Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

* Veritas Vos Liberabit *
The Conservative e-Journal of Record

Date: 01 September 2000
Federalist #00-35.dgst

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The Founders
Federalist Perspective
The Good News
Editorial Exegesis
Second Opinion
Body Politic
Village Idiots
Short Cuts


"The real object of all despotism is revenue." --Thomas Paine


In the news this week, while Al Gore and Joe Lieberman were busy
courting and collecting from Hollywood's elite glitterati, the Federal
Trade Commission released a report which concludes that the
entertainment industry is aggressively targeting violent television,
music and video games to children. (And we thought only Joe Camel was
guilty of poisoning Village children.) The report notes that ads for
violent R-rated movies are primarily advertised on television programs
being watched by young teens.

Perhaps state attorneys general will drop their "gun problem" class
action suit against gun industry and pursue a "culture problem" class
action suit against the film industry for the culture of violence it
promotes and creates.  Don't hold your breath....

Quote of the week...

"In his convention appearance Gore recalled how hardships demanded
self-reliance from his parents and made them an inspiration to him.
Gore wowed his convention by vowing to banish forever all the sorts of
challenging conditions that made his parents so inspiring." --George

On cross-examination...

"I am pleased that the Republican leadership has finally decided to
stop holding up a pay raise for America's working families...." --Demo
Dick Gephardt on a plan to raise the minimum wage by $1 over two
years.  Q: Where does the Constitution say that the central government
is in charge of setting the minimum wage?

The BIG lie...

"We changed things, to help unleash your potential, and innovation and
investment in the private sector, the engine that drives the economy."
--Albert Gore, taking responsibility for the economy -- despite those
"powerful forces."

>From "The most ethical administration"...

While the Great Prevaricator was busy arguing that he should not lose
his standing with the Arkansas bar just because he lied in sworn
testimony to protect himself in a sexual harassment suit, Mr. David
Schippers, the Democrat who led the House Judiciary Committee's
investigation of Clinton and who, incidentally, voted for Bill Clinton
in 1992 and 1996, now calls Clinton "a disgrace to the office...a
disgrace to the United States. He's made the United States a
laughingstock of the world.... I'm still a registered Democrat but
from what I've seen on the national scene, I could never vote for a
Democrat on the national level again until they clean up their act."

News from the Swamp...

As expected, Bill Clinton vetoed the Death Tax Elimination Act as a
warm-up act for the "class warfare" rhetoric this Labor Day weekend.
"I believe that this estate tax bill is part of a series of actions
and commitments, that when you add it all up, would take us to the bad
old days of deficits, high interest rates and have no money to invest
in our common future," Clinton said. "This particular bill is wrong
for our families and wrong for our future. It fails the test of the
future, both on the grounds of fairness and fiscal responsibility."

The House may have the muscle to override the veto. Rep. J.C. Watts
said, "Eliminating the death tax will put an end to folks being
visited by the undertaker and the IRS agent on the same day. ... Next
week, Congress will vote to correct this mistake, to provide death tax
relief and strengthen American families. I urge my colleagues to
override this veto in the best interests of farmers, small businesses,
and the entire nation."

For more on the class warfare theme, see this week's Second Opinion,
"Class Action."

Judicial Benchmarks...

In the halls of injustice on the left, a homosexual transvestite
claimed he is entitled to asylum in the United States because his
sexual proclivities are not acceptable back home in Mexico. A
three-judge panel in San Francisco decided in his favor that "gay men
with female sexual identities in Mexico constitute a protected
'particular social group' under the asylum statute." The Immigration
Service must reverse its decision and approve the Mexican's request
for asylum -- meaning Al Gore just picked up another vote from a
reversal of INS immigration policy.

Regarding your IRS overpayment...

According to the Public Service Research Foundation, the Bureau of
Labor Statistics data show that the recent resurgence of union
membership was "due to an unusually large increase in public
employment and that unionism in the private sector of America's
economy continued its steady decline."  In other words, as the
military ranks dwindle, the Clintonistas are adding civil bureaucrats
at an unprecedented pace, almost all of whom become union members.

>From the department of military readiness...

This week, Demo Sen. Carl Levin continued the Gore line of denial,
insisting Mr. Bush's claim that the Clinton/Gore military gutting has
left the service branches at their lowest readiness level in almost
two decades -- is false.  Dick Cheney responded, "Military readiness
has reached its lowest level in modern times.... Either Al Gore
doesn't know what's going on with the military, or he chooses not to
tell the truth. ... [Cuts have gone] to far beyond any careful
weighing of the national interest."

