Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


02 August 2000

"When we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen."
General George Washington, New York Legislature, 1775

"Our militia will be heroes, if we have heroes to lead them."
Thomas Jefferson

Soldiers For The Truth Foundation, PO Box 63840, Colorado Springs, CO

SITREP from the President  -- See Article 1

Hack's Column:
In Search of a Perfect Plank

"From my Position" -- On the way!"
Article 1 - SITREP and where I stand

Big Picture:
Article 2 - Lt.Col.USMC (ret.), Bill Corson; Critic of U.S. Policy in
Vietnam War dies at age 74
Article 3 - Dangerous Defense Trends:  U.S. To Sell Egypt Defense Systems

Voices from the Field:
Article 4 -- Special Forces Medics may not be so Special
Article 5 - Training Staffs versus the Troops
Article 6 - Marines - No room for COO
Article 7 -- Attack of the Dreaded Fairy Shrimp
Article 8 - History - Battle for Nevada Cities
Article 9 -- Health Care Update:  Bush, Cheney and Health Care

G.I Humor:
Article 10 -- GI HUMOR - Rules of Engagement in Today's Military

Medal of Honor:
Article 11 -- ROSS, WILBURN K., France 1944

1.  Main topics:  1) Truth over Time 2) Special Forces Quality 3) Training
and Realism 4) Coo 5) Quality of Life/Healthcare

Hot Buttons:

*  I apologize to our Aussie friend Perry Gamsby for calling him an Aussie
Grunt and not a SAPPER.  Perry is a SAPPER by trade and heart and that means
more to him than any medal.  Hooahhh!!!

*  I would like to confirm the address of R. and L. Morse who sent us a
donation.  Your receipt was returned for unknown address.

2.  FLASH!!!!

???  Recent intel tells us that units on Ft. Hood are short-changing
training for lack of funding.  The Corps CG's recycling effort takes now
precedence over field and combat training to recover money for other
programs.  Can anyone confirm/deny?

!!!  PLEASE continue your financial support for us.

***So far we have received about 250 donations that keep us on a temporary
operating budget.  If you are one of our almost 22,000 readers who believes
we stand for you and tell it like it is on pertinent defense issues, support
us!  Just like any small business, we can't forever produce website,
newsletter and personal advice for free and survive.  Look at article #1 and
realize that the Pentagon outspends us by $289 billion and AUSA by $ 20
SFTT accepted a donation in memory of Edmund M. Ring, a loving husband and
father, who served in WWII and Korea.
!!!  If you cant get through to me via the website, send me your mail direct
at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  If you have something to be published, send it in
Word Format if possible.

!!!  If you think we HIT a target, forward the newsletter to TV, radio and
your locale papers.  YOU are our best recruiter and intel gatherers.

3.  Methods of Support

Check or Money order:  Send to and make payable to:  Soldiers For The Truth
Foundation, PO Box 63840, Colorado Springs, CO 80962-3840.

Credit Card donation via our WEBSITE at www.sftt.org -- still working it.


Your donation is tax deductible!  SFTT is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit educational
foundation, IRS # 31-1592564.

If you send us an E-MAIL address with your donation we can immediately mail
you a RECEIPT!!!!

Some of you have sent multiple contributions.  Please remind us when you
submit your donation, so we can send you a cumulative statement for tax

SFTT Website.  If you didn't get the complete newsletter or only the Short
Version (sv), you can find it archived on the website http://www.sftt.org.


R.W. Zimmermann
President SFTT
Hack's Column
"In Search of a Perfect Plank"
By David H. Hackworth

Dick Cheney, Colin Powell and Norman Schwarzkopf are gathered in
Philadelphia this week for the Republican National Convention. As these
three musketeers -- who under the command of George "Poppy" Bush brought our
nation its quickest, and from this eyewitness's viewpoint, most impressive
military win -- try to help execute the political equivalent of Desert Storm
on behalf of George "Dubbya," I hope they'll include in their platform the
revitalizing of our military. A plank that will bring to the citizens of
this nation a defense plan showing:

* How they intend to pick our armed forces up off the mat and make them
world champs again after eight years of White House and Pentagon neglect,
criminal political correctness and non-leadership -- which has done more
damage to our armed forces than all of our current enemies combined.

