by Mitzi Waltz

Local political spying is on the rise,
with help from above.

LIKE A VAMPIRE who has developed a tolerance for garlic, Red Squads are
back. Throughout the Cold War, these guardians of political compliance spied
on and harassed law-abiding activists who veered too far left of the
political center. Dedicated civil rights advocates and others fought back
and won on local, state, and federal fronts. But their success was often
short-lived. New technologies; new laws; and increased interaction among
international, federal, military, state, and local law enforcement,
intelligence agencies, and private corporations are threatening not only to
put Red Squads back in business nationwide, but to increase the scope of
their power to pry, to harm, and to imprison.
With the "International Communist Conspiracy" gone, Red Squads need a new
raison d'ątre. Studies by RAND the Heritage Foundation, and several private
companies in the security industry have provided proponents of the
Surveillance State with both a     rationale and a blueprint for action.
First, these groups have presented research to the law enforcement community
documenting that the public can be frightened by the specter of terrorism
into accepting and even calling for increased spying. Second, after studying
anti-terrorist measures from around the world, they have decided that
multi-jurisdictional taskforces offer the best way to circumvent civilian
oversight. For example, the RAND report Domestic Terrorism: A National
Assessment of State and Local Preparedness,explicitly touts taskforce
participation as a way to get around local laws restricting political
intelligence work, and also promotes taskforces as a mechanism for putting
such operations on the local and state agenda by providing funding,
equipment, publicity, and other inducements. And as we shall see, in cities
where it operates counterterrorism taskforces, the FBI pressures local
police to ditch limits on political spying.
The taskforce concept and the cooperation it engenders between local and
federal    agencies, has another benefit, according to this report: It
allows federal agencies to obtain information on a broad range of activities
that do not fall under the current legal definition of "terrorism," but that
are of political interest. That's because local police are much more
responsive to demands from large corporations and influential organizations.
These groups often have significant influence over political or budgetary
matters in the local arena and are not loath to use their clout to
discipline    "uncooperative" police. The RAND study reports that local
police will generally share freely what they gather with higher-level
This back-scratching is not a new practice:A 1976 General Accounting Office
report about FBI investigative protocol noted that local and state police
were the bureau's second most prolific source of information, surpassed only
by its own informants. In fact, in these days of grant-based
"entrepreneurial" law-enforcement funding, the locals had better
cooperate: Their budgets may depend on federal grants based on performing
particular types of policing.
The taskforce trend began with the post-riot commissions of the late 1960s
and early 1970s. As an official Department of Justice (DoJ) history of
community policing puts it, "The police force's inability to handle urban
unrest in an effective and appropriate manner brought demands by civic
leaders and politicians for a reexamination of police practices."
The 1967 Kerner Commission and 1968 Eisenhower Commission focused on the
growing divide    between police and "civilians" as it was angrily expressed
in the Watts riot and other uprisings. The recommendations of these bodies
touted police-community dialogue as the key to curbing such unrest,
expressing the hope that federal oversight could end abuse of protesters and
minorities by "rogue cops." This goal was the foundation for community
policing as we know it today. Later commissions that concentrated on
reducing street crime looked to federal agencies to improve training and
equipment in local law enforcement.
Although community policing has not been as successful in curbing street
crime as    its proponents might have hoped, it has been a public relations
success and enjoys the support of many well-intentioned liberals. But heirs
to the Red Squads have found it an excellent mechanism as well. Savvy law
enforcement types realized that under the community policing rubric, cops,
community groups, local companies, private foundations, citizen informants,
and federal agencies could form alliances without causing public outcry.
Riding on fears from the trumped-up missing children campaign of the 1980s
to the anti-drug hysteria of the 1990s community policing has been the
public face of under-the-radar efforts to create an impenetrable web of
surveillance and enforcement.
And not surprisingly in this
age of globalization, the taskforce concept benefits from international
support as well. Several anti-terrorism summits held by the G-7 nations
since 1984 have advocated building strong national and international
multi-agency taskforces, based on the models set up in Germany and the UK.
The original political objectives of community policing were not fully
addressed until the current decade, as Watergate and the    COINTELPRO
revelations of the 1970s briefly turned federal intelligence agencies into
political hot potatoes. But collective memory is short. In step with RAND's
1992 and 1995 recommendations, regional taskforces that directly address
political and social activism are now proliferating, and existing systems
have been strengthened. The previously missing ingredients appropriate
technologies and a legal framework for cooperation are now falling into
For example, the Department of     Justice's Regional Information Sharing
Systems Program (RISS) includes six regional data- and equipment-sharing
projects and has more than quadrupled the number of participating agencies
since 1982. Most of this growth has occurred since 1990. From 1993-95 alone,
RISS had a 47 percent increase in the number of database inquiries; just
last year, it achieved full electronic connectivity among the centers. Each
regional RISS project coordinates the intelligence efforts of hundreds of
municipal,county,state, and federal agencies, as well as several Canadian
The friendly face of community policing in Washington, D.C.,where police set
up shop at a "7-Eleven." Several came out and ordered the photographer to
stop shooting.
One threatened,"If you do that again, I'll take pictures of you taking
pictures of us." 

