Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

U.S. To Sell Egypt Defense Systems
Ed.:  Why do we keep selling non-NATO allies sophisticated ATTACK weapons
that our own forces cannot afford?  Is it good security policy or defense
greed?  One of these days, we might be looking into our own guns.  An AP
report, many of you might have missed.
The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Pentagon plans to sell Egypt $882 million in military
equipment and support services to upgrade its air defenses.

The deal includes improvements to 35 of Egypt's Apache attack helicopters,
equipment to distinguish friendly and enemy aircraft, radar systems and
support and training personnel, Defense Department officials confirmed

In a statement, the Pentagon said the proposed sale will give Egypt better
capability to attack armored vehicles, defend vital installations and
provide better close-air support for its ground forces. It said the deal
wouldn't affect the region's basic military balance.

Last October, the Pentagon agreed to sell Israel 24 AH-64 Apache attack
helicopters converted to the latest model, called the Apache Longbow,
equipped with more sophisticated targeting and radar systems.
Special Forces Medics may not be so Special?
Ed.:  This report indicates that the SF leadership is taking shortcuts to
produce more medics.  One could almost make the connection why they could
have thought about pushing women into the SF medic specialty.
By W.D., Special Ops Soldier

The problem of easy wrong vs. the hard right has infected more than the
recruit processing centers. At Ft. Bragg, the JFKSWC course that produces
Special Forces soldiers has eagerly joined the numbers game.

While the Special Forces Qualification Course is no "cake walk," the path to
becoming a "Green Beret" medic is by far the toughest. A-teams are
considered non-deployable without at least one medic, so there is a great
deal of command interest in the graduation rate. In the past, this interest
manifested itself in proactive measures to insure that the highest standards
of testing and professionalism were maintained, i.e. no good ole' boy
washouts or headhunting.

But that interest has mutated into a shell game to increase the number of
graduates regardless of their capability. SWC regulations state that an
individual will be tested, and if their performance is found to be
substandard, they will receive retraining and ONE (and only one) retest.
This regulation is now violated at every turn by holding secret re-retests,
and if the lack of numbers require, re-re-retest on individuals that are
deemed marginally salvable by the command.

Col. (P) Remo Butler's legacy of mediocrity has forced officers of little or
no moral fiber to go along or no longer get along. The 18 series officers
making these decisions have no medical experience and, at most, only 16 to
18 months on an operational A-team. The A-MEDD regiment doctors justifying
this degradation are not S.F. qualified, have no Spec Ops combat experience
and are therefore clueless, but both groups have a boat load of staff time
and they know whose butt to kiss.

In an effort to stop the madness, the NCO instructors requested the command
to simply state, in writing, that standards were secondary to numbers and to
dictate how many people were needed and they would select the best of the
"herd" and meet that number.

For example, if the command needed 40 graduates, the instructors would test
a class of 75 and pick the 40 best. Of course this would end the premise of
only the very best becoming Green Berets and the force would transition from
outstanding into being "pretty good."

Needless to say this solution was deemed subversive and not in the best
interests of the Army. A few marginal NCOERs were handed out (instant career
death in a zero defect Army), the trouble makers were reassigned and the
covert re-re-retests continue to this day.

While the officer corps may choose to play ostrich, the NCO corps
understands one thing very clearly. We are being betrayed by a field grade
and general officer corps that will gleefully cause our deaths in order to
get promoted.

On the Special Forces tab, the word special and average have the same amount
of letters, so the change won't cost the Army very much.
Training Staffs versus the Troops
Ed.:  A sharp observation by a junior NCO.  The training centers are
focusing more on unit staffs than small unit combat skills.  If the trend
continues, former USMC General Sheehan might be right:  "We could be come
the world's best trained staff ever to be kicked off a hill by a Third World
country."  Hope this troop is considering OCS - he could make a difference.
By F.T., a junior NCO stationed in Europe

I would have to completely agree with you on your analysis of training and

My only experience has been with the Combat Training Center in Hohenfels,
Germany and I can say to you that it is somewhat of a joke for the lower
echelon soldiers.  The poor "Joe," besides being criminally overloaded with
armored vest, MOPP gear and the ridiculous MILES gear, has to suffer at the
hands of outlandish Rules of Engagement (ROE) and overweight, condescending
Observer Controllers (OC) who look like they have been away from the line
too long.

Instead of fostering initiative, innovation and tough training for junior
leaders and NCOs, the rotation generally seems to be more focused on staff
training in the Ops Centers, than actual ground combat training.