* How they'll bring an end to mindless missions in such places as Iraq,
Bosnia, Kosovo and Colombia and assure us that from 2001 forward, our forces
will be used only to defend America and its interests.

* How they'll reform and streamline our Cold War force structure to meet the
threats of the 21st century, starting with no longer allowing the "gee-whiz"
gear that's supposedly revolutionizing our military machine to hog the
budget. Instead, our tip-of-the-spear airmen, soldiers, sailors and Marines
will once again be given the highest priority -- in wages and material, in
combat-readiness and training -- according to the tried-and-true maxim that
warriors win battles, not wonder weapons.

* How they'll recruit and retain the best and brightest leaders and grunts
to serve in our active and reserve units and eliminate the Perfumed Prince
generals and admirals who've forgotten our warriors and no longer set the
example in their self-serving rush to scurry to the top of the promotion

* How the destructive "kinder-gentler" social experiments that have been
slammed down our military's throat over the past eight years will be
eliminated, and how the traditional military culture -- read warrior
ethic -- that's won our battles from Yorktown to Kuwait City will be
returned immediately.

* How the recommendations of the Kassebaum Commission to end combined
Initial Entry Training -- boot camp -- of males and females will be
implemented, and how women will be pulled from all ground combat units ASAP.

* How our nuclear arsenal will be cut by at least 50 percent, and what steps
will be taken to provide these apocalyptic weapons, and facilities such as
Los Alamos, with at least the same security coverage as Chelsea Clinton
presently enjoys.
* How they plan to care for the millions of vets who've been victimized by
the Department of Veteran Affairs' long-term neglect, wrongdoing and deceit.
And how they plan to modernize and revitalize the VA, one of the most
worm-eaten of U.S. government institutions.

* How they'll provide our retired professional servicemen and women -- who
since 1941 in war after war put their lives on the line while suffering long
separations from their loved ones -- with a comprehensive medical and health
plan at least equal to those of retired lawmakers and fat-cat federal civil
servants. And not forget that when our patriots enlisted to defend this
country, they were contractually promised these benefits in exchange for
living a life of hurts, standing downrange and being shot at by bad guys who
wanted to paint them red. (Now they're in line behind recent arrivals from
Third World countries, who actually receive the same level of medical
benefits -- through Medicare -- as our brave and scarred.)

* How they'll expand our national cemeteries so that those who've served our
country in war and peace will be provided the same military burial at the
end of their journey as our most distinguished generals. And how these
heroes will no longer be hustled through insulting two-bit tape recordings
of taps with -- if they're lucky -- a few members of an unfunded veterans
group to honor them and hand over the flag to their loved ones on behalf of
a supposedly grateful nation.

Then in mid-August we can ask the Democrats in Los Angeles to show us
theirs. Only then will we truly be able to make an informed decision on who
should be our next commander in chief.
Http://www.hackworth.com is the address of David Hackworth's home page. Sign
in for the free weekly Defending America column at his Web site. Send mail
to P.O. Box 5210, Greenwich, CT 06831.
© 2000 David H. Hackworth
Distributed by King Features Syndicate Inc.
ARTICLE 1 - "From my Position" -- On the way!"
SITREP and Where I Stand
By R.W. Zimmermann
President SFTT

Over the last six months, Soldiers For the Truth has successfully
amalgamated Voice of the Grunt with the SFTT newsletter and dramatically
increased its readership and exposure in other media.

As in any organization, there will always be some disagreement with messages
or policies and some friction.  Friction, caused by free speech isn't
necessarily bad and oftentimes fertile ground for progress.

Many of you asked about my stand on certain issues and some have wondered
why I, or SFTT, are not always "toeing Hack's line".  I want to clarify a
few of these questions.