High-tech equipment is loaded to RISS members.

provinces, the District of Columbia, and US intelligence operatives in
Mexico. Funding for these centers and grants for member agencies are
administered through the Bureau of Justice Assistance program.
Officially, RISS projects concentrate on drug and organized crime
activities, but since Criminal Intelligence units are used in many
jurisdictions to surveil political suspects as well, their personnel also
have access to information that RISS systems store. RISS documents and
regulations make     it clear that its databases are used to exchange data
about politically-motivated crimes. This phenomenon was particularly obvious
in a set of guidelines passed by the DoJ in late 1993 to curb abuses of
criminal intelligence data banks in such cases, presumably at least in part
owing to the Anti Defamation League (ADL) intelligence scandal earlier that
year. The rules included barring data gathered in violation of local, state
or federal law; mandating security measures and penalties for unauthorized
dissemination of data; and prohibiting the sharing of data on lawful
political activity through taskforce databases.
It is uncertain whether the limits set in these regulations have been
carefully observed. When sent to taskforce members, the DoJ ruling was
accompanied by detailed responses to objections received from participating
local police agencies. These responses appeared to serve as advice for
circumventing the new rules. They helpfully note, for example, that off-site
databases under private control might be used to store data, such as field
interrogation records,that don't
meet DoJ criteria. 
The growth of taskforces has been fueled by fears of terrorism with the FBI
piling on tinder from its central position in counterterrorism activities
nationwide. The Bureau has quietly set up 14 counterterrorism task forces in
major US cities: Boston, Newark, New York, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C.,
Atlanta, Miami, Chicago, Houston, Dallas, Salt Lake City, Phoenix, San
Francisco and Los Angeles. The centers    recruit officers on urban police
forces to work directly with the FBI. They are funded in part by the 1996
Anti-Terrorism Act, which authorized $468 million for the FBI's
counterterrorism and counterintelligence efforts.
Until an FBI proposal to add a new center in San Francisco sparked a public
fight, the program was almost completely unknown outside the Bureau. (See p.
24.) San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown opposed the center's establishment,
saying that he would "not go    along with or support any attempt to
circumvent San Francisco's current policy on surveillance." As a result of
activist pressure and repeated scandals involving political spying,
including the ADL case, San Francisco police regulations outlaw surveillance
of lawful political activities.
While FBI activities that become public are subject to citizen pressure, the
agency's internal operations rarely see sunshine. The recent revelations
about mishandling and manufacturing of evidence at the FBI's crime

Probably no group was targeted as violently and extensively by law enforce-
ment agencies as the Black Panthers, here rellying in New York, 1970.