Hell, Joe can't even dig fighting positions, something he will definitely
have to do in the real scenario.  As a lower ranking NCO who is dedicated to
the infantry, I find it ludicrous that units are designated as trained,. if
they do a rotation in Grafenwoehr and Hohenfels.

One wonders who is actually being trained -- the team leaders, squad leaders
and platoon leaders who definitely need the training, or the senior officers
and NCOs who put on a fine Powerpoint presentation of the battles.

I think we need get back to the task of decentralizing command and placing
more responsibility in the hands of squad leaders, etc.  In the end, it is
they and not those hiding out at the TOC, who will be the ones who
eventually decide the fates of battles.
Marines - No room for COO
Ed:  Straight talk from a retired former Marine Infantry NCO.  Never forget
that your primary mission is preparation for combat.
By James Craig, MSgt USMC Ret

I am no longer on active duty, having retired after 23 years service. I
spent much of my time as a combat Marine. I can tell you that on my first
tour of combat duty, I was very well acquainted with the men of my Platoon.

As a squad leader, I had been Best Man at one of my men's wedding, and we
spent social time with each other's families. It was very difficult to lose
a man you knew that well. As a leader, it was very difficult to make
objective decisions about who performed certain duty. Whom should I pick to
be on Recon? Point man? Booby-trap/mine clearance etc?

Knowing your men's very personal lives and secret desires makes it nearly
impossible to command in an objective manner. All I really wanted to know
about my men were there training status, and experience level. I did not
give a crap if they were budding poets or authors, or were excessively
emotional and sensitive to criticism etc. Did they know their skills? Could
they move shoot and communicate? That is all I cared about and all I needed
to know.

Everything else was just in the way. War is War, not a charm school. It is
not pleasant, it is not sensitive and my men had better be able to lay down
sensitivity and take the fight to the enemy. That is how we win a war or a
Attack of the Dreaded Fairy Shrimp
Ed.:  Environmental protection and combat realistic training must go hand in
hand but today, overzealous environmentalists and compliance fanatical
commanders are threatening the balance and are jeopardizing our troops'
preparation for war.
By McRae, Capt USMC

Near the top of the long list of threats to the viability of our armed
forces stands the San Diego Fairy Shrimp. As if the lowering of standards at
recruit depots, the rampant social engineering mandated by those in power,
and the erosion of the authority of NCOs and junior Officers weren't enough,
the Department of Defense has been set upon by yet another advocacy group,
the environmentalists.

Ask any Marine from 29 Palms about the Desert Tortoise. Ask any Marine from
Kanehoe Bay about the Red-footed Booby Bird. Ask any Soldier or Marine that
has trained at Schofield Barracks about the Oahu Tree Snail. Go to any base
where any live fire training is conducted in the DoD, and I will bet my next
pay check that there is some life form that exists there in such dwindling
numbers that either the EPA or the Fish and Wildlife Service will publicly
castrate the next serviceman who shoots, burns, touches, or verbally taunts

Now, I want to go on record here as saying that I do not, in any way, shape,
form, or fashion, advocate wholesale slaughter of harmless endangered
woodland creatures. In fact, I recognize the responsibility of the armed
forces to minimize impact on the land that we train on. From a tactical
aspect, it's just good tactics for any unit training realistically to leave
nothing behind, i.e. brass, trash, ammo residue, etc., which would give the
enemy any information as to the strength, disposition, and weapons types of
friendly units.  From an environmental aspect, most of us acknowledge that
these are the only training areas that we are likely to get, and we
generally treat these lands accordingly. I have yet to meet anyone in the
military who thinks otherwise.  Yet, the enviro groups continue to wheedle
away at what few training areas are left to us to train on.

According to the 16 July edition of the North County (CA) Times, the Fish
and Wildlife Service is asking that 70,000 acres aboard Camp Pendleton be
declared a wildlife refuge for the California gnatcatcher and the San Diego
fairy shrimp. 70,000 acres, which may be taken away from the Marine Corps to
protect species, which may, in all probability, be the victims of Darwinism
in the first place.

