LOYAL OPPOSITION: The GOP's Lie-apalooza
David Corn, AlterNet
August 7, 2000

Almost all political campaigns lie; some do it better than others. Team Bush and the 
Republican Party demonstrated how well duplicity can be done during their 
warm-and-fuzzy, have-a-nice-election convention in Philadelphia.

There were the big lies -- most noticeably the racial composition of the speakers 
shuffled before the television cameras. Opening night looked more like an NAACP 
gathering than a GOP convention. Nothing wrong in that -- other than the Republicans 
insisted that skin color had nothing to do with the selection of their talking heads. 
This is the party that attacks affirmative action but is quick to practice it covertly 
for secret gain.

Another whopper: Bush has a "bold reform agenda." At a National Review reception 
honoring Representative Henry Hyde, who led the impeachment charge, I encountered 
Ralph Reed, the former Christian Coalition mastermind who is a paid adviser to Bush, 
and asked him to evaluate the convention. As servers carried trays of jumbo shrimp and 
Belgian endives stuffed with duck and apricots to a mostly monochromatic crowd of 
dark-suited conservatives that did not look like "different kinds of Republicans," 
Reed uttered the catch-phrase "bold reform agenda" four times in two minutes, each 
instance flashing a smile that could blind. He was, as they say, on-message.

Bold reform? Not of the campaign finance system or the health care system that leaves 
10 million or so children uninsured. Bush has proposed privatizing Social Security and 
"reforming" the military (read: throw money at it). And that, I suppose, is what Reed 
had in mind. To many others, his excessive use of this term might seem a lie of 

Prevarication abounded in Philadelphia. Hyde insisted that the only reason why the GOP 
impeachment drive was never specifically mentioned at the convention podium was 
because that would "validate" the "Democratic spin" that the impeachment campaign was 
politically motivated. That is, Hyde was asking people to believe the silence on 
impeachment had nothing to do with the Bush camp's plan to soften the party's image 
and distance itself from the Years of Newt.

In pursuit of that softness, the Bush campaign allowed Representative Jim Kolbe, an 
openly gay Republican, to address the convention regarding trade. This scheduling 
decision was widely viewed as a not-too-discreet wink to gays and lesbians. Bush 
campaign spokesman Ari Fleischer asserted Kolbe's sexual preference had nothing to do 
with his appearance. (More senior members of Congress were not granted primetime 
slots.) But was Kolbe's high-profile gig a contradiction, considering the GOP platform 
remained opposed to gay rights and supports the Boy Scouts of America decision to ban 
gay scoutmasters? Didn't the GOP appear a slight bit silly taking the position that 
Kolbe can represent the GOP on a topic of national importance but he cannot lead a Boy 
Scout troop? Not at all, Fleischer said.

To stay on the New Republican feel-good track, the Bushies had to duck such conflicts. 
After Cheney delivered his acceptance speech, his children did not join him on the 
stage, as is customary. Could that have been because 31-year-old Mary Cheney is a 
lesbian? GOP chair Jim Nicholson asserted the Republicans had no problem with Mary. 
Swept up in tolerance fever, he told a reporter, "This party is steadfastly againt 
discrimination regardless of their race, sex, creed or any preferences they choose to 

Well, that's a lie. The platform explicitly states that the Republicans do not approve 
of laws that protect people on the basis of sexual preference. If Mary Cheney loses a 
job or an apartment due to her sexual orientation, the GOP believes she should have no 
recourse. When I asked a Nicholson aide about his remark, she quickly snapped, "I 
don't want to talk about it."

The platform belied many of the GOPers' assertions and actions. Hoping to add some 
middle-America cool to the Motown-ish convention, the Bush campaign enlisted World 
Wrestling Federation star The Rock to introduce House Speaker Denny Hastert at the 
podium. A few sharp-eyed observers noted that the platform moans about "the pollution 
of our culture" and "the glorification of violence." It's hard to propose a more 
popular glorification of violence than the WWF. Responding to criticism regarding The 
Rock's appearance, Ed Gillespie, a Republican spokesperson, snorted, "It's an 
entertainment segment of the portion ... Lighten up and have a little fun. We want to 
boost interest in the program." In other words, entertainment value trumps principle. 
How craven.

T.R. Roosevelt IV was recruited to speak and supply brand-name cover to the GOP on the 
environment, for the original T.R. was a conservationist. He rah-rahed 
environmentalism, praised T.R. for a being a hardass who used the force of the federal 
government to protect environmentally sensitive lands, and noted that "some of the 
world's best scientists give us twenty, maybe thirty years to turn back the tide on 
ecological devastaton." This was a reference to global warming.

Turn to the platform: it calls for the federal government to be less assertive (urging 
us to "trust the innate good sense and decency of the American people" and, 
presumably, American corporations). It also describes global warming as a "contentious 
issue" -- meaning, hey it may not be so bad -- and calls for "more research" instead 
of action. T.R. on stage; J.R. in charge.

