Medicinal marijuana..there was a recen decision in the Ontario Court of
Appeal, R. vs Parker.
Mr. Parker is a severe epileptic and uses marijuana to help control his
The honorable justices found that, yes marijuana is very effective to help
control seizures and that the current laws are unconstitutional.
I have a copy of the decision, if anyone would like to read it.
For information about the ritual/sacramental uses and the current court case
relating to the subject goto ,
 I smoke marijuana to help control my chronic fatigue.
I also smoke it as a sacramental to help keep my head clear and not rush out
and do something that I might regret later.

-----Original Message-----
From: Aleisha Saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2000 7:20 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] I have to ask this

>You made me really wonder here, involuntary - about use of medical
>marijuana and what it really does.   Feds say no medicinal value?  Maybe
>that is true; but, nicotine is a drug used in medicines, but forget what
>What you said made me wonder......some people go through chemotherapy
>and feel pretty good; others become very, very ill and are given
>medication now with the therapy.
>What if marijuana just relaxes people - for it is said stress can really
>cause cancer victims unheard of problems.....
>Know two women who went to chemothrapy daily....each continued to work
>daily - while others had really adverse reactions.....
>What if marijuana relaxes a person, relieves the stress, creates a sense
>of well being, and at no cost if you can grow it free......but one there
>was a patent pending on first marijuana cigarette - was aware of this in
>1972 but never checked it out, for had no reason.
>So.....Zoloft - a drug to improve serotonin to do with neuro
>transmitters....supposedly eat a banana or potatoes have same effect.
>I really wonder about this because going through some of the treatments
>for cancer - this is a traumatic experience and stressful.
>What if marijuana just releases the stress which reduces some of the
>side effects?
>The man who died recently who could not smoke marijuana - how horrible -
>his life was made a living hell, and something that could have given him
>an easier path to follow was denied.
>So guess marijuana is illegal because like butterflies, it can be free
>in your own back yard.
>Am still stashing up on the catnip and maybe I make a catnip cigarette
>and  find some marijuana and give it a try.
>After all, the police some of whom I accidently caught years ago,
>smuggled cigarettes up from Kentucky and had no tax stamps - and booze
>which was poured into real labeled bottles.....when I saw that one
>checking this famous basement for all was not well at our
>banquet.....there they were.......funnels and all.
>Upstairs was the Treasurer of Ohio and the candidates to many different
>office........did I snitch - with all those cops in on the game?
>No way..........
>Some things one does not do = matter of family pride.
>A. Saba
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