-  Although I tremendously respect Hack as a true friend, decorated combat
soldier and wise mentor, I cannot always be his voice piece.  I am my own
person who brings his own experiences and baggage to the table.  At age 42
and just recently separated from the military, I feel a need to speak for
current and future generations of troops and present some fresh ideas.  I am
also working with a board of trustees, who represent many backgrounds and
generations and of which Hack is also a full member.

-  I view warfare and its consequences a bit differently than many.  I
experienced the Gulf War and connected emergency deployments first hand, not
just on television or from the headquarters perspective.  It made me think!

-  For another reality check, I view some issues through the eyes of my
father, a WWII German tanker who fought in more than 75 engagements,
including cauldrons like Normandy, St. Lo, Falaise break-out, the Huertgen
Forest, Aachen, the Bulge and Hungary.  He served with frontline outfits
such as the 11th Panzer, 21st Panzer, Panzer Lehr and 116th Panzer and his
reluctantly forthcoming comments help me consider what it means to be bombed
by 500 bombers, lose family in air raids on cities, or losing your closest
friend and crew member.

He once received half a bottle of vodka from his company commander in lieu
of a medal to celebrate his crew's survival on the Hungarian front after
destroying a Russian regimental attack.  Medals didn't mean much in February
'45 and no one counted the many tanks and infantrymen that he and his crew
had stopped -- it would have possibly merited a Medal of Honor by our
standards.  After the war, the old man stayed on with the US government for
40 years of service because he believed in the good of America's destiny.

-  I am not a devout Stephen Ambrose fan, although the man writes
convincingly.  As the official Army historian, he glamorizes warfare a bit
too much and seems to prefer quoting enemy soldiers from second-rate units
(Volkssturm and Volksgrenadiers), who cheer all our exploits.  I think you
could learn more from soldiers of the tougher enemy units, although some
comments wouldn't be as congratulatory.  That holds true for any conflict.

-  I don't believe in proliferating monuments.  Responsible treatment of
WWII and other war vets and maintaining critical care programs, is far more
crucial than erecting concrete monuments.  Lasting monuments are built in
the hearts of relatives and our children by teaching and personal contact.
Maybe we could learn something from Native Americans.

-  Not all women are a threat to national defense.  Women should have an
opportunity to serve, given appropriate standards and conditions.  I just
can't see it for the direct-fire combat arms.  I also dislike Mom and Dad
going to war and leaving children with strangers, thus depriving our kids of
the family unit that is important for America's cohesion.  Can women serve
aboard ships that have adequate facilities and don't require physically
hardened crews?  You bet!

-  I believe the "don't ask, don't tell" policy is sufficient.  In my
opinion, an openly gay lifestyle is harmful for the military setting.
Nonetheless, if gays serve quietly and honorably, there shouldn't be an
issue.  They probably served by the thousands during WWII and other

-  I firmly believe leaders are responsible for their actions.  Today's
experts blame everything on faulty programs, or.the French.  Guess what --
the programs are created by leaders.  The French.they deserve a break for
helping us win our freedom from England.

-  I believe that our country is the power of good with a divine mission to
establish a balance of power for the proliferation of freedom and democracy.
Technology and the human mind are at the forefront of our solutions but we
need spiritual oversight by a higher being that many think of as God.

-  To live the dream of the Founding Fathers, we must return to the
Constitution and remind ourselves that besides enjoying many freedoms, we
bear a responsibility to protect our national values.  The right to bear
arms causes no harm to anyone, if we enforce responsibility for our actions.