He was joined in his rebuttal by John McCain, who said, "[A]nyone who
dismisses our serious readiness problems, our problems with morale and
personnel retention, and our serious deficiencies in everything from
spare parts to training as non-existent or overstated is either
willfully uninformed or untruthful." General Colin Powell added,
"[R]eadiness has declined, investment has declined, maintenance has

In related news, according to an internal Pentagon assessment of the
20 Army combat and support training centers responsible for field
artillery, infantry and aviation training, 12 have received the
Pentagon's lowest rating -- C-4. "In the three-year period since the
time I was assistant commandant to now, I have never seen a resource
picture so bleak," said a report from Maj. Gen. Tony Stricklin,
commander of the Army Field Artillery School at Fort Still, Okla. "And
as we know, it will get worse...." Maj. Gen. Anthony R. Jones, who
heads the Army Aviation Center for pilot training at Fort Rucker,
Ala., said, "Shortages in personnel and funding are significantly
impacting the scope of active projects."

The Commissars...

>From the "Bolshoi Bureaucracy" Files, as noted in this journal on many
occasions, Bill Clinton has been a prolific issuer of executive orders
and proclamations -- now numbering in excess of 450 -- all of which
effectively bypass congressional legislative authority. Clinton's
domestic policy adviser Bruce Reed says, "The president is determined
to get as much as he can done for the American people through
executive action, as he has for the last eight years. We work with
Congress. But just because they've ground to a halt doesn't mean the
executive branch should."

To understand the reach of Clinton's executive orders, consider this:
The Department of the Interior is engaged in an internal assessment
for the Justice Department to ensure compliance with Executive Order
13160, signed by Clinton in June, a few days before the Supreme Court
ruling that upheld the Boy Scouts' right to deny homosexuals
scoutmaster posts. Pandering to the homosexual voter block, EO 13160
added a provision for nondiscrimination based on "sexual orientation"
to all central government practices and programs. The Clintonistas
want to apply the same standard to any private group with authorized
activities on government property. NPS Bureau Directors have been
asked to "Identify and explain in detail all activities, events, or
programs that each of your Bureaus has with the Boy Scouts of

Thus, the Scouts, who hold many events in national parks, and commit
tens-of-thousands of volunteer hours helping maintain trails and
facilities, may no longer be able to hold functions on government
property. Tim Wildmon, president of the American Family Association,
concludes, " It is outrageous for the Clinton-Gore administration to
be preparing for a witch hunt against the Boy Scouts...."  But

Speaking of that Supreme Court decision, a former Oklahoma Boy Scout
troop leader pleaded guilty this week to 61 charges of having sex with
five boys under the age of 14, and was sentenced to 200 years in
prison (we suppose, meaning he will be eligible for parole next year).
He pleaded guilty to multiple counts of rape, forcible oral sodomy,
lewd acts with children and one count of bestiality. And in
California, a homosexual staff administrator at a Scout camp was
charged with 33 counts of sexually molesting seven teenage Boy Scouts.

The "Dumb and Dumber" Department...

>From the "Gross National Nonsense" files, Ms. Robustly Abominable will
be sporting bandages for six weeks after wounding herself with a
knife. She claims the accident occurred while she was removing a price
tag from a fishing rod -- another instrument of death. Sources close
to Robustly said that when asked if full registration and a photo ID
to own the knife would have prevented the incident, she said, "It was
my bodyguard's!"

>From the "Bureaucrati Ignoramus" Files, the USDA released a 15-page
set of proposed regulations specifying that the holes in Swiss cheese
must be reduced from an average of eleven-sixteenths to three-eighths
of an inch in diameter if producers want to qualify for a federal
Grade A rating.  One of our favorite Libertarians, George Gertz, fired
back: "These federal bureaucrats who think they should be able to tax,
regulate, mandate, subsidize, prohibit, or micromanage every area of
our lives -- up to and including the size of the holes in our Swiss
cheese. The fact is, the only holes that need to be regulated are the
holes in the [their] heads."

Around the world...

Clinton is back from Africa, where he says the highlight of his trip
was a visit to the village of Ushafa in Nigeria. At a ceremony there,
the village chief awarded Clinton the title of "Dan Massani of
Ushafa," translating roughly, "the most learned person of Ushafa."
Indeed, an honor!

On the frontiers of science...

