The US military has no business outside US borders. That would not be " defense."
That would be imperialism.

1       imperial state, authority, or system of government

2       the policy and practice of forming and maintaining
        an empire in seeking to control raw materials and
        world markets by the conquest of other countries,
        the establishment of colonies, etc.

3       the policy and practice of seeking to dominate the
        economic or political affairs of underdeveloped areas
        or weaker countries

There has never been a war without the press' manipulation of
the public. The capitalist world's " free " media were accomplices
in the intentional destruction of a country which helped defeat Hitler,
and incidentally, did not attack anyone who was not trying to steal a
part of their country. THIS IS DEFENSE. The only justification for war.

The corporate press are guilty of war crimes for inciting stupid
Liberals to back an aggressive " humanitarian " war. Humanitarian war.
Only a Liberal could consider this something other than an oxymoron.

Yugoslavia was destroyed to warn all independent nations in the world.
One way or the other, you will be part of the New World Economic Order.
Its only crime was that it had a viable socialist economy and had no
interest in being absorbed into the United States of Europe.

Next is Columbia. Don't be fooled again.


Why the Media WON'T Discuss the Clinton Kosovo Fraud
They Were Accomplices in Clinton's Senseless Destruction of Yugoslavia
By: Mary Mostert, Analyst, Original Sources
August 22, 2000

Last Friday, August 18, 2000, the London Guardian published an article entitled
"Serb Killings 'exaggerated' by West." It was subheaded: "Claims of up to
100,000 ethnic Albanians massacred in Kosovo revised to under 3,000 as
exhumations near end."

That article, in a well-known British newspaper, appears to be reverberating
around the world. Knowing of my interest in this subject, and my skepticism
about the so-called "genocide," readers from all over the world have e-mailed
me copies of the Guardian article and commentary about it.

Justin Raimondo, (, wrote yesterday:

"Think of what this has to mean: Madeleine Albright, James Rubin, and Jamie
Shea didn't pull this off single-handedly. Not only the US government, but the
worldwide media fabricated a "genocide" and, on that basis, launched a savage
war against a sovereign nation that had never attacked us, in the name of
"humanitarianism - a war, I might add, that was stopped but has not ended.


In a sense, the NATO-crats have been tripped up by their own web of propaganda:
in their eagerness to charge Yugoslav strongman Slobodan Milosevic with "war
crimes," and indict him before their self-appointed "War Crimes Tribunal,"
Western governments have had to follow at least the forms of legality: due
process, the rules of evidence - and, in the case of murder, not to mention
"genocide," the necessity of producing the corpus delicti. Where are the
bodies, all 100,000 of them?

In a great fanfare of publicity last year, scores of forensic experts flooded
Kosovo searching for those 100,000 bodies. At least one thousand of them were
supposed to be in the Trepca mine, according to the Albanians. Not a single
body was found in the Trepca mine.

But the true nature of the Kosovo war was never a secret. Any journalist
willing to do some independent research had more than ample evidence that
Clinton's so-called "Humanitarian War" to stop a "genocide" was a lie. The U.S.
State Department, independent scientists and Interpol, Europe's international
police investigators ALL knew that the so-called "Kosovo Liberation Army" or
KLA was the military wing of Europe's major drug cartel. On the day Clinton
started the bombing, March 23, 1999, I wrote:

"Today, without a vote in the Congress or the UN, President Clinton has in
effect declared war on Yugoslavia, which is approximately the size of the State
of Kentucky. He is providing the Air Support the KLA lacks. Kosovo, which is
demanding independent status, is about 4,000 square miles which is about one
tenth of Yugoslavia. The KLA is composed largely of non-Albanian mercenaries
who are financed with the Kosovo-Albanian heroin trade in Scandinavia, Italy,
and the Czech Republic."

Part of the successive effort to convince the American people that we needed to
bomb Yugoslavia was the Clinton Administration's cunning scheme to change the
meaning of the word "genocide." That too was not hard to discern early in the
bombing. On March 29, 1999 I wrote:

"Undersecretary James Rubin said on CNN yesterday that the Serbs were
"committing genocide" by driving Albanians out of their homes and telling them
to leave the province. The Albanian population is said to be 1,800,000 and the
Serb population of Kosovo 200,000. However, at the borders, CNN reports a
'trickle' of refugees - guessing that the Albanians are too terrified to leave
their homes.

