Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Stats look great - Reality hurts
Ed.:  A Grunt responds to the Army Secretary.  Sounds like he has some
By an Army Grunt

Secretary Caldera:

With all due respect sir, your statement regarding Schwarzkopf's assessment
of today's military is the exact reason I will not be reenlisting in the
National Guard!  You guys have no (zero, nil, zilch, nada) clue what the
standard issue 11B gets in training today.

While you fly around in your personal planes and helicopters, my squad does
FTX's without blanks. We lay in dirt and mud and yell "bang-bang" to
simulate rounds.  When we go to the range, we get one chance to zero with 9
rounds.  Then we get one practice round on the actual target range (which
frequently doesn't work).  Then we qualify.  Check off the block for weapons
qualification and you have a mission ready unit!

Sir, it is all pencil whipped.  I get less trigger time than I get JAG
briefings. Our light-infantry battalion got 4 (four!!!!) slots for Ranger
school last year.  You mention education:  I am a Citadel graduate who
enlisted because I wanted to lead troops, not lead an endless shuffling of
useless documentation.  Does an education mean a better soldier?  Not in my
experience.  We are out there to kill people and break things, not scare
people with our diplomas.

And your discussion of our air war showing "how well we can operate in
tough, challenging condition" shows the utter lack of honesty that permeates
the upper ranks.  Newsflash:  you guys didn't hit what you aimed at, and you
didn't achieve any substantial military goals.  This is an accepted fact by
any objective and cursory examiner of the empirical evidence.

I will get out soon.  The social engineering, zero defect mentality, and
"consideration of others" training has destroyed that which I was once proud
of belonging to.  Yes, you can provide the data to prove how strong we are.
Please send me a copy of this venerable tome of pencil-whipped data.  I will
distribute it to fellow 11 Bravo's (Infantry Soldier) next time I'm at Ft.
Polk and lack of funding for toilet paper causes me to use my cut up brown
T-shirt for the task.
Health Care Update:  Sick Call? TRICARE Debt Collection, California "Quality
of Life," How's TRICARE working for you?, and other goodies
Ed:  The elections are approaching -- make the candidates take notice of
your voice!  Strength is in the numbers.  Help Pete to hit the high value
By Pete Peterson, Health Care and Veterans Affairs Editor
Web Site: http://members.tripod.com/MHCRG

We have unconfirmed reports out of an east coast Navy base that traditional
"Sick Call" is no more.  When one warrior walked into his local clinic, he
was told he needed an appointment.  We know TRICARE is an appointment-driven
program, but we hadn't heard this one from a MTF before.  If any of you
active duty youngsters out there have any info regarding the demise of "sick
call" at your duty stations, please let us know!

On July 26, 2000, DOD established the position of TRICARE Debt Collection
Assistance Officer (DCAO) worldwide.  If you receive a notice from a
collection agency or a negative credit report because of a TRICARE medical
or dental bill, you should call or visit the nearest DCAO.  To find the DCAO
nearest to you, go to: <http://www.tricare.osd.mil/dcao/DCAO_Directory.doc>.

Some military retirees have started sending Obits of retirees that have
passed to their Congressmen and Senators.  Grassroots retiree activists are
using this tactic to drive home the point that they are dying off before
receiving their promised and earned health care.  Including the WWII
generation, they're dropping at the rate of 1,600 a month or more.

The House and Senate reconciled their differences on the FY01 Defense
Appropriations Bills.  There is a $963 million increase in military health
care funds to pay for broadened pharmacy access for all Medicare eligible
military retirees, and additional funds to boost reenlistment bonuses and
enlistment incentives.  The Authorization Bills aren't expected to be out of
conference before September.

For those who are asking how they can support the real military retiree
Billboard Campaign, first go take a look at the one that just went up near
Hattiesburg, MS: http://www.users.hbeark.com/~jharris/postcard.html>.   If
you want to help, there's an address on that page.  Sen. Lott, this Board's
for you.

