-Caveat Lector-

You make a very good point below, Mike. It is certainly one of the elements
against allowing homosexuals to force themselves into the BSA.

I'd like to add to this: On many of the "boylove" web sites, any of them
"religiously" and philosphically oriented, these "minor-attracted adults" --
a term they themselves coined as an alternative to the negative sounding
"pedophile" -- their big thing in life is "mentoring" a boy or boys. These
homosexual male men, attracted to minors, seek ways to enter areas of life
where they can be in a position of "mentoring" a boy or boys. They
themselves say that this "mentoring" may or may not include sex: all depends
on the boy, the situation, etc.

These "boylovers", btw, now calling themselves "minor-attracted" adults, are
organized, at least on the Internet, and advocate the lowering of the age of
consent, and some advocate on various philosophic, "moral", and even
"religious" grounds the doing away with age of consent laws entirely. They
also do "out-reach" to pedophiles who in prisons, writing letters to them,
offering "hope", etc., and no doubt NAMBLA represents many pedophiles in
jail. These "minor-attracted adults", in effect, are, by doing so, "raising
the consciousness of" emprisoned pedophiliac adults, as these groups ride
the coat-tails of the homosexual agenda, mimicking  the very militant
homosexual tactics. The problem is that where Society envisions dirty men in
trench coats, this is not actually the true picture of men who are
"minor-attracted adults". Change the word "pedophile", a word with negative
connotations, to another word -- and you've now changed the connotations to
something more positive and finding that new word suddenly, now workable. We
see this happening every day in many other areas of life.

These issue of homosexuality and pedophilia are different terms to the
mainstream Society, but in effect the end result is a blurring of the lines.
These issues go far deeper than dirty old men flashing and acting out.
Homosexuals, taken as a while, envision a type of Utopian Society, much like
one might see on the older version of Star Trek with Captain Kirk and Mr.
Spock, that is, a type of Society where access to children at very young
ages, even at birth, is simply accepted, i.e. because pedophilia "simply IS"
where no one is forced to hide their propensities, but is accepted.
Traditional society needs to start looking at, not the stereotype, but at
the actual forces at work which surround not only the militant homosexual
agenda, but their coat-tail riders, and then Society will see quite easily
what is behind the whole issue of the relentless attack by homosexual groups
against the BSA. It isn't just "tolerance", "diversity", or any other
cutesy-pie label newly minted and coined. Needless to say, the entire media
helps perpetuate the roping off of a certain "class' of people, labelling
them "pedophiles", a blind and smoke and mirrors to the fact that when it
comes to the attack against the BSA, there is more at work than homosexuals
wanting their "rights".

I'd also like to add that allowing homosexual men to force their way into
the BSA, would be pretty much a homosexual's DREAM, even regardless of
whether that man would or could be termed a "pedophile". It would seem to me
that a homosexual man "mentoring" in the BSA would allow for the subtle
indoctrination on the unconscious level into "the world of men" as the
homosexuals envision it. A teacher, after all, doesn't just teach facts, but
also interacts with students informally. A homosexual person just is not in
the position to pass on traditional family values, as their "world" consists
of homoeroticism on a most fundamental level, a condition which seems to
cover all aspects of life in their world view. The word "homosexual", after
all, describing a lifestyle, gets its life with first of all the idea of sex

One may argue that homosexual couples, both men and women, are now finding
ways to adopt children legally, often via the test tube. Be that as it may,
and no doubt we are headed towards one degenerate Society, but nevertheless
homosexuals do not represent traditional family values, not in the manner in
which "traditional" means.

<<<I really believe it was you June who missed Yardbirds point.

June lets face it.... NOBODY is arguing that pedophilia is either:
a) predetermined by an individuals sexual orientation.
b) precluded by an individuals sexual orientation. You know it, I know it,
the whole list knows it.

Whether or not the culprit was caught by a male or female is in this case
irrelevent and moot.

If the BSA was to allow homosexual men to be scout leaders, whom would the
pedophile segment of
that group prey on? Boys obviously.

And if the BSA also had some HETEROsexual leaders who were ALSO pedophiles
whom would they prey on?
NOBODY because there's no young girls in the boy scouts.

So IOW that would leave the pedophile percentage of the homosexual
population with their choice of sexual
conquest at their disposal. Whereas the hetero-pedophiles would still have
NOBODY to molest.

Basically you've said time and time again June that you'd like to see the
ONLY group with any reasonable
feasibility of molesting boy scouts allowed to participate. Can you explain

I think we all agree here June that pedophiles come in both flavors.... my
question is:

Which one will be molesting the boys?

Mike Smith

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