"One of those stories - or perhaps both of them are wrong. That's not a problem
for James Rubin. He appears to have changed the definition of genocide anyway.
The Dictionary definition of genocide is 'the deliberate and systematic
extermination of a national or racial group.' Rubin says that genocide
'includes' driving people out of their homes and forcing them to go somewhere

"If that is the case, that opens up a whole new set of 'war crimes' - for
example, the Croatians driving something like 700,000 Serbs out of Croatia a
couple of years ago. With Rubin's new definition of 'genocide' Croatian
President Tudjman is a war criminal. There were only about a million Serbs IN

"On the other hand, Senator Joseph Lieberman (D-NJ) said yesterday on CNN that
if Milosevic doesn't sign the document written, apparently, by the United
States and presented to him in Paris for his signature, the Clinton
administration will "destroy his nation." When a nation is destroyed, of
course, it isn't the head of the country who suffers. It's the people whose
houses, places of worship, schools and jobs that are destroyed. Many of the
people remaining in Kosovo, for example, will be killed.

Thanks to the support of senators like Lieberman, who may be rewarded by the
American people this fall with a boost in his status to Vice-President, Clinton
was able to bomb Yugoslavia INCLUDING Kosovo for 79 days, destroying hospitals,
factories, schools, homes, water and power plants. Why? Because Milosevic would
not sign a document in Rambouillet agreeing to allow NATO troops free reign in
ALL of Yugoslavia, not just Kosovo.

And who, really, WERE the people fleeing Kosovo after the bombing began?
Actually, just about anyone who could, Serbs as well as Albanians. However,
what CNN and other major news sources never reported was the fact that a huge
proportion, probably a third, of the Albanian living in Kosovo were illegal
aliens who had fled across the mountain when the Communist regime in Albania
collapsed and then its economy collapsed, leaving 70% of the workers
unemployed. In April 1999 I point that out:

Today in Kosovo, there is a much LARGER Albanian population than there was in
March of 1999 because KFOR has allowed anyone to stream across the border. So
many of the so-called "refugees" in Kosovo now, living on the Aid provided by
over 600 international organizations and nations, never lived there before
while most of the non-Albanians - Serbs, Gypsies, (Roma), Egyptians,
Montegegrines, Jews - have been driven out in order to make room for the
invading horde from Albania.

The American media reported none of that. But, in May, after the American
bombers bombed a Belgrade hospital, wiping out its maternity wing, we saw,
thanks to Yugoslav TV, images of medical personnel trying to save tiny babies
in incubators after the electrical system had been destroyed. A reporter in
Brussels asked NATO spokesman Jamie Shea about it and Shea's answer was:

"President Milosevic has got plenty of back-up generators. His armed forces
have hundreds of them. He can either use these back-up generators to supply his
hospitals, his schools, or he can use them to supply his military. His choice.
If he has a big headache over this, then that is exactly what we want him to
have and I am not going to make any apology for that.

"Secondly, I don't know if anybody realizes this. It's not often remembered but
over 50% of the refugees in Albania and the former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia are under 18 years of age. Children, or at least adolescents. 40% are
under 14 years of age. 20,000 are under one year old and at least 100,000
babies have been born since this crisis in March in those refugee camps,
without incubators, without electricity, without medical support, without
water, without a roof over their heads, with absolutely nothing. And therefore
they are still considerably less fortunate than those babies in Belgrade. NATO
doesn't wish any harm to any baby but let's make it clear here, the suffering,
the real suffering, not the TV images, but the real suffering is in this
business overwhelmingly on the side of the Kosovar Albanians who don't have the
choice, unfortunately, between an incubator with electricity supplied by
President Milosevic or an incubator without electricity. They simply have no
incubator because they have been forced out of their homes and into fields."