lab the first whistleblowing in years to break the code of silence hint at
the extent of the problems. Like the labs, which operated for decades
without safeguards, the FBI's internal databases conceal abuses. And since
they are not subject to the DoJ regulations or oversight, no one can assess
how much erroneous or illegally gathered information they contain.
What is apparent is that both the FBI's internal and external political
intelligence    systems are extensive: Its Terrorist Information System
contains data on more than 200,000 individuals and 3,000 groups,
institutions and businesses. It is cross-referenced with criminal records;
interview and surveillance transcripts; information on associates, contacts,
victims and witnesses related to people in the database; plus financial,
telephone, and other data if collected or obtained from other sources, such
as the DoJ's FinCEN databases, which are used to track and analyze financial
data linked to criminal suspects.
Moreover, the National Crime Information Center 2000 (NCIC 2000) project now
under way will extend the process of linking FBI information with other
database systems. 
One reason these intelligence networks are dangerous is that they have
insufficient safeguards for assuring the accuracy of information gathered.
Despite the
availability of high-tech tools, criminal intelligence officers and
counterterrorism investigators increasingly rely on so-called Confidential
Reliable Informants. In drug cases, CRIs tend to be motivated by money,
personal animus, or promises of leniency for their own offenses.
One need only look at the recent case involving Qubilah Shabazz and Michael
Fitzpatrick to see what can happen when financial incentives and political
motivation drive federal investigations.Fitzpatrick, a freelance informer
with an expensive drug habit and a long history of spying for cash,
attempted to coerce Shabazz (the daughter of Malcolm X and a former high
school classmate of Fitzpatrick's) into supporting an assassination attempt
on Louis Farrakhan. Presenting himself as a suitor and playing on Shabazz's
belief that Farrakhan was complicit in her father's assassination,
Fitzpatrick had his FBI handlers tape their motel room conversations.
Fitzpatrick "never worried about his own illegal conduct, because quite
correctly he thought that no matter what he did, he would be able to get off
by ensnaring somebody else," said Shabazz's defense attorney Ronald Kuby.
Letting "a small-time dirtbag" like Fitzpatrick create and then sell an
entrapment scheme to the FBI, Kuby said, "resulted in humiliation and a
serious threat of imprisonment for the innocent target, and increased
paranoia among those activists whose paths have crossed
with Fitzpatrick's."
Unlike drug snitches, political CRIs sometimes serve private clients as well
as the police, collecting cash from political opponents of the groups on
which they spy. Many organizations also field private investigators who then
share the (frequently dubious) information they have collected with law
enforcement. Regardless of who pays the bills, one result of private
intelligence operations can be an increase in agent provocateur activity, as
paid informants and private security operatives attempt to justify their
paychecks. In any case, whether public or private, whether snitching about
drugs, politics or    immigration, Confidential
Local police defined "terrorism" much more broadly than the feds, often
applying it to environmental -ist, animal rights,& union activities that
affect large, powerful employers.
Reliable Informants are often     anything but reliable. As computer
programmers say, GIGO: garbage in, garbage out. In the case of
number-crunching computer operations, the result is bad data; in the case of
files on human beings, "garbage in" could literally mean an unjust
deportation,long jail term, or death sentence under the 1996 Anti-Terrorism
Another potentially dangerous application of the GIGO principle is provided
by the Clinton administration's October 1996 airline rules. They include
passenger "profiling" and movement- tracking via databases, and could easily
lead to airport detentions, missed flights, and false arrests. Considering

Increasingly, local and federal law enforcement agencieslink databases and
information with private security firms like those that guard corporations
facilities with security concerns. Here high risk plutonium strage ar Rocky

the US government's history of harassment and even murder of activists and
the recent revelations about the FBI lab, the easy retrieval of dubious data
takes on a very sinister cast for those with long memories.
The taskforce concept so favored by the DoJ only compounds GIGO problems by
spreading the misinformation. As with many features of modern policing, the
success of taskforces depends heavily     on information-gathering and data
manipulation. Most of the technology needed originated in the military, and
the Government Technology Transfer Program has played an important part
through the National Institute of Justice's (NIJ) National Law Enforcement
and Corrections Technology Center, and also through the federal government's
four regional technology centers at the Ames, Rome, Los Alamos,and Sandia
National Laboratories,which had previously serviced the military and its
contractors alone.     "Command and control" software developed by the
military to enhance communications and information exchange between ground
forces and their commanders can be used to manage police operations during
demonstrations or civil unrest. It may include rapid-access data banks,
scene mapping (increasingly using satellite-based GIS technology), and
field-command enhancements using high-tech communications.
Powerful databases such as the Modernized Intelligence Data
Base (MIDB) project currently being revamped by TRW Systems Integration
Group for Army Intelligence; NCIC 2000, which is being developed by MITRE
Corp. for the FBI; and others let police programmers link activists with
their causes, associates, employers, criminal records, mug shots and
fingerprints, spending habits, and even tax information. These information
tools which meld together details collected by local police and higher-level
analysis and background from federal agencies form the backbone of the
taskforces' increasing power.    The computerized command and control system
implemented for the $300 million Atlanta Olympics' security system is a case
in point. Tennesse's Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) delivered it to
the Atlanta Police Department well in advance of the Olympics as a
replacement for the APD's paper-based scheduling system. The system included
events-simulation capabilities, personnel-deployment features, interactive
mapping, and various field communications features to facilitate
military-style control of a large urban area. It is based on software
developed for the Gulf War's Operation Desert Storm, and prepared by a
public-private partnership that included Oak Ridge, which is administered by
Lockheed Martin for the federal government; the Center for the Application
of Science Toward Law Enforcement; and the White House Office of National
Drug Control Policy, better known as the office of the "drug czar." Why
would the president's top drug-war officials and a nuclear-research lab run
by a major defense contractor be involved in such a project?

