, rather than in a decade's time when
> the water may be needed in South Africa, because the contractors were in
> place and it would be therefore be cheaper than waiting.
>  Now that the corruption charges have been laid against the companies,
> history looks set to repeat itself. Although the Bank has instigated an
> internal investigation, the investigators - Arnold and Porter, a
> Washington-based law firm - have been subject to innumerable restrictions.
> For example, the firm has been denied complete access to World Bank files
> and is only allowed to copy files which it could have obtained via third
> parties. Once completed, the investigation will not be made public.
>  Meanwhile, demands by NGOs that any conviction in the Lesotho courts
> result in the companies being debarred from World Bank contracts, as
> required under World Bank rules, are being steadfastly resisted.
> in the court, the Bank has stated, will have no bearing on the Bank's
> dealings with any of the companies. Instead, the Bank is insistent that it
> will only disbar companies if its own internal investigations show that a
> company has been involved in corruption involving a project component
> specifically financed by the World Bank. Since the Bank only made a small
> contribution to the multimillion dollar financing scheme, this would mean
> that few - if any - companies are affected.
>  That position is based on the narrowest legal interpretation of the
> guidelines and a singularly selective view of the Bank's involvement in
> project. Not only did the Bank finance the design of the project: it was
> also responsible for setting up and coordinating the financing programme.
> Indeed, in a confidential 1991 World Bank project document, the Bank
> explicitly states;
>  "In the early stages of project preparation, the Government of Lesotho
> explicitly requested that the Bank be the lead agency in the raising of
> massive amounts of funds required for implementing the project and in
> helping to guide the complicated and sensitive negotiations between
> and the Republic of South Africa. That the proposed project has reached
> current stage is clear evidence of the Bank having successfully fulfilled
> this role to date."
>  Clear evidence too that the Bank's claim to be a passive bystander in the
> project - the basis for restricting its action in the event of a
> - is nothing short of hogwash. Hogwash, however, which, like so much of
> Bank's previous actions and inactions, will ensure that
> "what-goes-wrong-goes-right" - at least for the companies' accused of
> corruption.
>  Where does all this lead us? What immediate conclusions might we draw
> the pattern of institutional behaviour documented above?
>  First - and most obvious - that the problem of corruption is unlikely to
> addressed by new regulations unless and until the well-documented
> and institutional barriers to their rigorous implementation are addressed.
> Put simply, the World Bank and other funding agencies are institutionally
> predisposed to behaviour that
> erwite".
>  Second, that addressing those institutional and structural barriers will
> require root-and-branch overhaul of the mission, management and culture of
> institutions such as the World Bank. Institutions which act so
> to the detriment of openness, accountability and democratic
> processes do not do so because of minor, easily remedied institutional
> failures. Their delinquency is far deeper-seated. Combating the pressure
> lend, for example, requires more than mere exhortation to take seriously
> World ank's guidelines: it requires radical changes in incentives; severe
> career penalties for those who flout the rules; and legally-enforceable
> means of redress for those who suffer the consequences.
>  And, third, that such radical change is unlikely to come about through
> goodwill of the institutions under scrutiny. Public pressure is essential
> change is to be achieved.
>  In that respect, the Lesotho corruption trial represents an opportunity
> to be missed. It offer the chance to hold the World Bank and other funding
> agencies to account; to insist that they formally suspend all the accused
> companies until the Lesotho case arrives at its conclusion; that they
> instigate thorough, independent investigations of the allegations
> immediately and publish their findings; and that they debar any company
> found wanting from all future contracts and support.
>  The Lesotho Government has played its part - exploding the myth that all
> Third Worlders are on the take in the process. It is now up to those
> Lesotho to take up the fight. And to "Organise! Organise! Organise!" to
> ensure this time it is civil society, not the companies, which find
> themselves at the right end of any official decision.
> ===========================================================
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