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Tight Supply, Logistical Bottlenecks to Push Oil Prices Higher
1050 GMT, 000920
Rising energy consumption, stagnant production of crude oil, low reserves and
capacity constraints along the supply chain will combine to keep crude prices
at current high levels, $35 to $40 per barrel, at the very least until
spring, even if Saudi Arabia increases production as much as possible and
nothing disrupts the supply chain. Any disruption will immediately spike
prices higher, and without any slack in the system they will be very slow to
come off new highs. The world will soon have to accept $45 as the bottom-end
price for a barrel of oil.
Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdel Aziz, the country’s heir
apparent and de facto leader, stated on Sept. 18 that Saudi Arabia could
increase oil production immediately to bring down oil prices. But any Saudi
production increase could only keep pace with surging demand. The stage is
set for a very tight oil market for at least the next year.
Of all of the world’s oil-producing states, only Saudi Arabia – currently
producing 8.5 million barrels per day (bpd) – has any meaningful extra
capacity. Kuwait, Indonesia, Iran and Nigeria cannot even meet the new quotas
allotted to them at OPEC’s Sept. 10 meeting. Iran’s production actually
dropped slightly last month. Algeria, Libya, Qatar and the United Arab
Emirates, while meeting their new quotas, have now essentially maximized
production, as has Iraq.
That leaves Venezuela. While insisting the country has spare capacity,
Venezuelan Oil Minister Ali Rodriguez stated on Sept. 13 that OPEC’s total
spare capacity was 2 million bpd – almost exactly the spare capacity for
Saudi Arabia alone. Clearly, Saudi Arabia will have to pump most of the
820,000 extra barrels a day.
While this will still leave Saudi Arabia with approximately 2 million bpd of
reserve capacity, that amount will be just enough to meet expected demand
growth. Global oil consumption is increasing by roughly 1 million bpd a year.
The Northern Hemisphere winter usually boosts consumption by at least another
1 million bpd, and so far that trend continues this year. Combine that with
the fact that current consumption is already outpacing production, and it
looks as if the production-consumption ratio will remain unchanged during the
depths of the 2000-2001 winter – and that’s assuming Saudi Arabia opens the
taps all the way.
Normally, new fields would come on stream to alleviate any shortage of oil.
But the 1998 oil crash deterred petroleum firms from new capital investments,
and oilfields take years to develop. Many projects are underway – including
deepwater wells off the west African coast and in the Gulf of Mexico, as well
as new fields in Central Asia and the Russian Arctic – but only the Central
Asian fields will start producing before 2002. And because of congested
shipping lanes through the Bosporus, most of this oil will be trapped in the
Black Sea, unable to reach world markets.
Production is not the only step in the supply chain under stress. Global
stocks of crude oil are critically low – the U.S. reserve amounts to less
than 60 days’ consumption. Stocks of refined products are even scarcer.
American outrage at high gasoline prices this summer led refineries to favor
fuel production over heating oil. Consequently, despite government attempts
to establish a 2 million gallon heating oil reserve, stocks are still 20
percent lower than they were a year ago – and last year they were at a
10-year low.
Complicating matters, oil tanker transport rates have roughly doubled in the
past two years, reflecting the scrapping of aging fleets. Tanker rates
typically add another $1 to $2 per barrel to the cost of oil in major Western
markets. The crude carrier market will remain very tight as the dismantling
of old ships outpaces new supply over the next two years. This will push up
transport rates and make oil markets even more susceptible to disruption.
Furthermore, use of global refining capacity  is running close to flat-out.
The United States, the largest refining nation, has been working its
refineries at over 90 percent since 1995. Other states face similar shortages
in refining capacity. As a result, even if a glut of crude oil suddenly
appears on world markets, prices for refined products would stay high.
Unlike the shipping shortage, the refinery shortage will stay with us for
years. It takes several years to add significant refinery capacity. The 1998
oil crash dissuaded investment in refineries as well as new fields. Most
projects begun this year will not operate until 2002.
Compounding that transport crunch, most of the West relies on overseas
refining for 10 to 25 percent of petroleum products. Any transport crisis
will affect gasoline and heating oil as well as raw crude. And Saudi
production increases will not relieve bottlenecks in shipping and refining.
More Saudi crude now will not translate into cheaper gasoline later.
Rising consumption, stagnant production, low reserves and constrictions along
the supply chain will combine to keep prices at current high levels at least
until spring, even if nothing happens to disrupt any part of the system.
Should logistical disruptions occur, prices will immediately spike – and
without slack in the system, they will be very slow to come off any new
Some examples of events that could trigger price rushes:

*   An oil spill in Nigeria took 130,000 bpd of production off line for 10
days in September.
*   On September 14-16, a tropical storm threatened to temporarily stop
production in the Gulf of Mexico, one of the United States’ most productive
*   Bombings in Colombia have repeatedly shut down the 230,000 bpd Cano
Limon-Covenas pipeline.
*   The Russian crude loading port at Novorossiysk closes for several weeks a
year due to bad weather. Novorossiysk handles one-quarter of Russia’s oil
*   On September 14, Iraq accused Kuwait of slant-drilling across its borders
into Iraqi fields. A similar accusation preceded Iraq’s 1990 invasion of
Kuwait. Iraq and Kuwait together produce 5.1 bpd. Just the possibility of
renewed conflict boosted oil prices by 2 percent.
*   Fuel protests in the United Kingdom in September threatened to disrupt
North Sea oil production. The UK’s North Sea fields produce most of the UK’s
3 million bpd.
*   Fuel protests in France in early September brought oil refining to a
standstill, with 1.9 million bpd of refined goods unable to reach the market.
*   Other fuel protests across Europe blockaded ports, denying access to
millions of barrels of crude. This also served to tie up increasingly scarce
*   A drought, combined with a desire for a more open political system,
threatens Iran with instability that in turn could threaten onshore oil
production. Iran produces 3.7 million bpd.
*   Libya’s oil infrastructure is in poor condition due to sanctions begun in
1993 that forbade imports of equipment that would assist the oil sector.
Without new equipment, Libyan production (currently 1.3-1.4 million bpd)
could decline.
*   Russia’s oil infrastructure is also in poor shape due to a lack of
capital investment. Leaks measured in tens of tons are commonplace, even on
the larger export lines. Russian oil production is 5.9 million bpd.

With increases in supply unlikely, the only other way to bring prices down is
to reduce demand sharply. The last four times that happened was through
global recessions – and in three of those cases, high oil prices were a
direct cause of those recessions.
The world will soon pump oil at maximum capacity. Once this happens, even
minor disruptions will send immense shocks reverberating through the oil
market, resulting in sharp and sustained increases in the prices of crude and
refined products.  Troubles Ahead for Russia’s Oil Industry
-14 September 2000
What Next for the Price of Oil?
-6 September 2000
Oil, Power and Politics. Part I. Who’s Afraid of the High Price of Oil?
-30 August 2000
Oil, Politics and Power Part II: The Irony of High Prices
-31 August 2000
Oil, Politics, and Power Part III: The Geopolitics of Expensive Oil
-1 September 2000
>From the Black Sea to Europe: The Next Contest for Energy Routes
-29 August 2000
Washington Chases Oil
-26 August 2000
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