We do not approve of Veterans or Retiree Billboards that slam recruiting.
We want quality people in a quality military.  Recruiters are part of the
military family, too.  They're not the target - Washington is.  Further, we
can't support any group that has an anti vet or anti retiree bias or
rhetoric.  We must all work together or perish.

The Air Force is looking for $30.7 million for new sports facilities at the
Air Force Academy.  Sen. Trent "Porky" Lott skimmed another $357 million to
build another ship in Mississippi the Navy doesn't want.  Meanwhile, DOD and
BRAC continue to sever the lifeline with our military community.

After building a new $11 million commissary, base exchange and hospital at
Castle AFB near Merced, CA, BRAC and DOD put it on the Base Closure List.
For a while, DOD and the Air Force made a big deal saying they were going to
leave these 3 facilities open because of the thousands of retirees in the
area.  Then they shut it all down.

They did the same thing in the San Francisco Bay Area.  Now it's Los Angeles
' turn.  With cuts already made in MTFs, and "quality of life" facilities
like commissaries and PX/BXs, they're going to shut down some more stores.
By our numbers, the Marine Air Base at El Toro, CA serves vital active duty
reserve units and a retired population of about 121,000.  As with Castle
AFB, they were going to leave these facilities open, but now they're not.
More lies.

Reps. Chris Cox and Loretta Sanchez from those districts haven't made a peep
on these developments as active duty and retired families alike travel as
far as Camp Pendleton to get in long lines for medical care.  They at least
thought they could shop closer to home and get that 20% savings DOD says
commissaries give us.  Guess again!

We'd like to hear from active duty and retired families in the LA area about
how bad their "quality of life" and health care is getting.

We'd also like to hear from any active duty families out there on their
TRICARE experiences, good or bad.  We want to get a feel for how it's
working at MTFs and also in remote areas.  We know our recruiters and their
families are in deep doo-doo when it comes to TRICARE Remote.  Active duty
families only, please.  We know too well how it's working for retirees.
Contact me at the email address above or snailmail me at the address on my
web site.

GI HUMOR - New Element could change the way you think about Government
Ed.:  More great insights into the life of large organizations.
Investigators at a major research institution have discovered the heaviest
element known to science.  This startling new discovery has been tentatively
named Administratium.

This new element has no protons or electrons, thus having an atomic number
of zero. It does, however, have 1 neutron, 125 assistant neutrons, 75 vice
neutrons and 111 assistant vice neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312.

These 312 particles are held together by a force called morons, that are
surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called peons.  Since
it has no electrons, Administratium is inert.  However, it can be detected
as it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact.  According to
the discoverers, a minute amount of Administratium causes a single reaction
to take over four-days to complete when it would normally take less than a

Administratium has a normal half-life of approximately three years; it does
not decay but instead undergoes a reorganization in which a portion of the
assistant neutrons, vice neutrons and assistant vice neutrons exchange
places.  In fact, an Administratium sample's mass will actually increase
over time, since with each reorganization some of the morons inevitably
become neutrons forming new isotopes.

This characteristic of moron promotion leads some scientists to speculate
that Administratium is spontaneously formed whenever morons reach a certain
quantity in concentration.  This hypothetical quantity is referred to as
"Critical Morass".

You will know it when you see it.
Ed.:  WWII, September 1943/Italy.  Recently, we lost another great American
Hero who continued to serve long after leaving the uniformed service.  While
reading this hero's Medal of Honor citation, visualize following him to his

If you know of any MOH recipient who is hospitalized or has passed recently,
please write James H.  Also, if you would like more info on MOH recipients
and their stories, please email James H at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Rank and organization: Sergeant, U.S. Army, 36th Infantry Division. Place
and date: Near Salerno, Italy, 9 September 1943. Entered service at: Luling,
Tex. Birth:  McNeil, Tex. G.O. No.: 54, 5 July 1944.

Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of life above
and beyond the call of duty in action involving actual conflict on 9
September 1943 in the vicinity of Salerno, Italy.

