The John Birch Society
With the onset of the McCarthy era 50 years ago, any perceived threat to
U.S. sovereignty from the British Round Table and its American branch
shifted to an obsession with the Soviet Union. Roy Cohn, who was legal
counsel to Sen. Joseph McCarthy during the anti-Communist Senate
investigations of the 1950s, would later become a member of the John Birch
Society and a principle figure in the JBS intelligence gathering operation,
the Western Goals Foundation. Out of the latter emerged the core group
which, in 1981, formed the present Council for National Policy -- a
consortium of high level political, corporate and evangelical leaders which
is the primary coordinating body and funding conduit for Christian Right
Sara Diamond's book, Roads to Dominion: Right-Wing Movements and Political
Power in the United States, notes:"Before and after the formation of the
John Birch Society, corporations played a major role in rallying the public
to the anticommunist cause." 1. In 1947, the Taft-Hartley Act granted
corporations the right to distribute literature to counter labor union
organizing -- a movement they blamed on the communists. To reduce the cost
of producing and distributing anti-Communist materials, corporations turned
to non-profit organizations such as the JBS.

By 1963, corporations were spending an estimated $25 million per year on
anticommunist literature... Some corporations circulated print and
audio-visual materials produced by the John Birch Society; other
corporations produced their own in-house literature...By the early 1960s,
the Nation magazine reported that there was a minimum of 6,600
corporate-financed anticommunist broadcasts, carried by more than 1,300
radio and television stations at a total annual budget of about $20
million...Leading sponsors included Texas oil billionaire H.L. Hunt and
Howard J. Pew of Sun Oil. The corporate sector's massive anticommunist
propaganda campaigns created a favorable climate for the mobilization of
activist groups like the John Birch Society. 2.
On the other hand, or rather the other side of the dialectic,
super-capitalists such as John D. Rockefeller would come to understand the
potential of using labor unions to corporate advantage -- as a means of
controlling the opposition.

The Rockefeller interests have not overlooked and have made good use of the
monopoly of labor that is afforded to unions, to effect monopolies of
industry that would be recognized as illegal if they had been effected by a
monopoly of machinery. Labor unions have proved to be a powerful weapon for
the Rockefeller Empire in extending its world conquest; and subsidized
unioneers are always in the forefront of the emissaries that they send out
into newly conquered territories. With Marxism as a shibboleth, they are
rapidly accomplishing a world-wide subjugation of the "peasantry". This has
earned for wily John D. Jr. a reputation for "liberalism". It is more
appropriately called "Rockefellerism". 3.
In the long march toward a new social order, ultra-right and left-wing
agitation propaganda serve not only to polarize and destabilize society,
they create a diversionary conflict to prevent recognition of the true
conspiracy. Lest an informed and united citizenry form an alliance against
them, principles of conflict management are employed by the power elites:

The plan, I think, is the old one of world dominion in a new form. The
money-power and revolutionary power have been set up and given sham but
symbolic shapes ("Capitalism" or "Communism") and sharply defined citadels
("America" or "Russia"). Such is the spectacle publicly staged for the
masses. But what if similar men, with a common aim, secretly rule in both
camps and propose to achieve their ambition through the clash between those
masses? I believe any diligent student of our times will discover that this
is the case. -- Douglas Reed 4.
In his essay on the unseen hand behind This Age of Conflict, Ivor Benson
reveals the natural partnership that exists between ostensibly opposing
forces -- for example, the fascist Rhodes-Milner Round Table and Fabian
socialists -- to secure a common objective, namely, the subjugation of

Significantly Julius Wernher, of the Wernher-Beit conglomerate that
supported Milner's effort to precipitate the Anglo-Boer War, contributed
substantially to the funding of the London School of Economics and socialist
movements everywhere, all vehemently "anti-capitalists", continued to
receive massive support from the most powerful "capitalists."   

