
Compiled by PRO-S.O.C.S.,
Russ Bellant)

Set up by Paul Weyrich and Joseph Coors as a tax exempt educational
research entity in conjunction with the Committee for the Survival of a
Free Congress (CSFC)

Board of Directors:

Dr. Edwin J. Feulner, President Phillip N. Truluck, Exec. V.P. Burton
Y. Pines, V.P., Director Research Herb B. Berkowitz, V.P., Public Relations
Hugh C. Newton, Senior Public Relations Council Charles L. Heatherly, V.P.,
Academic Relations Peter E. S. Pover, V.P., Administration & Finance
Terrance Scanlon, V.P. & Treasurer M. D. B. Carlise, V.P., Government
Relations Dr. Kim R. Holmes, Director, Foreign Policy & Defense Studies
Dr. Bernard T. Lomas, Counselor to President Dr. Stuart M. Butler, Director,
Domestic & Economic Policy Studies Kenneth J. Conoboy, Acting Director,
Asian Studies Center, Jeffrey Gayner, Counselor for International Relations
Ben Blackburn, Ex U.S. Congressman

FREE CONGRESS PAC (FCPAC) - Campaign arm of the Free Congress Foundation

FREE CONGRESS FOUNDATION (FCF), Paul Weyrich - Lobbies, publishes
and organizes forums>

COUNCIL FOR NATIONAL POLICY (CNP) - Founded in 1981; Tim LaHaye,
First President, `81/`82 - Lobbying group


Member of Reagan's "Kitchen Cabinet&quot." Published Mandate
for Leadership I to guide the incoming Reagan Administration and the
follow-up Mandate for Leadership II when Reagan was reelected in 1984.

The Coors family is connected to a number of conservative and reactionary
groups which attack pluralism and public education, primarily through the
Coors Family Foundation>

ACCURACY IN ACADEMIA - A national, conservative education watchdog


EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ANALYSTS - A non-profit corporation run by Mel
and Norma Gabler, whose work has been endorsed by such right-wingers as
Phyllis Schlafly and Jerry Falwell. The Gablers evaluate textbooks for
signs of what they regard as unpatriotic, anti-Christian or anti-family
sentiment. The Gablers use the literal interpretation of the Bible as their
primary authority to make such evaluations. Has received more than $130K
in contributions from the Coors Foundation over the past ten years>

TELEVISION NEWS, INC. (TVN) - Jack Wilson, Pres., Roger Ailes (George
Bush's Campaign `88 image-maker), William Kling. A national media outlet
established in 1973 by Joseph Coors. Jack Wilson forbade reporting on Ralph
Nader, Daniel Ellsberg, Native American activists and followers of the
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Wilson has been quoted as saying, "I
hate all those network people. They're destroying the country. We have
to unify the country.&quot;</B></P>

ACCURACY IN MEDIA (AIM) - Headed by Reed Irvine. This group has been
allied with Rev. Moon's Unification Church. The Congressional investigation
of South Korean Central Intelligence Agency activities in the U.S. in the
1970's found that the KCIA intended to utilize AIM to counter North Korean

HILLSDALE COLLEGE - Has strong connections to the far right. Is the
repository of the complete Manion Forum collection of the late John Birch
Society National Council member Clarence Manion. Has associated itself
with such groups as the World Anti-Communist League. The Hillsdale's monthly
magazine, Imprimis, reflects the school's far-right political views,
including those on public education.

CHRISTIANDOM COLLEGE - A small right-wing Catholic school in Virginia
founded by Warren Carroll, a former CIA employee.

REGENT UNIVERSITY - An affliate of Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting
Network. Holly Coors is a board member

NATIONAL LEGAL CENTER - Pro-business advocating reduced governmental
regulation on environmental matters

Watt's direction, MSLF filed legal briefs opposing an affirmative action
program at the University of Colorado Law School, seeking to limit health
and safety inspections of business, and arguing for the repeal of Idaho's
ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment


THE CONSERVATIVE CAUCUS (TCC) - Founded by Howard Phillips in 1974.
This is one of the most radically reactionary groups in the U.S. Phillips
and TCC board member Don McAlvany work with military and police officials
in South Africa who are perceived as supporting a harder line than the
Nationalist Party. Phillips has quoted favorably the head of South Africa's
openly white-supremacist Conservative Party. He is running for president
in the 1992 election on the U.S. Taxpayers Party ticket. He also continues
to work closely with the John Birch Society.

* DR. EDWIN J. FEULNER, Pres., Heritage Foundation. FREEDOM LEADERSHIP
FOUNDATION (FLF) - The political arm of the Unification Church of America.
Dr. Feulner's connections with the Korean Central Intelligence Agency
through the Freedom Leadership Foundation (FLF) were investigated by the
Fraser Congressional Committee.

* MICHAEL WARDER, Director of Administration, Heritage Foundation,
1980. Had ties to Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church.

UNIFICATION CHURCH OF AMERICA (UCA) - Michael Warder was a Director
of UCA in 1977. INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL FOUNDATION - An umbrella organization
for the business enterprises of Moon, one of which is Tong II Enterprises,
an exporter of M16's and heavy weapons that also engages in tuna fishing.
Warden was listed as Director of Tong II in 1978. Warder was the largest
American stockholder of Tong II Enterprises in the 1970's

NEWS WORLD COMMUNICATIONS, INC. - Moon publication. Warder was listed
as having held an editorial position

CHRISTIAN VOICE - A Moon connected sheparding group that has operated
out of the Heritage building in Washington, D.C. Robert Grant, a member
of the board of CNP and chairman of AFC, is a chairman of this group

AMERICAN FREEDOM COALITION (AFC) - A Moon front group. Has raised
funds for Oliver North

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