The Pentagon released a report to Congress this week, which claims that:
"Encroachment on DOD ranges and training centers presents a serious and
growing challenge to force readiness." Translated out of the forked tongue,
that means that our enviro-watchdogs have succeeded in placing restrictions
on land usage that have made the planning process prohibitively complex, and
has rendered the training unrealistic. As a possible solution, the report
contends that: "By using instrumentation to better replicate the realities
of combat, we can minimize potential environmentally destructive aspects of
training," Translation: less live fire training. Instrumentation in this age
of technical wonders may be impressive, but nothing can replace the absolute
necessity for live fire training exercises.

It seems like every time I go to a Range Control to set up training, there
is an environmental department somewhere nearby that has the final say on
which training evolutions are environmentally sound enough to be executed.
This is a clear example of lunatics running the asylum.

The main mission of any military base is to train servicemen. The
organization that facilitates training is Range Control. Therefore, it seems
logical that Range Control, with subordinate environmental advisors, should
be the ultimate arbiter of any proposed training. Restricting the ability of
Range Control to facilitate realistic training is directly counter to its
mission. While protecting the environment is important, it should not be the
primary focus of effort on a military base. As an institution, the military
must take a stand on this issue, put the horse back in front of the cart,
and make these departments answer to those who train servicemen to fight.
Battle for Nevada Cities
Ed.:  Navy editor requests your help to shed light on forgotten battles of
the Korea War.
By Herb Renner Jr.
Navy Editor

There was a battle in Korea, fought entirely by Marines and Corpsmen, on the
ground, that was once described as one of the bloodiest battles the Marines
had ever fought.  The battle was short. Lasting only 5 days and nights.
Hundreds were either KIA, WIA or MIA. Little attention was paid to the
subject in the States, because the truce talks were the major headlines. The
battles later became known as the battles for the Nevada Cities, but, during
the actual conflict or shortly thereafter the battles were known as the
fights for Reno, Carson, and Vegas, three hills that the Chinese Communist
Forces (CCF) wanted in order to push the Marines back closer to the Main
Line of Resistance (MLR).

The hills were designated Combat Outposts (COP's). Each had been fortified
with various weapon emplacements within encircling trench works and manned

with a squad or two of mud Marines, an Officer, and a Corpsman.

Things had been quiet on this section of the Western front for a number of
weeks with only a few patrol clashes at night. At 1900, almost sharp, on
March 26, 1953, the CCF launched a massive attack  on all three hills and a
smaller rise called Reno Block. Reno was lost forever, Vegas was retaken,
and I believe the Carson defenders were never dislodged completely.  The
ground-pounders were battalions of the 5th and 7th Marines, mostly, to my
memory and what I've read.  The unit I was in was Easy Company, Second
Battalion, 5th Marines (E/2/5) and we were in reserve, having served our 60
days on the line, doing mostly night patrol jobs, like ambush, recon, and
combat patrols up and into the CCF outposts. At least one Corpsman went on
every patrol.  We were called out of reserve for blocking action in case
there was a break-through by the CCF, and a bit later we were thrown into
the attack to retake Vegas, which, with the help of heavy weapons like tanks
used as artillery, artillery and rockets launchers, air strikes with bombs
and napalm, we got to a military crest and held on. I remember the lone
prisoner, a Chinese litter bearer (I later found out) that was dug out of a
collapsed bunker, that had a leg wound I dressed. Killed and wounded were
everywhere and attempts were made to have the South Korean Labor Battalion
people (we called them Chiggy-bearers) carry some of them out. Eventually
all were evacuated when things quieted down. Marines never left a soul if
they could be found. Of course, some were blown apart and never found or
were captured. These were discovered at roll call.

I am trying to compile first-hand stories and gather somewhat non-tactical
events of these battles to put into book form, before those of us that were
there are long gone and forgotten. The book will be dedicated to the Marines
and Corpsmen that were there, those that were awarded the Medal of Honor,
the Navy Cross, and lesser medals, both living and posthumous.

Anyone having records, pictures, stories, info, data, reliable hearsay or
anything else related to the period 26 March to 30 March, 1953, can send
them to me for inclusion. Roll calls before and after the battles would be
greatly appreciated. Copies of letters from the military establishment to
those that lost love ones, are needed. Any scrap no matter how small is very
important to me.

When the book is complete, which I hope will be within the next few years,
those that send material will receive a loose bound copy without charge.
Just remember to ask for one by email in case I or the computer loses your
address. I will answer all inquiries and send a note of appreciation to
those that contribute. Please attach an address where I can reach you.

Herb Renner, 406 Mt. Rainier Place, Ridgecrest, CA 93555,
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Note: the letter following the "m" is a Q)
Phone: 760-499-6368

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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