It was because of the absence of any fundamental antagonism between the
philosophies of John Ruskin and of Karl Marx that it was possible for the
"Brave new World" ambition, so actively promoted by Rhodes and his heirs, to
be absorbed into the socialist world-power vortex with hardly a sign that
anything untoward had happened.  In fact, the international socialists,
instruments of the most highly concentrated financial power, were able to
take over the Rhodes-Milner establishment, complete with its worldwide
network of organizations the Rhodes Scholarship Trust, the Royal Institute
of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilaterals,
etc -- and continue to run it as if still under its original management;
indeed, it simply gave the socialists a new Dimension for the exercise of
their incomparable skill in the arts of deception. 5.
Carroll Quigley and colleagues of like sympathy with the Rhodes agenda have
widely propagated the belief that the American branch of the Round Table
organization is exclusively the liberal Eastern Establishment. However, The
Belmont Brotherhood revealed that the Anglo-American Establishment, which
represents the interests of the aforesaid corporations, also launched the
ultra-conservative movement in the United States, the John Birch Society
being a pioneer of the extreme right of this dialectical process.
Produced in 1977 by a group of former high-ranking JBS members, "The Belmont
Brotherhood" refers to the National Council at Belmont, Massachusetts where
JBS national headquarters were originally located. Various sources cited
therein document that the early members of the John Birch Society were also
members of the liberal Establishment they pretended to oppose, and
represented in great measure the corporate interests of America, which are
advanced by the oaths of loyalty to one another in a secret brotherhood --
organized Freemasonry. This 12-page report concluded with the perceptive
observation that the John Birch Society represents the most diabolical form
of the Illuminati conspiracy:

"You may object: 'Look at all the great things [Founder, Robert] Welch has
done - he has exposed the Illuminati.' Baloney. The Illuminati was merely a
branch of the Conspiracy. How can one attack the Illuminati without
attacking the diabolical power behind it: organized Freemasonry? Welch has
provided the most valuable service of all time to the Conspiracy. He founded
an organization to neutralize millions of Americans from discovering what
the true power behind the Illuminati really was. And we concede the Mason's
chose an extremely clever man to do the job. Welch, with the help of the
Belmont Brotherhood, plays his role very effectively." 6.
The Introduction to a 1967 reprint of John Robison's Proofs of a Conspiracy
(a 1789 expose of the Illuminati), published by the Birch-owned Western
Islands publisher, disallowed that there could be present connections
between the Illuminati and Freemasonry. According to the JBS, the Illuminati
are the forefathers of Communism, but not of Freemasonry, which is held in
the highest regard as a patriotic organization by the John Birch Society.

"Robison, a former Mason himself, found that 'this impunity [from authority
by maintaining the Masonic rule of secrecy] had gradually encouraged men of
licentious principles to become more bold, and to teach doctrines subversive
of all our notions of morality.' Let us be quick to say that Freemasonry in
England, America and elsewhere has historically, and today is, quite another
kind and its members characterized by high standards of morality and

"The true purpose of the [Illuminati] Order was to rule the world. To
achieve this it was necessary for the Order to destroy all religions,
overthrow all governments, and abolish private property...This is exactly
what the Communists have been doing since 1848! Please note that Robison
makes it clear that the Illuminati Order was quite distinct and separate
from Freemasonry...[the] conspiracy [was] conceived not by Masons as Masons,
but by evil men using Freemasonry as a vehicle for their own purposes...In
the realm of ideology, certainly the line from the Illuminati Order to the
Communist Manifesto is straight and unbroken...

"Let it be stressed that the present publication of Robison's work is not
intended to open old wounds or create new animosity or distrust toward
Freemasonry, whose adherents today certainly number among our staunchest
patriots and anti-Communists... The conspirators have long since discarded
Freemasonry as their vehicle. If clever conspirators could use - of all
groups - so fine a group as the Masons, we must open our minds to consider
what infinite possibilities are available to them in our own present day
society. Their main habitat these days seems to be the great subsidized
universities, tax-free foundations, mass media communications, governmental
bureaus such as the State Department, and a myriad of private organizations
such as the Council on Foreign Relations..." 7.
Contrary to the JBS position on Freemasonry are the facts of history.
Organized Freemasonry has proven itself over centuries to be a secret
society which foments revolution wherever it establishes a base of
operation. That Masonry binds its initiates to a code of conduct
antithetical to patriotism is the subject of a lengthy and well-documented
series offered by the Ministry of Biblical Defense and titled America's
Subversion: The Enemy Within. Facts substantiated by the writings of Masonic
scholars and determined by U.S. state legislature investigations provide
abundant proof that, within the United States, there is a fifth column
dedicated to the overthrow of its constitutional government. The
Constitution of Freemasonry, written in 1721 by Dr. John Anderson of
Aberdeen, Scotland, laid the groundwork for universal treason, rather than
loyalty to country:

James Anderson's son, Dr. James Anderson, in 1721 went about rewriting
Freemasonry's Constitutions for the Grand Lodge of England. However, the
precedence for obstruction and perversion of justice would later be
documented in Freemasonry's expansion to American soil, both in a structure
of oaths and in practice. American soil would also witness the murder of
Capt. Morgan who revealed Masonic secrets to the public and who was murdered
pursuant to Masonic oaths of retribution. Such oaths include in the Royal
Arch degree the concealment of crimes by fellow Masons, murder and treason
not excepted. Dr. James Anderson's improvements to written constitutions of
the time in England have evidently not so much altered the underlying
substance of Freemasonry as it has in serving the interests of providing a
strategic or tactical move at the time.
"Dr. James Anderson was born in Aberdeen in about 1680. After becoming a
minister in the Church of Scotland, he made his way to London. In 1721 he
started rewriting Freemasonry's Constitutions 'in a new and better method'.
He claimed he was asked to do this by the new Grand Lodge of England
(founded in 1717 when four lodges came together under one authority), but he
may have suggested it himself..." (p. 36 Inside the Brotherhood, Martin
Short, 1989)

Masonry's Aberdeen spirit had entrenched itself on American soil. Oaths of
secrecy, oaths swearing penalties of death for breaches of secrecy, oaths
swearing to obstruct and pervert justice, oaths swearing to cover-up crimes
of fellow Masons, crimes not excepting murder and treason, had defined an
esoteric, inner value system, veiled by exoteric principles of charity and
brotherhood. The "blue code of silence" which has even in modern times eaten
away at America's law enforcement community, countenancing drug dealing and
even murder by sworn officers of the law, in principle has reflected Masonic
code subverting justice, not excepting murder, not excepting even treason.
The Western Goals Foundation
John Birch Society founder, Robert Welch, was succeeded upon his death in
1983 by the former Congressman Larry McDonald. Lawrence Patton McDonald was
a cousin of George S. Patton, Jr., the famous general who was killed in an
automobile accident at the conclusion of World War II. 9. According to
Conspiracies of World War II by J.S. Craig, "The common rumor in Germany at
the time was that Patton was assassinated due to his wish to join forces
with Germany and attack Russia. Patton had openly admitted that the Allies
had defeated 'the wrong enemy' and repeatedly praised German industry and
the discipline of its people." 10. E. H. Cookridge also recorded Gen.
Patton's pro-Nazi attitude and subsequent demise in Gehlen: Spy of the
Century -- an expose of the CIA's recruitment of high-level Nazi espionage

...General Patton was dreaming of rearming a couple of Waffen SS divisions
to incorporate them into his US Third Army "and lead them against the Reds".
Patton had put this plan quite seriously to General Joseph T. McNarney,
deputy US military governor in Germany, who had relayed Marshall Zhukov's
complaint that the Third Army was too slow in disbanding and confining
German units in its Bavarian sector. "What do you think those ******
bolshies think?" said Patton. "We're going to have to fight them sooner or
later. Why not now while our army is intact and we can kick the Red Army
back into Russia? We can do it with my Germans..."

McNarney, petrified, reported this to his political advisor, Robert Murphy,
who promptly asked Patton to come and see him. Patton was not in the least
subdued. "He inquired with a gleam in his eye", Murphy later wrote, "whether
there was any chance of going on to Moscow, which he said he could reach in
thirty days, instead of waiting for the Russians to attack the United
States." The outcome of this and other indiscretions was that Eisenhower
relieved Patton of his command on October 2, 1945. Two months later he was
fatally injured in a car crash. 11.
Reinhard Gehlen was one of Adolf Hitler's chief intelligence officers,
solely in charge of espionage against the Soviet Union. In 1945, Gehlen
offered the United States his considerable experience, expertise and
archives on Russia and satellite countries in return for immunity from
prosecution as a war criminal. The newly established Central Intelligence
Agency formed the "Gehlen Organisation" which was Gehlen's former network
for anti-Soviet espionage. Located in West Germany and funded by the CIA,
the Gehlen Organisation became the most powerful espionage establishment in
Western Europe. 
In 1979, Gen. Patton's cousin, Congressman Lawrence McDonald, founded the
Western Goals Foundation as a front for the JBS intelligence network.
McDonald directed the organization until his untimely death in the downing
of the Korean airliner, KAL 007 in 1983, the year he succeeded Robert Welch
as JBS Chairman. Western Goals was discontinued in 1986 following a power
struggle for McDonald's position. According to the Interhemispheric Resource
Center GroupWatch, files of which are available on the Public Information
Research database, Western Goals had worked with Reinhard Gehlen:

