-Caveat Lector-

To the editor,

 On October 24, 2000 the United Nations (http://www.un.org) will be 55
years old. Most if not all media commentators will again be editorializing
in favor of the United Nations. I disagree with this opinion because of
the following reasons.

 In the years since the United Nations was formed, we have had the Korean
"Police Action" under the direction of the United Nations (note: no
declaration of war from the United States Congress) through NATO in the
early 1950's.

 The early 1960's saw enactment of State Department Document 7277 (log on
to my website at http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon/stdk7277.html or log on
to the State Department's website at http://www.state.gov in the archives
section) into law which mandates the disarmament of both the United States
and the Soviet Union, arming the United Nations and establishing a World
Government under the United Nations. Also in the early 1960's, the United
Nations forced the pro-western Katanga province of the Congo to be
re-united with the pro-Communist central government of the Congo.

 Later in the 1960's, the United States got involved in the war in Vietnam
as a result of the United Nations' SEATO treaty (Note: no declaration of
war from the United States Congress). In the early 1990's, the United
States attacked Iraq under United Nations' authority (note: no declaration
of war from the United States Congress).The same thing can be said of our
policy in the Balkans.This seems like a poor track record for he alleged
"last hope for peace".

 For these and many more reasons I could cite, like under the United
States Constitution, God given rights are guaranteed; under the United
Nations Charter, your rights exist at the whim of the United Nations
General Assembly. Therefore, I urge everybody to call and write your
Federal Representative and your Federal Senators to support Ron Paul's HR
1146 which would get the United States out of the United Nations and the
United Nations out of the United States.

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904

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