>From the "Keen Sense of the Obvious" Department, a British proponent
of abortion, Dr. Vivette Glover, reported to the Royal Institution of
Medicine in London that a "fetus" 17 weeks or older should be
anesthetized prior to abortion because of increasing evidence these
unborn children experience pain when being dismembered. "One should
think about how one is doing it in the most pain-free way," said

And last, though a few local United Way Agencies have, at the urging
of homosexual activists, dropped their support for their local Boy
Scout troops, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation opened its purse and gave a
$44,500 grant to the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force for its
"Youth Leadership Institute," a training school for young "gay,"
"bisexual," and "transgendered" activists. Of course, what would you
expect from an organization funded by cereal products featuring a
perky toucan promoting Froot Loops, a dandy, Tony Tiger, promoting
Frosted Flakes, and three pixies, Snap, Crackle and Pop, promoting
Rice Krispies. Of note, Kelloggs now has a major joint marketing
promotion with Pokémon, Japanese for "pocket monster."


"There is no bigotry like that of 'free thought' run to seed."
--Horace Greeley  {}  "That which we are, we are all the while
teaching, not voluntarily, but involuntarily." --Emerson  {}  "Facts
do not cease to exist because they are ignored." --Aldous Huxley  {}
"The humblest citizen of all the land, when clad in the armour of a
righteous cause is stronger than all the hosts of error." --William
Jennings Bryan  {}  "He is the most free from danger, who, even when
safe, is on his guard." --Publius Syrus  {}  "Socialist: A man
suffering from an overwhelming conviction to believe what is not
true." --H.L. Mencken  {}  "The history of liberty is a history of the
limitation of governmental power, not the increase of it." --Woodrow
Wilson  {}  "Man is not free unless government is limited.... As
government expands, liberty contracts."  --Ronald Reagan  {}  "Among
other causes of misfortune which your not being armed brings upon you,
it makes you despised...." --Macchiavelli  {}  "No man is entitled to
the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in its preservation."
--General Douglas MacArthur  {}  "Perhaps, among us may be found
generous spirits, who do not estimate honor and justice by dollars and
cents." --Harriet Beecher Stowe  {}  "The higher the mountains, the
more understandable is the glory of Him who made them and who holds
them in His hand." --Francis Schaeffer


"The Lord has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the
day of trouble." (Proverbs 16:4)


"America's progressives, liberals, humanitarians, and other
self-satisfied poseurs have found a new group to outlaw, the Boy
Scouts." --Bob Tyrrell  {}  "The myth of sincerity is especially
potent when it comes to the big questions of life -- questions about
God and morality." --Charles Colson  {}  "In the American tradition,
reason and revelation combine to support freedom and morality, which
joins freedom and morality together, too." --Larry P. Arnn  {}
"Political campaigns often seem part circus and part swindle."
--Robert J. Samuelson  {}  "And in politics, a 'negative' influence is
nothing more than an opponent, idea or law that a politician
dislikes." --Bruce Fein  {}  "...[T]eachers' unions are going all-out
to stop vouchers, because any competition threatens to expose both the
public schools' failures and their excuses for failure." --Thomas
Sowell  {}  "George Bush's two major pieces of legislation, the Civil
Rights Act of 1991 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, both had
some awful provisions that Republicans should have caught. But fear of
appearing mean usually stampedes the party into supporting flawed
social legislation." --John Leo  {}  "Gun-control laws either have no
impact or increase violent crime." --John R. Lott Jr.  {}  "Of course,
the problem with the Clintons is not that all conspiracy theories
about them are true, just that all conspiracy theories about them are
possible." --Jonah Goldberg  {}  "There are few more potent
combinations than lawyers and journalists. Together they can demonize,
loot and even bankrupt the largest industry. And do so based on the
flimsiest evidence." --Doug Bandow  {}  "The ferocity of the gnostic
-- and of his twin inheritors, the contemporary leftist radical and
his liberal ally -- stems from an initial denial of reality, a
nourishing of the self on the mere wish that human nature, that the
cosmos as a whole, might be transformed by an act of naked will."
--Thomas F. Bertonneau  {}  "The future will depend in large part...as
it always has, on the spirit and enterprise and common-sense virtues
of the American people." --Paul Greenberg  {}  "Public corruptions
create public cesspools, around which private people must step in
their private lives. Slowly, ineluctably these cesspools begin to
define and dominate existence. ...That the crude and obscene are as
good as the righteous, honorable, upright and just -- my brothers and
sisters, there isn't a word of truth in it." --William Murchison

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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