McDonald formed a foundation branch in West Germany in 1981. The
organization, called the American-European Strategy Research Institute, was
set up with a $131,982 injection from the U.S. office. That figure
represented more than a third of Western Goals' operating budget at the

The German affiliate is Western Goals Europe E.V.(5) This German branch is
also known as the American-European Strategy Institute. It acknowledges
working with Reinhard Gehlen, a former Nazi who has been honored by the
elite lay Catholic organization, the Knights of Malta (SMOM).(8) SMOM gave
its highest award of honor, the Gran Croci Al Merito Conplacca, to Gehlen in
l948. Gehlen, who was not a Catholic, was awarded the honor because of his
efforts in the "crusade against godless Communism." Gehlen headed Adolf
Hitler's spy operations against the Soviet Union during World War II. After
the war, he and his spy apparatus--staffed mostly by former Nazis--were
recruited by the CIA. He became the first director of the BND, West
Germany's intelligence agency. 12.
Western Goals drew on both private and official government files to become
one of the largest and most influential private intelligence operations in
the U.S. According to GroupWatch, Western Goals was able to bypass legal
restraints placed on government intelligence agencies:

...groups like Western Goals allow "the ultra-right [to keep] tabs on its
'subversive' domestic opposition..."(10) In Western Goals' case, this
service was apparently not performed only for like-minded private groups.
Elton Manzione quotes an East Coast police intelligence source as saying
that Western Goals had a reputation of acting as a "clearinghouse" for some
police departments whose intelligence- collecting functions were restricted
by laws such as the Freedom of Information Act. Manzione noted that both the
CIA and National Security Agency have received information from John Rees'
Information Digest (see below). (8)...According to a 1976 investigation by
the New York Assembly's Office of Legislative Oversight, Information Digest
was supplying information to the FBI, CIA, and the National Security Agency.
The internal spying nature of the John Birch Society became known when its
espionage against private citizens in connection with the LA Police
Department was discovered:

The final straw for the police commission occurred two months earlier, when
it was discovered that files previously ordered destroyed had been
squirreled away by an intelligence officer, Jay Paul, with the approval of
his superiors. Investigators with search warrants seized ninety cartons of
files from his mobile home and other locations. Paul was in the process of
feeding this data into the computers of Western Goals, a private
organization headed by Congressman Larry McDonald, and was also involved
with Research West, an operation founded by ex-FBI agents which sold
information to corporations. Typical of the files in these cartons was a
four-decade dossier on a state supreme court judge, compiled to assess his
possible bias against police intelligence practices. 14.
Birch Society member, John Rees, whose Information Digest supplied
information to the FBI, CIA, and the National Security Agency, was one of
the earliest members of the Western Goals Foundation and its principal
espionage agent. Instrumental in obtaining Rees' entrance to Western Goals
was J. Peter Grace, who was also chairman of the Order of the Knights of
Malta in the United States and president of W.R. Grace and Co. from 1945
until three years before his death in 1995. Profiles of J. Peter Grace in
Who's Who in America list as his credits: Bachelor of Arts from Yale
University in 1936, Assistant Secretary at W. R. Grace (1936), President and
CEO (1945), Newcomen Society, Council on Foreign Relations, Knights of Malta
(American Chapter of the Board of Founders), Knights of Malta President,
address: 1114 Avenue of the Americas. 15.
J. Peter Grace & Operation Paperclip
Considering that the Newcomen Society and CFR to which J. Peter Grace
belonged were branches of Cecil Rhodes's eugenics club, The Round Table, it
is not out of character that Grace would be involved in Project Paperclip --
a post World War II CIA arrangement to remove classified information from
dossiers so that former SS members and 900+ Nazi scientists could emigrate
to the U. S. Hundreds of war criminals would find employment within
government agencies and companies such as W.R. Grace chemical company whose
president was J. Peter Grace. The Covert Action Information Bulletin
documents the close relationship between Reinhard Gehlen, the CIA, Knights
of Malta and the Vatican, which had smuggled Nazi war criminals out of
Europe through the infamous "rat lines":

On November 17, 1948 SMOM awarded one of its highest honors, the Grand Cross
of Merit, to Reinhard Gehlen, the Nazi chief of intelligence on the Soviet
front. He was subsequently installed by the Americans as the first chief of
West Germany's equivalent of the CIA, the Bundesnachtrichtdienst (BND:
federal secret service), under West German Chancellor Adenauer, a devout
Catholic who had received the Magistral Grand Cross personally from SMOM
Grand Master Prince Chigi.