Bob Hunter of ORNL's Computational Physics and Engineering Division said in
a corporate press release that "the Office of National Drug Control Policy
also wants this system to be readily transferable to other events, such as a
California earthquake, that could shatter existing infrastructures."
The drug czar is not in charge of natural-disaster planning that's the job
of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).However, reporters
covering the fall    of Oliver North discovered that from FEMA's inception
in 1979, the agency was handling domestic counterinsurgency planning as
well. In 1984, it went so far as to hold national exercises for rounding up
and detaining aliens and radicals in rural camps.
It is not known if the Office of National Drug Control Policy is developing
tools for carrying out the same sort of mission.
A more general problem with     data gathered by multi-jurisdictional
taskforces is that, as noted earlier, local police are very susceptible to
corporate pressure. For example, RAND found that local law enforcement
agencies defined "terrorism" much more broadly than did their federal
counterparts, often applying the label to environmentalist, animal rights,
and union activities that affect large, powerful employers. For example,
citizens working to close down the contaminated Hanford Nuclear Reservation
in southern Washington report being trailed and harassed by local police
working in concert with private security officers. Another instance of the
relationship that can develop between police and corporations was presented
by the year-long Detroit newspaper strike. The newspaper companies involved
actually reimbursed the local police to the tune of $2.1 million for
services rendered in helping break the strike. Couple this with the
Anti-Terrorism Act which redefines any form of violent crime and many types
of previously lawful political advocacy as "terrorism" for the purposes of
federal prosecution and the possibilities are truly chilling.    Large
corporations such as IBM and Westinghouse have their own powerful security
and counterterrorism divisions. These companies have high-level clout and,
more importantly, they have government connections through their military
subsidiaries. While in the past, corporations have had more influence over
other federal intelligence agencies, such as the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission's Intelligence Assessment Team, the Department    of Energy's
intelligence unit and various military intelligence entities, they have
recently found an increasingly sympathetic ear at the FBI. One of the
Bureau's most important recent projects was a complete survey of potential
terrorist targets that included hundreds of privately owned facilities. It
has pledged to come up with plans to protect such targets and to respond to
emergencies, tasks that will necessitate working even more closely with
corporate and military security.
In addition, both the federal government and its partner corporations have
privatized many security and surveillance functions, such as guarding
military facilities and handling international airport security. A few elite
companies get the nod from both government and corporate clients for these
sorts of jobs, most notably the Wackenhut Corporation, which is in charge of
details ranging from Exxon oil facilities to the Nevada nuclear test site.
Such firms maintain their own extensive databases, and can undertake
projects on behalf of their clients outside the purview of laws on political
Transfer of military    tools, many of which seem
Police programm -ers link activists with their causes, associates,
employers, criminal records, mug shots and fingerprints, spending habits,
and even tax information.
tailor-made for illegal     political eavesdropping, is also putting a
variety of new surveillance technologies into police hands.
Speech-enhancement devices for monitoring faraway or muffled conversations,
speaker-identification software similar to the "voice-print" devices used in
some corporate security systems, software-based language translation,
passive sensor systems and long-range radar surveillance technologies are
just some of the projects on tap at the Northeast Regional Center, one of
the four Government Technology Transfer Program centers run by National Law
Enforcement and Corrections Technology Centers at the Rome, Ames, Sandia,
and Los Alamos National Labs.
Computer technology has also facilitated quick
and cheap surveillance of vast numbers of electronic communications, from
phone calls, to faxes, to e-mail. A quick browse of police- technology web
sites reveals surging interest in the acquisition and use of pen registers,
which collect phone numbers called but don't record conversations. The
Supreme Court decided in Smith v. Maryland (1979) that pen registers do not
perform a search as defined under the Fourth Amendment, and can     even be
used without demonstrating probable cause, much less obtaining a warrant a
simple subpeona to the phone company will do.
Federal use of such devices doubled between 1987 and 1993. With its low cost
and easy accessibility, pen register data has been embraced even more
fervently by local and state police for example, the     Nassau, New York
Enterprise Crime Unit, which covers organized crime activities, more than
doubled its use of pen registers in 1995 alone.
Most police database systems for criminal intelligence are now set up to
store and cross-reference pen-register data routinely, and this information
is not subject to the DoJ regulations governing RISS databases that were
mentioned earlier. 
Scrutiny of phone records is also made easier through technology. In the
Oklahoma City bombing case investigation, the FBI examined nearly 10,000
telephone calls to or from radical-right figures, including a lawyer suing
the FBI over the Branch Davidian deaths at Waco, Texas.
The taskforce structure itself     dictates how such powers are brought to
bear on local activists. These technologies are put into the hands of local
officers who have been assigned the point position in a national "war on
terrorism" by their federal taskforce partners. When the data and permission
to use them are coupled with pressure from    corporations and their front
groups to watch particular types of activists, not to mention the
availability of budget-padding grants for pursuing political targets, you
have a recipe for repression. And oversight, if any, will depend largely as
it did in the days of the Red Squads on the vigilance of citizens and their
effectiveness in fighting back.

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