Mike Smith writes:

<<Speaking of gun politics you're close. I am Canadian. We have very
gun laws here that do nothing but disarm (in time) law abiding gun owners
leaving the criminal element to terrorize the populous. We need an N.R.A.>>

You need something similar to G.O.A. the NRA does nothing but compromise time
after time.  Eventually they will compromise everything away.  Most people
don't see that the NRA is just a tool used by the Elite class to disarm the

<<Your nation was born out of bloodshed. It's something Americans pride
themselves on.
There's nothing wrong with overthrowing tyranny in my mind. One however must
remember that
to live by the sword is to die by the sword.>>

There is a time for talking.  When that doesn't work, it's time for
bloodshed.  I'm not religious and don't believe in the sword thing.

<<I'd call it a realistic attitude and please don't infer me to be a coward.>>

Sorry, most who are not willing to fight for freedom are wimps.  As far as
being realistic, I think I am being realistic.

 <<I simply don't see the point in blasting away at the inevitable gun
collection agent(s) who
will one day walk up your sidewalk to ring on your doorbell. Unless of course
already picked that day to die and wanted to take a few of them out with

I'm not afraid to die, I welcome it, then one is truly free of the suffering
of this world.  They better send more than just a few if they expect to take
me, unless they wait till I'm too old.  I'd rather die that way than a slow
death rotting away with cancer.

<< Besides a little
gratification it accomplishes nothing but to further the inevitable gun
confiscation and have
more draconian gun laws legislated.>>

The point is that if everyone stood their ground the Elites could not win,
there are far more of us than them.  Our Constitution is plainly written and
our Congress has no right to remove any weapon from our possession-- period.
When you compromise you give them a way in.  Compromising our Bill of Rights
was a mistake that needs to be rectified.

<< I'm sure every time there is another school shooting the
politicians rejoice privately while send public condolences.>>

This would not happen if there were not any gun-free zones in schools.
Teachers should be armed and trained to protect their students.  Getting guns
out of schools is just a socialist lie.  These laws didn't prevent the two
kids at Columbine from killing fellow students.  If half the teachers had
been armed, the killing would have stopped sooner, but a lower death toll
would not have served the power that be as well.

<<And by the way, I wouldn't talk about American readiness to fight tyranny.
For instance my fellow compatriots were fighting and DYING in two world wars
long before Americans
entered the war(s). Whoo hoo!  America came in WWI in the last friggin year.
In WWII they had to
be attacked before they could work up enough adrenalin to get up courage to
fight and enter the
war. Ya ya... sure sure.. you guys are ready to fight. But only when it suits
you. (or rather the
elite who sends you off to die)>>

If Europe had gotten their shit together there would have not been any need
for the first war.  If the US didn't join in the second war Europe would have
been ruled by Hitler.  We had to help because the rest of the wimpy countries
in Europe couldn't handle the Germans.  The reason we were in Europe is
simple, Roosevelt put us there, and our concentration should have been in the
Pacific.  The Elites have been with us a long time, WWII proves it … Japan
attacks us, so we send the bulk of our troops and equipment to Europe to
fight the Nazi war machine, makes no sense what-so-ever.  It wasn't Canada's
fight either unless you consider Canada to be part of the Commonwealth.  It's
not like the Germans attacked us.

<<You can expect America to do the right thing but only after they've
exhausted every other possibility.
~ Winston Churchill~>>

I guess Churchill thought it was our duty to save England's bacon, he forgets
we severed our ties with the Motherland about two and one half centuries ago
and we owe England nothing at all.  Churchill, actually the person in power
before him let Germany gain military strength and didn't do a thing about it
except whine, talk is cheap and means nothing.  He should have followed his
own advice and took them out while it was relatively easy.

 Winston Churchill: "If you will not fight for the right when you can easily
win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure
and not so costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight
with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival.
There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no chance of
victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."

<<And you think I believe that my cries for freedom have any effect of deaf
tyrannical ears?
Not in the least. I'm not naive enough to think that. I'm also not naive
enough to believe
that Joe Paycheck and his 30-30 are gong to make a difference in stopping
the New World Order.
Sure... you'll kill a few of them, but that's all it will accomplish.>>

I don't believe people in the US will ever totally knuckle-under to the NWO.
Even if they win they will be harassed with bombings, shootings, buildings
set on fire until people will rise up and overtake them.  There are many more
of us than there are of them, 200 million goes into 2 million as many times
as they want.

<<You've got me all wrong Mr. Stokes. I'm not afraid to fight back at the
system. Allow me to clarify. I would very much like to be a thorn in the
govt's side.  The difference
between you and I in this regard is that you think you can win. I beleive the
NWO is inevitable but that
should not stop me from throwing as many obstacles in their way as I can.
IOW You fight back to win. (which you wont) I fight back just to piss them
off. (it does)>>

I fight back as you put it more than anyone I know here in Colorado Springs.
I have tried to form groups, but most people are all fired up at first, then
they get bored and quit.  I send emails and snail mail to my representatives
in Congress about every other week.  I'm sure it pisses them off because all
I get back is form letters, if that.  They know what they are doing and they
know they are corrupt and I take every opportunity to point that out to them.
 On my return address I point out that I live in a trailer, I'm sure that
gets in their craw, some low-life trailer person telling them what to do.
Keep fighting back in your own way and I will also, but here is where we may
differ.  When the time for talking is over I'll stand my ground till they
have to kill me, but they trained me and know what I'm capable of doing.
I'll use that against them.  I'll bet that many people will be standing with
me facing down this NWO, they have already done so in Seattle, in France and
other places in this world.  Many people will join the fight when they see
things happening around them such as Waco or TWA800.  None of the 50-60
people at my former job trust the government and they range in age from 18 to
62 and are Black, White, Christian, Moslem, Agnostics, Hispanics, Gays,
Liberals and Conservatives.  The NWO will screw-up and overstep their
boundaries and when they do they will be met by force.  As I said we
outnumber them hundreds of thousands, if not millions to one.

Bob Stokes

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