After the appointment of Knight of Malta William Casey as head of the
Central Intelligence Agency, and another Knight, James Buckley, as head of
U.S. propaganda against Eastern Europe at Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty,
several historians noted with interest President Reagan's call during the
summer of 1982 for a "crusade" against the "Evil Empire" in Eastern Europe.
[including Balkans.....JP] 16.
The CIA also funded Nazi/SMOM fronts, Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe:
"The present head of the Order in the United States is a prominent
businessman, J. Peter Grace. Prior to 1971, Grace was associated with Radio
Liberty and Radio Free Europe, both of which had been established by
Reinhard Gehlen and funded by the CIA." 17. The Covert Action Information
Bulletin describes the manner in which Radio Liberty, under the supervision
of Grace and other prominent figures, functioned as a front for ex-Nazis:

In 1950, the American Committee for Liberation from Bolshevism was created.
The trustees included J. Peter Grace, Charles Edison, William Henry
Chamberlain, H.J. Heinz II, Isaac Don Levine, and Eugene Lyons. The
Committee (now known as Radio Liberty), under the guiding hand of the CIA's
Frank Wisner, funded numerous emigre "research institutes'' which, according
to John Loftus [see UNHOLY TRINITY], were "little more than front groups for
ex-Nazi intelligence officers.''14 18.
The Knights of Malta & Conquest of Latin America

"In addition to Casey, and James Buckley, its current members, or Knights
[of Malta], after the feudal fashion, include Lee Iacocca, John McCone,
William Buckley, Alexander Haig, Alexandre de Marenches (the chief of French
Intelligence under Giscard d'Estaing, himself a Knight of SMOM), Otto von
Hapsburg, and various leaders of the fascist P-2 Masonic lodge in Italy.
While its organizational funding is relatively modest, its leverage is
maximized by the presence of its Knights in key positions in other private
and governmental structures throughout the world." 19.
William Russell Grace founded W. R. Grace & Co. in Peru in 1854. The long
history of W.R. Grace & Co. chronicles its global expansion and penetration
of Latin America, in which region the Knights of Malta would later rebuild
the Nazi network to conduct fascist operations. 20.

[As of 1986] Grace, whose aides include another Knight of Malta, former
United States Treasury Secretary William Simon, runs an organisation called
Americares, of which he is chairman. A primary objective of Americares is to
raise money for aid to Central America. The agency in charge of distributing
this aid is the Order of Malta, working through its field organisation in El
Salvadore, Guatemala and Honduras. 21.

AmeriCares, with the help of Friends of the Democratic Center in Central
America (Prodemca), conducted an advertising campaign in the U.S. on behalf
of La Prensa. The ads for La Prensa solicited funds from the public to pay
for the shipment of newsprint to Nicaragua.(28) Prodemca was a
neoconservative group that provided U.S. government grants to La Prensa and
sponsored pro-contra aid ads in U.S. newspapers using funds from Oliver
North's secret aid network.(28)