SFTT can't become a tabloid, rear view mirror oriented organization.  It
must encourage today's troops, private citizens and veterans of all ages to
work together.  Let's not turn the clocks back but learn from history for
the future.
© R.W. Zimmermann, LandserUSA
Lt.Col.USMC (ret.), William Corson; Critic of U.S. Policy in Vietnam War
dies at age 74
Ed.:  William Corson was laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery on 27
July.  A decorated Marine and outspoken citizen, he was one of the initial
soldier voices to tell the truth about the War in Vietnam.  In a note to
friends, Roger Charles, one of our SFTT trustees and retired Marine,
appropriately expressed his emotions at the funeral:  "Bill was buried on a
slight rise overlooking the Pentagon where he could continue to keep his
eagle eye on those entrusted with the lives of young Americans and the
security of our great country."
By ELAINE WOO, LA Times Staff Writer

William Corson, a retired Marine Colonel and expert in counterinsurgency who
was threatened with a court-martial when he wrote a scathing analysis of
U.S. military strategy in Vietnam at the height of the country's antiwar
movement, has died.

Corson, who was 74 and suffered from emphysema and lung cancer, died Monday
in a Bethesda, Md., hospital.

He was the author of "The Betrayal," a book published amid unusual rancor in

Arguing that America would lose the Vietnam War if it supported a corrupt
Saigon government, it was to be released on the day after Corson's
retirement from the Marine Corps.

But Corson, who had fought in three wars during 24 years in the Marines, was
not permitted to retire on his scheduled date. Marine Corps officials
accused him of violating a regulation requiring approval of statements on
public policy by officers.

Corson had believed he was exempt from the regulation because the book would
be published when he was a civilian.

Unpersuaded by his arguments, a task force was convened to consider his
court-martial. The investigation was dropped when publicity over the
controversy seemed to be heightening public interest in the book. Corson was
given a non-judicial reprimand and cleared for retirement a month later.

The book won praise from critics. Corson later became a consultant to the
Senate Intelligence Committee during its investigation of the CIA in the
1970s. He also taught history at Howard University and wrote several books
on national security issues and a Penthouse magazine column for Vietnam

He grew up "a slum kid," by his own account, on the wrong side of Chicago,
raised much of the time by grandparents after his parents divorced when he
was 2. At 10 he was working a newsstand. At 14, he was touring the country
as a migrant worker, picking fruit and learning to gamble. At 15, he entered
college, a scholarship student in math and physics at the University of

He left the university at 17 to join the Marines and fought in Guam and
Bougainville during World War II. After the war, he went back to school,
eventually earning a doctorate in economics at American University in

He fought in Korea, then studied Chinese at the Naval Intelligence School in
Washington, mastering four dialects. In the late 1960s he taught a course on
communism and revolution at the U.S. Naval Academy, where one of his most
devoted students was Oliver North, the White House aide dismissed for his
central role in the Iran-Contra scandal during the Ronald Reagan

In 1966, he was given command of a tank battalion in Vietnam, whose history
he had been studying since the early 1950s when it was still a French

He headed the combined action program in which a Marine squad of 15 men was
merged with a Vietnamese Popular Force platoon of 35, and earned praise for
his ability to relate to  the Vietnamese peasants and inspire their

But this job exposed Corson to the rampant dishonesty of local government
officials, who often sold U.S. supplies meant for refugees and gouged
villagers on rent.

By the time he left Vietnam, he was angry.

"The peasant sees that we are supporting a local government structure he
knows to be corrupt," Corson said in a July 1967 interview with The Times,
"so he assumes that we are either stupid or we are implicated. And he
decides that we are not stupid.

"The problem here is that we treat the government of Vietnam like we should
treat the people, and we treat the people like we should treat the
government. Frankly," he said, "I am not sanguine about the prospects here."

He returned to a desk job in the Pentagon, but the frustrations he had felt
in battle-torn Southeast Asia gnawed at him. He decided to write a book that
would blast the South Vietnamese government, American involvement and the
military strategy that not only failed to crush the enemy but also turned
the South Vietnamese people against their vaunted saviors.

Rising at 5 a.m. every day to write, he was driven by the memory of a young
Marine whom he had cradled in his arms in the moments before his death.

"He said to me, 'Colonel, doesn't anybody care?' I told him they did," he
told the Washington Post a short while later. "He asked me why someone
didn't tell them the truth about the war. I said I would. And he grabbed me
by the arm and said, 'Colonel, do it!' Then he died, right there in my

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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