After reading this item, I was reminded of something; Bnai Brith - how
is it this Masonic Order, who founded the ADL and other groups which I
consider to be subversive (fhe former group of which Henry Kissinger is
a member, and Henry was also KGB Agent) is it nobody dare mention
Bnai Brith, or Jew, or anything remotely connected to jewish
organizastions such as Jewish Mafia, who was in part behind the murder
of JFK and numberous other murders including murder of Sir Harry Oakes.

The Kennedy brothers took on organized crime; most of these jewish
members were Russian Mafia....criminals and assassins.

Who is taking over America today?   Well Kissinger we have with us
always, do we not; two Rockefellers bit the dust back in 1979
thereabout, and Kissinger became even more powerul.

So you have here the Vatican denounced, the Masonic Order villified, and
the Knights of Malta - but what about this Bnai Brith?

What about Littleton - ADL and Dees put out word that neo Nazis murdered
those kids and when it came out Klebold had a grandfather in this Jewish
Mafia circle, boy that story - sure dropped the neo nazi stuff didn/t

Bnai Brith, a German Masonic Order founded as i recall after if this masonic order is so corrupted remember this -
Adolph Hitler first thing he did was kick out the Mason and the
Rosicrucians for he claimed they were secret service.

Well my Masonic Uncle was a KKK member, Secret Service, and a Mason and
an honorable man, shot by Nazis during other Uncle was
Navy Intelligence and used to run wih old OSS agent....he was instructor
also at Great Lakes.

So if the Masons and Knights of Malta and the let us not forget, the
Rosicrucians, if they were so evil then why did Hitler go after them

Larry McDonald if he came from George Patton's family, he had to be
okay;   Remember the creep Larry Flynt, when McDonald's plane went down,
said he would go jump out of a plan and save the world, for he villified
Mcdonald.....Flynt ws gunned down by Lansky henchmen - he was moving
into the drug territority and I had first hand information on that one.

There are many members in any one body - even the military has its
bastards as my one old Masonic friend would say "yeh, he's a kiss
ass".....referring to masonic ritual, no doubt.

Masonic Order?  It is composed of many different things, but above all
every mason I ever knew, was a gentleman above all.   You can get I must
presume, an education with the Masonic order......but many members in
one body, even the military, you are going to find a few who are less
than perfect.

Why is it nobody criticizes ADL....why is it KKK is villified to
exclusiong of Dees and ADL when KGB ws operating their own KKK.....neo
Nazi Bible Cults?   Hey one was gong to murder Ted Kennedy years ago -
the watchman in the night, but they got pulled in - neo nazis, you got
to be kidding.

Tails wagging dog?   Oh no, they murder the dog, the head man - by the
sytematic assassination of a country's leaders, Madame Blatatsky, a
peasant who rode with Garibaldi - she said you could bring a country to
its knees.

Christ said - beware of those who say they are jews and are not....look
to the Holy Land and ee the domestic jew and arabs being brought into a
war that is of biblical proportion so European Zionism can get control
over the oil.

Did anybody ever hear the word Zionist as applied to the Bnai Brith -
the masonic order of German descent with big mouth - taking on Christian
orders?    Ever see a Mason with a big mouth?    Well he would not last
too long anywhere - he would be shuffled aside.

CFR took in the Unions back before JFK was slaughtered by Meyer
Lansky....big bucks involved here, for the Zionist will do anything to
get the oil.....To Me a Zionist is comprised in an order of 12 Tribes
and the word equates to Mafia.

So get out of the oil buiness, and see who gives a crap about the little
State of Israel being slaughtered - of course, the arabs will be
blamed.....but I keep thinking of NATO and that mountain where Moses
received the 10 commandmants from, it is prepared for war.

So tell me if the Masons are so evil, why did Hitler kick their
organization out of Germany?

Along with the Rosicrucians.....for all is under the Rose, is it not and
ultimate goal of course is to destroy the Catholic Church......

What about that Rothschild bunch and this guy was originally a salesman
who bought his way into the royal circle - his name originally, was
Baur.......these are not blue bloods, for the blue bloods they destroy
all but the Queen of England who seems to remain intact but she is on
endangred species list.

So much as for the stomach turns;  George Patton was a hero.....Hap
Arnold was a hero......Hoyt VAndenberg was a hero....all the men who
served under them, were heros.....McArthur was a hero with big ego for
he said "I Shall Return", not we.....but George Patton was right....he
was not chasing windmills, for he saw the enemy within.

Had it not been for Werner von Braun the Russians would have gotten to
the moon first....this is anotehr reason the Apollo was sabotaged and
the Challenger......for these were the crafts which came to naught - but
regardless,  when we reached the moon we find now we sacrificed JFK and
maybe even little JFK Jr, and Teddy - you really think that was an
accident on the bridge night the men took a Gideon Bible and Jean
Dixon's astrological predictions to the moon?

Remember, Jean Dixon had said "Russia will beat us to the
moon".......and had marked all the Kennedy brothers for murder over, and
over, and over again.......ever take a look at that woman's face?
Claimed direct noble descent from the Kaiser a pigs eye
for that womn has or had, the face of a malevolent gypsy who placed a
curse on the Kennedys and he Space Race.

She lost - we won.......but be assured, not a jew or zionist in the
world wants to give Werner von Braun any credit..........the man who
wanted to go to the moon more than win the war.

Now it is said Rommel was a Mason and remember it was Rommel who tried
to do in Hitler.

For all Kings are brothers with exception of in times of war......masons
are international order, but when one country goes to war against North against South in Civil take a new
oath or fight for the old oath......and the Civil War is how the
original KKK was born.....and Knights of Golden Circle...

So just a thought;  so why no criticism of Bnai Brith and ADL and Morris
Dees - who have placed Christians on their hit lists, like pit bulls.

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