William Simon and Prescott Bush Jr. are also members of the Knights of
Malta, and Simon was also on Prodemca's national council. Both Prodemca and
the Knights of Malta were involved in efforts to support the contras and/or
private sector opposition groups in Nicaragua. Simon, who was Treasury
Secretary under Richard Nixon, was also the chairman of the Nicaraguan
Freedom Fund (NFF), a fundraising organization set up in l985 by the
Washington Times, a newspaper owned by the Unification Church. The NFF was
established to raise funds for the contras.(12,17)... 22.
>From 1982-95, J. Peter Grace (CFR) was Chairman of the Advisory Committee of
AmeriCares, which included William E. Simon (CFR), Treasury Secretary under
Richard Nixon. The Honorary Chair of AmeriCares is Zbigniew Brzezinski
(BB/CFR/TC); Ambassador-At-Large is Barbara Bush and the Advisory Committee
includes: Prescott S. Bush, Jr. [brother to former Pres. George Bush (CFR)],
33º Mason Gen. Colin L. Powell (ret.) (CFR) and Sol M. Linowitz (CFR/TC),
chairman of Xerox Corp and officer of the World Future Society. Sol Linowitz
was also a representative to the Organization of American States and
co-founder in 1964 with David Rockefeller (CFR) of the International
Executive Services Corp, an international business development organization
for which Linowitz and Rockefeller received the Medal of Freedom Award in
1998. 23. 
The Council on Foreign Relations was funded by the Rockefeller family and
has functioned as its agency almost from its inception in 1919. The CFR and
its British counterpart, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, were
jointly founded by American and British Round Table members following the
Paris Peace Conference. According to The Round Table,"Attendees included
British and American secret society members who worked for the British
Secret Service or the first U.S. central intelligence agency the INQUIRY."
The historic meeting was described in Rockefeller "Internationalist": The
Man Who Misrules the World.

"Conversations between Gen Tasker H. Bliss, Col. E. M. House, Prof.
Archibald Cary Coolidge, Whitney H. Shepardson, Dr. James T. Shotwell and
others of the American delegation, and British officials such as Sir Robert
Cecil, Lionel Curtis, Sir Valentine Chirol, Lord Eustace Percy and Harold
Temperley, led to a dinner meeting at the Majestic Hotel, Paris, on May 30,
1919. It was formally agreed that an organization should be created for the
study of international affairs. The first two resolutions set forth the
proposed form and substance of the undertaking: 'RESOLVED: That those
present undertake to form an Institute entitled The Institute of
International Affairs. Founded in Paris in 1919 comprised at the outset of
two branches, one in the United Kingdom and one in the U.S...'" 24.
CFR member J. Peter Grace's collusion with the Rockefeller exploitation of
Latin America was documented in Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the
Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil:

"David [Rockefeller] made plans to absorb Nelson's old Inter-American
Council and the Latin American Information Committee into the Business Group
for Latin America. What emerged was the Council for Latin America (now
called the Council for the Americas), which united more than 200
corporations with more than 80 percent of U.S. investments in Latin America
into a common business front. David set up the council in a Manhattan
townhouse across the street from the mansion Junior had give the Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR)...
"David was not just a brother of one of the best known Americans in Latin
America, and not just president of the Chase Bank. He also represented the
Council for Latin America... Note 32... J. Peter Grace, chairman of W.R.
Grace & Company and another leading figure in David's Council for Latin
America." 25.
During the period of the Boland amendment's ban on U.S. government
involvement in Latin America, a network of private right-wing groups worked
to subvert leftist governments by supporting rebel organizations such as the
Nicaraguan Contras. Among these was the Western Goals Foundation whose
principals included, besides Larry McDonald, John Rees, Roy Cohn and Gen.
George S. Patton III, other persons of note with associations to Nazis,
subversive organizations, organized crime, the FBI and CIA:
Major General John Singlaub (ret.)

[Singlaub] became CIA deputy chief in South Korea during the Korean War and
served for two years in Vietnam during the 1960s. At that time, he was
commander of the Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force, known as MACSOG.
In that role, he was one of the commanders of Operation Phoenix, although he
denies having had a part in that program's infamous assassination and
counterterror aspects. In 1978, as chief of staff of the United Nations
Command in South Korea, he publicly condemned the decision of President
Jimmy Carter to reduce the number of U.S. troops in the country. He was then
forced to retire. (8,9,10) 26.
Operation Phoenix was a terrorist and drug operation in Southwest Asia which
would form the experiential basis for the later theatre of operation: Latin

Professional assassinations manager Felix I. Rodriguez met with Bush aide
Donald P. Gregg, officially and secretly, at the White House. Gregg then
recommended to National Security Council adviser Robert "Bud'' McFarlane a
plan for El Salvador-based military attacks on a target area of Central
American nations including Nicaragua. Gregg's March 17, 1983 memo to [NSC
adviser Robert] McFarlane said: "The attached plan, written in March of last
year, grew out of two experiences: "--Anti-Vietcong operations run under my
direction in III Corps Vietnam from 1970-1972. These operations [see below],
based on...a small elite force...produced very favorable results."...