In the skyboxes, there were plenty of J.R.-looking types. As hundreds, if not 
thousands, of corporate lobbyists and donors milled throughout Philadelphia, the 
campaign announced it had found its theme song -- "We The People," a new tune by 
country singer Billy Ray Cyrus. (Remember "Achey, Breaky Heart"?) This sappy number 
notes that "farmers rise evey morning at five/the truckers drive them 
eighteen-wheelers all night/the factory workers, they build it with pride/twenty-four 
seven down the assembly line." (Unless, of course, the plant's been relocated to 
Mexico, thanks to Nafta.) The refrain: "We the people/We run the country."

That's a tough line to swallow, especially when you gaze up at those skyboxes and spot 
the biggest donors, who all week long were sitting in smug satisfaction and looking 
down upon the delegates and party activists. Even when Bush spoke, the excitement 
level in this exclusive territory was muted. The GOP calls its top-givers "regents." 
Why not give up the charade and refer to them as "lords"?

At the start of the week, Bush campaign manager Don Evans, a leading fundraiser, was 
asked by a reporter whether the tens of millions of dollars in corporate-related money 
the campaign and party has pocketed taints the Bush effort. Nah, he said: "George Bush 
is somebody all America can trust ... It's not any more complicated than that." It is 
amazing how bold they can be -- not in reform, but in spin.

John McCain, though, presented a false picture by going tame. Sure, he lied when he 
said of Bush: "I am grateful to him. And I am proud of him." Grateful? For what? For 
running ads in the primary accusing McCain of not caring about breast cancer? But this 
was S.O.P. The loser is supposed to lie about the winner. McCain the maverik became 
McCain the apparatchik. When he opened Arianna Huffington's Shadow Convention, he 
outlined the need for campaign finance reform and then suggested George W. Bush was 
the candidate of reform. In the convention hall, he went further then he had to. In 
that speech, he never mentioned the phrase "campaign finance reform." It resembled a 
speech at a show trial. There was no straight talk. He was self-censoring and lying by 
omission. He decried the cynicism modern politics breeds without sharing his 
explanation of that phenomenon. This was his good-soldier moment, but he was being 
loyal to a candidate, not a cause.

Still, McCain ended his speech not with a rousing "on-to-glory-for-Bush" exhortation, 
but with a mysterious line that was a whisper of a double entendre. Earlier in the 
speech, he referred to the Americans who fought in World War II and, quoting 
Tocqueville, noted they went off to war "haunted by visions of what will be." At the 
end of the address, McCain spoke of his hope in the American people and their ability 
to build a civilization and to use the nation's wealth "in an enlightened way." He 
then concluded: "I have such faith in you, my fellow Americans. And I am haunted by 
the vision of what will be." Kind of a downer. What exactly is he haunted by? A Gore 
victory? A Bush triumph? It was the statement of a general who had fully surrendered 
but who did not wish to yield the final inch.

The man who vanquished McCain fooled with the truth when he accepted the nomination. 
He pushed his Social Security privatization plan, without mentioning the $1 trillion 
or so in transition costs. His own lie of omission. The former frat boy who seems 
proud of the fact he was never engaged by the turmoils of the 1960s, praised the 
courage of the civil rights movment. A lie of false association. The fellow who ducked 
active military service during Vietnam cited that war in calling for more military 
spending: "A generation shaped by Vietnam must remember the lessons of Vietnam." 
Another lie of false association. A candidate who visited Bob Jones University and 
whose campaign employed underhanded ads and push-polling called for more "civility and 
respect" in politics. A lie of hypocrisy.

But between these lies he gave a helluva speech that, in essence, said: if you're 
tired of and disappointed by the lies and stains of the Clinton-Gore years, I'm a 
grown-up you can trust. When he was done, a Ricky Martin tune blasted from the 
speakers. It was followed by a Motown hit.

There was one big truth that Bush and his lieutenents did speak at the convention. He 
is, as they claimed incessantly, a "different kind of Republican." He's not mean. He 
is comfortable speaking about the poor and being photographed with minorities. In his 
acceptance speech, he did not dwell on the hot-button GOP issues -- abortion, gun 
rights, gay rights, school prayer. He conceded that "good people disagree" on 
abortion, even as he quickly confirmed his anti-abortion rights position.

He has lost the smirk. He can come across as sincere. The Democrats will not be able 
to Satanize him, as they did with Newt Gingrich, or dismiss him, as they did with Bob 
Dole. George W. Bush hasn't changed the core positions of his party -- tax breaks that 
favor the wealthy, criminalization of abortion, no new gun control, no campaign 
reform, etc. That's why the base of the GOP is with him. But he has altered the face 
of the party. Al Gore and his Democrats have a tough task in trying to convince the 
public that the Bush smile is a lie.

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The end is in the means as the tree is in the seed.
- Mahatma Ghandi
Abraham Lincoln, letter to Wm. F. Elkins  Nov. 21 1864
Arthur Shaw ed.  The Lincoln Encyclopedia  40  {1950}

"We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing
it's end.  It has cost a vast amount of treasure and
blood.........It has indeed been a trying hour for the
Republic, but I see in the near future a crisis approaching
that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety
of my country.  As a result of the war, corporations have been
enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will
follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to
prolong it's reign by working on the prejudices of the
people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the
Republic is destroyed.  I feel at this moment more anxiety
for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the
midst of war."

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