As a rifleman of an infantry company, Sgt. Logan landed with the first wave
of the assault echelon on the beaches of the Gulf of Salerno, and after his
company had advanced 800 yards inland and taken positions along the forward
bank of an irrigation canal, the enemy began a serious counterattack from
positions along a rock wall which ran parallel with the canal about 200
yards further inland.

Voluntarily exposing himself to the fire of a machinegun located along the
rock wall, which sprayed the ground so close to him that he was splattered
with dirt and rock splinters from the impact of the bullets, Sgt. Logan
killed the first 3 Germans as they came through a gap in the wall. He then
attacked the machinegun. As he dashed across the 200 yards of exposed
terrain a withering stream of fire followed his advance. Reaching the wall,
he crawled along the base, within easy reach of the enemy crouched along the
opposite side, until he reached the gun. Jumping up, he shot the 2 gunners
down, hurdled the wall, and seized the gun. Swinging it around, he
immediately opened fire on the enemy with the remaining ammunition, raking
their flight and inflicting further casualties on them as they fled.

After smashing the machinegun over the rocks, Sgt. Logan captured an enemy
officer and private who were attempting to sneak away. Later in the morning,
Sgt. Logan went after a sniper hidden in a house about 150 yards from the
company. Again the intrepid Sgt. ran a gauntlet of fire to reach his
objective. Shooting the lock off the door, Sgt. Logan kicked it in and shot
the sniper who had just reached the bottom of the stairs.

The conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity which characterized Sgt. Logan's
exploits proved a constant inspiration to all the men of his company, and
aided materially in insuring the success of the beachhead at Salerno.
For Article Submissions:  as a rule of thumb, please try to keep article for
possible publication to 750 words or less.  Please make every editing effort
not to exceed these guidelines and SUBMIT IN WORD FORMAT, if possible!

R.W. Zimmermann
We've had numerous requests from troops in different branches of the
military to establish this link so that we will all know how "all you
others" talk that talk. Please see below:
***** BOOK SALES *****
Hack's books About Face*, Hazardous Duty*, The Price of Honor* and The
Vietnam Primer can be found at www.hackworth.com. They make a great addition
to any library. We are offering them at a special SFTT price.
Defending America Newsletter: Administrative Volunteers:
R.W. Zimmermann, Chief Editor, President of SFTT, Mine Detector and "Gunner"
David H. Hackworth, Spirit Guide, and undisputed Y2K Expert
Bill Rogers, Senior Assistant Editor and SFTT Vice President
Kate Aspy, Contributing Editor and Oracle
Barry "Woody" Groton, Chief TECH DROID and Medicine Man
Ed "Edgar" Schneider, Copy Editor, Man of Letters and gentleman:
Kyle Elliott, Book List Editor and Most Over-worked
James H., MOH Editor and NCOIC
Defending America


NOTE:  The following list only includes the two primary assistant editors
for each service or special area.  Please refer to our WEBSITE  --
www.sftt.org, for the complete listing.
ALL Letters and Articles for considered publication should be submitted to
one of our brave, resolute and caring volunteers.
U.S. Army:

Tig Dupre, Civil-Military relations, weapons expert and Senior Editor

CPT Scott Key, Armor, Generalist, Assistant to Chief Editor

Robert L. Duecaster, Legal

U.S. Navy:
Mark Crissman, Naval Aviation, Generalist and Senior Editor

Pat Nisley, Navy Generalist and XO

John J. Vanore, Surface Warfare, Reserve and Intelligence issues

U.S. Air Force:
Paul Connors, Senior Editor, AF Historian, Grunt experience, Procurement and
AirCrew issues

Sean Fermat, Fighters, WSO, Weapons, C&C, Generalist

U.S. Marines:

Maj. Gordon Todd, USMCR, Communications & Tech., Small Arms Training, Senior

Capt A. McRae, Marine generalist

US Coast Guard
Tom Grabowski

Department of Defense
Mike St.Clair  Acquisition and Quality Assurance

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

Want to be on our lists?  Write at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a menu of our lists!

A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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