[CIA assassinations manager Felix I.] Rodriguez followed his CIA boss Ted
Shackley to Southeast Asia in 1970. Shackley and Donald Gregg put Rodriguez
into the huge assassination and dope business which Shackley and his
colleagues ran during the Indochina war; this bunch became the heart of the
"Enterprise'' that went into action 15 to 20 years later in Iran- Contra.
Shackley funded opium-growing Meo tribesmen in murder, and used the dope
proceeds in turn to fund his hit squads. He formed the Military Assistance
Group-Special Operations Group (MAG-SOG) political murder unit; Gen. John K.
Singlaub was a commander of MAG-SOG; Oliver North and Richard Secord were
officers of the unit. By 1971, the Shackley group had killed about 100,000
civilians in Southeast Asia as part of the CIA's Operation Phoenix. 27....


1. Sara Diamond, Roads to Dominion: Right-Wing Movements and Political Power
in the United States, Guilford Press, 1995, p. 52.
2. Ibid.
3. Emanuel Josephson, Rockefeller "Internationalist" - The Man Who Misrules
the World, NY: Chedney Press, 1952, p. 37.
4. "This Age of Conflict," Ivor Benson,
5. Ibid.
6. The Belmont Brotherhood,
7. James Robison, Proofs of a Conspiracy, Western Islands Publishers, 1976,
1789, Introduction.
8. "America's Subversion: The Enemy Within," Sonny Stermole, Ministry of
Biblical Defense,
9. "Watchman on the Wall," Warren P. Mass, The New American, August 29,
1988, .
10. "Conspiracies of World War II," J. S. Craig,
11. E.H. Cookridge, Gehlen: Spy of the Century, London: Hodder & Stoughton,
1971, pp. 127-28.
12. Interhemispheric Resource Center, GroupWatch, Western Goals Foundation, References: 5. Letter from Sean Steinbach and
Dominik Diehl, May 22, 1987. 8. Elton Manzione, "The Private Spy Agency,"
The National Reporter, Summer 1985.
13. Ibid., References: 10. Scott Anderson and Jon Lee Anderson, Inside the
League: The Shocking Expose of How Terrorists, Nazis, and Latin American
Death Squads Have Infiltrated the World Anti-Communist League (New York, NY:
Dodd, Mead & Co., 1986); 8. Elton Manzione, "The Private Spy Agency," The
National Reporter, Summer 1985. .
14. Ibid., References: Donner, Protectors of Privilege, pp. 245-89; Joel
Sappell, "Jay Paul," Los Angeles Times, 30 April 1984, Part II, p. 1,6.
15. Who's Who in America, 1976-1977, 1992-1993.
16. "Nazis, the Vatican and the CIA," Covert Action Information Bulletin,
Winter 1986, No. 25, pp. 27-38,
17. Michael Biagent, Richard Lincoln & Henry Lincoln, The Messianic Legacy,
Dell Publishing, 1986, p. 361.
18. "Nazis, the Vatican and the CIA," op.cit.; Reference: 14 John Loftus,
The Belarus Secret, ed. by Nathan Miller (New York Knopf, 1982), pp.
106-107, 178. [and see UNHOLY TRINITY by Loftus]
19. Ibid.,
20. Grace History,
21. The Messianic Legacy, p. 361.
22. Interhemispheric Resource Center, GroupWatch: AmeriCares Foundation, References: 12. The New Right
Humanitarians, The Resource Center, l986; 19. Private Organizations with
U.S. Connections in Honduras, The Resource Center, l988.
23. "Medal Of Freedom Awarded To IESC Co-Founders David Rockefeller And Sol
Linowitz," PR Newswire, January 13, 1998.
24. Rockefeller "Internationalist", pp. 237-38.
25. Gerard Colby with Charlotte Dennett,Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of
the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil,
HarperCollins 1996, pp. 474, 539, 887.
26. Interhemispheric Resource Center, GroupWatch: Western Goals Foundation,; 8. Elton Manzione, "The Private Spy Agency,"
The National Reporter, Summer 1985. 9. The New Right Humanitarians, the
Resource Center, 1986. 10. Scott Anderson and Jon Lee Anderson, Inside the
League: The Shocking Expose of How Terrorists, Nazis, and Latin American
Death Squads Have Infiltrated the World Anti-Communist League (New York, NY:
Dodd, Mead & Co., 1986).
27. Anton Chaitkin, George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, Chapter XVIII,

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