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US Stocks

Apple's Stock Price Falls 50% in One Day

And that's the good news . . .

CUPERTINO, Calif. (CBS.MW) -- Apple Computer shares plunged 52 percent Friday
after the company issued a quarterly earnings warning that cast a shadow over
the broader computer industry.

"This is a further erosion of confidence that the PC market is healthy and
growing," said Bill Meehan, investment strategist at Cantor Fitzgerald. "It
is very hard to believe -- given Intel's comments and other signs that demand
for handheld devices and computers is decelerating -- that this is

Analysts reverse field

Apple's warning, issued after the market closed on Thursday, prompted some
backpedaling by analysts.

The stock was cut to "neutral" from "attractive" at PaineWebber and was
slashed to "neutral" from "buy" at Salomon Smith Barney. Both firms cut their
12-month price targets to $35.

Apple shares were also lowered at Merrill Lynch, SG Cowen, Bear Stearns and
Banc of America. Merrill's take was that this warning was just the beginning
of more bad news to come from Apple, based in Cupertino, Calif.

The analysts' recommendation changes were cold comfort for many investors who
wondered about their tardiness.

"If the stock is a 'buy' at $50 a share and it plunges to $25 a share, it
should be a screaming buy now, shouldn't it?" asked John Kinsey, a portfolio
manager at Toronto-based Caldwell Securities. "A downgrade after the fact
doesn't help anyone."

The shares (AAPL: news, msgs) plunged $27.75 to $25.75 on trading of 132
million shares compared with an average daily trading volume of 5 million
shares. The stock had dropped as low as $23.19 at the opening bell. Friday's
slide wiped out about $9 billion of Apple's market cap.
Apple said it expects to earn between 30 and 33 cents a share in the quarter
ending Sept. 30. Apple was expected to earn 45 cents a share, according to
the average estimate of analysts surveyed by First Call.

Apple earned 31 cents a share in the same period a year earlier and 55 cents
a share in the third quarter. The company said revenue would range from $1.85
billion to $1.90 billion. Apple made $1.34 billion in the fourth quarter of
last year.

Growth targets cut

In light of the slowdown, the company said it would cut growth targets for
the next fiscal quarter and the year. Apple said it would provide new
earnings estimates when it reports fourth-quarter results on Oct. 18.

Apple's chief financial officer, Fred Anderson, pointed to
lower-than-expected back-to-school sales, while receipts for the company's
Mac G4 Cube have gotten off to "a slower-than-expected start."

Apple's warning comes amid a torrent of earnings and revenue warnings in
recent days that have pummeled the tech sector, sending the Nasdaq Composite
Index down 13 percent in the last month.
Intel, the world's largest maker of computer chips, warned last week that its
revenue would slow due to sluggish European markets.

Apple's warning "plays into what we've been looking at for a while," said Rob
Schumacher, chief investment strategist at Van Kampen Funds, which oversees
about $80 billion in assets. "We believed that as economic activity slows, we
would see PC sales slowing down."

"Overall, while back-to-school sales are still growing, they are not growing
as quickly as was built into share prices" across the computer-maker
industry, Schumacher said.

Interest rates

Apple's warning seemed to ratify expectations among some analysts and
investors that rising interest rates and raging oil prices have sapped the
economy of some of its strength.

Higher rates deter consumers and companies from taking out loans for large
purchases. Oil prices at 10-year highs mean more money leaving consumers'
pockets for gas tanks and home heating, with less money left over for

It also means higher production costs for companies, regardless of the
"Oil is squeezing profit margins everywhere," Meehan said. "Even companies
that don't use a lot of energy sell to companies that do."

"People believed that technology stocks were impervious to a slowdown in the
economy, impervious to everything," Meehan added. "But that holds true only
if they sell their products to each other."
CBS Market Watch, September 29, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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