Contact Comes with Enlightenment
By James Gilliland


>From an Alien Perspective

There are many who ask the questions if there are aliens why don't they land
on the White House Lawn or during the Super Bowl. To help us understand the
answer let us look at it from an advanced alien perspective. Lets take a
mythical interview from Halial Supreme Ambassador and captain of the Galactic

I am Halial. When we came to study Earth we found many interesting rituals we
are still trying to understand. When we first came we saw a large gathering
of people sitting in a multi level circular formation.. This formation is
good to unify energies and unite in a common good. The people of Earth were
all watching other Earth humans on a field of grass.

These Earth humans divided themselves into two teams. They ran as fast as
they could and tried to inflict as much damage as possible slamming into each
other over control of a dead animal skin filled with air. The humans in the
multilevel circle seemed to also be divided cheering for one side or the
other while eating what analysis has shown us to be stuffed intestines of
another animal with the meat from the animal that used to wear the skin they
were fighting over.

They also drink a depressant, a liquid that made them act real strange and
pee a lot. They also sit in the same circle and watch other Earth humans hit
another stuffed animal hide with a wooden stick then run in circles. Might be
an ancient Sufi ritual. They fight over possession of another larger inflated
animal skin and toss it through a hoop. In other places they take turns
kicking it around. I wonder if they know it is already dead? We don't
understand why they would unify in a circle then divide or idolize and fight
over a dead animal skin. They seem to be obsessed with competition,
domination and control.

We decided to find the leadership of these primitive people. We went to a
large round white building that scans showed to be the center of government.
We scanned to find intelligence and integrity. What we found was corruption,
dishonesty, obsessions with drugs and sex, long histories of engaging in
actions that were very harmful to humanity and the Earth even to the point of
selling arms to both sides of wars they inspired.

It seems Earth humans worship and exalt this kind of behavior because their
leadership is a reflection of this kind of behavior. In our search to find a
higher authority we found there was an elite. Several families that run
everything behind the scenes. Our scans showed them to be even more corrupt.
Their lust for power and material wealth was insatiable and they would not
rest until they owned and controlled everyone and everything.

We decided to find the protectors, those who were sworn to protect the
citizens. We first tried the military then the civilian agencies. What we
found out was they were also controlled by the elite and cooperated with the
plans of the elite. Even if it meant mass genocide or harming their own
families and friends, these agencies would employ deadly force on whoever the
elite asked them too. Had to do something with an oath to God and country. We
have not yet figured out what killing the other expressions of God have to do
with God's will or how it serves the country to diminish freedom or create
pain, suffering and loss to those within the country but we think it has
something to do with worshipping dominance and control misassociating it with
intelligence and power.

What we found is that there was something else people worshipped even more
than those who controlled the dead animal skin. There were these little green
pieces of paper as well. Thoughts of this little green piece of paper took up
most of their thought process. Even their actions and energies were mostly
spent in acquiring these little green pieces of paper.

What little energy was left was used for mostly unsuccessful attempts at
mating. What we also could not understand it how so many believed their
survival depended on these green pieces of paper. The elite controlled and
printed these little green pieces of paper. We found it amazing that people
would trade tangible objects of value for them. They would even destroy their
environment and each other for these little green pieces of paper.

All attempts to assist them in cleaning up the air, water and land through
free energy and other methods have been met with violent opposition. We even
picked up a few throughout history, taught them the basic universal
principles necessary for a healthy society and environment. Left them as
wayshowers but they killed them and later created a religion around them
altering their message to fit their needs.

We shared with them our way which would have created a quantum leap in
evolution. Our leaders are chosen according to their spiritual awareness and
dedication to service. We honor our childrens unique purpose and give them
everything they need to excel in their gifts. They are also taught there is
no separation in life, to respect all life and to serve the Creator in all
creation. They willingly share and give back to society. We have transcended
all material lack and live in abundance.

All attempts to share this knowledge has been met with violent resistance. We
would show up in our triangular ships only to find Earth humans unreachable.
They were caught up in another triangle. The victim, saviour, persector
triangle. They would not even question the role projected upon them and act
it out in an endless loop.

Attempts by other benevolent off world visitors were also met with
dishonesty, violence and ill intent. It seems all the Earth human wants is
advanced weaponry to evolve further into the worship of control and
dominance. We decided Earth humans were not to be engaged but were to be
isolated until further study. We quarantined the solar system and set up
beacons to warn others not to land or engage this primitive society.

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