The top reporters in the world were in that room. Not one of them challenged
this story. I pointed out that it was a mathematical impossibility for 100,000
babies to have been born in those refugee camps in 2 months time. According to
the UN figures, 60% of the refugees were children. The five refugee camps only
HELD 77,000 people totally. At least 40% of the adult refugees were men, (CNN
reporting notwithstanding) and not all the Albanian women were of child-bearing
age and nine months pregnant when the bombing started. So, we were told by
NATO's top propagandist, in effect that refugee camps that were occupied by
approximately 27,000 adult women somehow managed, in a space of two months, to
produce 100,000 babies. And to this day, I have not seen a challenge of that
figure from any journalist besides me.

And, exactly who was it now that was responsible for the people fleeing Kosovo?
In that same article I also noted:

"And who is it that has forced the Albanians out of their homes? Has anyone
noticed, besides me, that every time NATO brags about increasing and
intensifying the air strikes that a new batch of Albanians arrive at the
borders for the Western nations to take care of? When a few days go by without
bombs in Kosovo, the flow of refugees slows to a trickle or stops. Are we all
supposed to be too stupid to notice that?"

The report in the Guardian that is only now being reported is old news. I wrote
a year ago, in August 1999: "NATO's 100,000 Kosovo Deaths Shrinking to 3000-
6000 Deaths and asked a simple question seemingly ignored by the world media:
"Where are the graves of the KLA terrorists who died in the ground war between
them and the Yugoslav army?" Now we find that fewer than 3000 bodies have been
found by the forensic experts. But exactly who ARE those 3000 bodies? How many
of them died in battles with the Yugoslav army? Milosovic himself put the
Yugoslav army deaths from the ground war with the KLA and the bombs dropped by
NATO at 476. We know that some of the KLA soldiers died when NATO bombs dropped
on them.

I pointed out a year ago that the best kept secret in the war was where the KLA
soldiers/terrorists were buried and how many there were. I get e-mail from many
sources, and one of them has been KLA supporters in Kosovo. I asked a couple of
them how many KLA soldiers died. On three different occasions I was told 2,000.
During the bombing I was not only criticized for my skepticism of NATO
propaganda, but was told on more than one occasion to stop writing those
stories. People in my own family refuse to believe the extent to which they
were lied to about the Serbs.

The hard fact of the matter is that, using the definition put forth by the U.S.
State Department's Jamie Shea when the bombing began in March 1999, the
"genocide" taking place in the Balkans has been led by none other than the
President of the United States, Bill Clinton, supported by the American TV
Networks and major newspapers, plus most of official Washington, D.C. -
Democrats and Republicans, although many Republicans wanted to adhere to the
U.S. Constitution and the Democrats wanted to totally ignore it. Some
Republicans, among them Bob Dole for whom I voted in 1996, have received
hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign funds from the Albanian lobby in
America. Other Republicans have Albanian/KLA sympathizers on their staffs and
their policies reflect a strong anti-Serb bias.

However, as one of the House Impeachment managers pointed out, "Facts are
stubborn things." Eventually we have to face them. Sometimes it takes years or
generations. It appears that in the information age those stubborn facts are
bubbling to the surface more quickly.

To access Mary Mostert's Kosovo articles mentioned in this article: go to -Clinton: The First
American President to Commit Genocide in Europe - The Secret of Kosovo
- Where the KLA Terrorists Who Died in the Ground War are Buried - Is Clinton Creatng the
First Drug Dealer Terrorist State in Europe? - NATO Says 200,000
Albanian Women Gave Birth to 100,000 Babies in Two Months? Clinton's Hypocrisy
and the American Public's Willingness to be Deceived - Albanians don't
allow Greeks or other minorities to live in Albania - The Cherokees'
Trail of Tears and Rubin's New "Genocide" Definition - Clinton Orders Air
Strikes in Support of Drug-Trade Financed KLA - Today the Senate
May Move to Defund Clinton's Bombing Bank - Why Is Clinton
Willing to Fight for Iran's Friends, Drug Dealers and Terrorists? - Peacekeeping:
Albanians Terrorize Kosovo, Clinton Threatens to Bomb Milosevic
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