-Caveat Lector-

At 10:56 AM 9/17/00 -0700, nessie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>>Question:  What, if any, crime has been committed?
>That depends on the wording of the local laws, and NOT on anyone's
>religious beliefs, particularly those of somebody else, not involved, and
>living in another legal juristiction.

Your answer is a very close approximation of "Duh-uh?"

Name one jurisdiction in the United States of America  -- ONE --  where it
is legal
for a medical doctor on his sole discretion to stick a needle into an in
utero fetus and kill it?

Name one jurisdiction where "the wording of local laws" affirmatively
permit this action.

>Crime is a legal matter, not a religious one.

Yeah.  So what?  You didn't answer the question.

"What, if any, crime has been committed?"

I'll make it REAL simple for you:

A. A crime has been committed.  The nature of the crime is: ____________.

B. No crime has been committed;  medical doctors can spear and mutilate
in utero fetuses whenever they damn well please.


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