This is one item re Lieberman and Pollard case.
Now Monica Lewinsky had access to classified documents and through her
Mossad tapped President's phone......surely this little prostitute, for
she certainly was no lady, was on someone's payroll other than the
Federal Government.

I think she spiked the President's pizza with Ecstacy - now with him, it
would not take too much anyway - but his behaviorrational and dangerous
and secret service had no business letting Monica bring food to the about conspiriacy....

What Monica and Kissinger did, was worse than what Pollard did for both
knew those lines were tapped and this is how to g et out information to
enemy - you call a lot of important people and pick up a lot of garbage
and secrets.   Monica should be arrested for prostitution....for she
took favors for sex?   And secrets for Scorpio?


Jonathan Pollard's Notes To His Attorney on Senator Lieberman

April 28, 2000 - Justice4JP Release
The following letter and addendum were written by Jonathan Pollard to
his attorney Larry Dub in early 1999 regarding the efforts of Senator
Joseph Lieberman to undermine Pollard's bid for executive clemency.

The effect of Lieberman's anti-Pollard stance has again become news
recently in the context of Hillary Clinton's candidacy for New York
Senate. Mrs. Clinton routinely cites Lieberman's opposition to Pollard's
release as the justification for her own refusal to take a position,
even though she readily acknowledges the judicial inequities of the

When Lieberman was challenged by NY Assemblyman Sam Colman to explain
his position, it was revealed that Lieberman's opposition is essentially
nothing more than politically-driven rhetoric. [Details are on the
Lieberman Page]

Jonathan's notes to his attorney follow:

February 10, 1999

Dear Larry,
RE: Recent media about Senator Joseph

Lieberman's influence on my case including:
Lieberman signs letter against clemency for Pollard

[Feb. 5, 1999 - David Bilmes - Connecticut Jewish Ledger]
The "Lieberman Letter" to Clinton from 60 Senators

Further to our discussion, when you read the above documents (copies
attached) please bear in mind the following points:

Lieberman claims to have been privy to new secret information on my
case. First of all,

Lieberman has no idea whether the so-called "information" he was shown -
presumably by the CIA - was the same as the material involved with my
indictment. Certainly, if you look at the VICTIM IMPACT STATEMENT's
description of my crime (see Dovid Zwiebel's treatment of this matter on
the Web ), there is not even a hint of such monstrous damage to the
national security!

Second, please bear in mind that my indictment does NOT reflect a level
of damage or compromise suggested by the latest leaks from the CIA.
After all, if I had been guilty of such damage, the government had the
option of indicting me for intending to harm the country.

They didn't.

As you know, there is some classified material that is so sensitive that
if it's compromised major damage could result to the national security.
Even if a spy has the loftiest of motives, and the country he gives the
material to is the closest of allies, the law indicates that if the
material is so sensitive, he should have known that its compromise could
harm the national security. In this instance he could, and should, be
indicted with the prong of the Espionage Statute stipulating
"intentional harm". AND I WAS NOT

Third, what gives Lieberman the right to see classified material that is
currently being withheld from my lawyers? A need-to-know?

Why? Does his need supercede my constitutional right to see the
so-called "evidence" being used against me?

As far as I am concerned, Lieberman's access to this material, in a way,
implicates him in an obstruction of justice. After all, he is knowingly
participating in an unconstitutional denial of my due process rights...

Finally, if what I did was so bad, and if Israel was so criminal in her
mishandling of the material I allegedly gave her, why hasn't Senator
Lieberman now moved for a termination of all U.S. intelligence-sharing
with Israel?
Addendum to the Lieberman Notes for Larry from Jonathan
February 11, 1999

Larry, it should also be clear that the sense of the Senate letter
Lieberman signed along with 60 of his colleagues is a potential arrow
aimed at the heart of the U.S.- Israel special relationship. Indeed, the
portrayal of Israel as a manipulative foreign power pressuring the U.S.
into doing something against her best interests is a canard that our
worst enemies have been trying to promote in the American media for
years. And now we have none other than Senator Joseph Lieberman
endorsing this malignant representation of the Jewish State.

When all is said and done, what I really find distressing about
Lieberman's decision is that his strenuous defense of the President's
right to due process and fair play hasn't been paralleled by a
comparable defense of my own right to these guarantees. In fact, my
current "trial" in the media only serves to underscore the disconnect
between our constitutional rights of due process and the reality of my
mistreatment by both the courts and our morally corrupt political


What this really demonstrates is Senator Lieberman's inability to
separate his political ambitions from his duty and obligation to defend
a fellow citizen against prosecutorial misconduct. The fact that he is a
self-proclaimed "orthodox Jew" just makes his behavior in this matter
more reprehensible. Instead of wrapping himself in the mantel of Torah,
he has wrapped himself in the American flag, hoping thereby to reaffirm
his patriotic credentials and to distance himself from me and from the
dreaded "disease" of dual loyalty ...
See Also:
• Lieberman Page
• The Senate Race Page
• Return to home page

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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