-Caveat Lector-

<<<What you don't seem to grasp is the FACT that there are homosexuals,
there are heterosexuals, and then there
are pedophiles.  Three SEPARATE groups.>>>

The above statement is an absolute LIE. It is based on the sterotype people
have of the "dirty old man", promulgated by the media. I have given enough
UrLs to "boylove" sites, sites owned by homosexual MEN who are
"minor-attracted adults", as they themselves call themselves. It is also
very convenient to the militant homosexual community to promulgate the myth
of 3 separate groups. But this is LIE.

<<<Pedophiles are a separate group from either homosexuals or heterosexuals.
A homosexual is attracted to adults
of their same sex.  Heterosexuals are attracted to adults of the opposite
sex.  Pedophiles are attracted to
children.  Pedophiles who molests children of the same sex are no more
represenative of the homosexual
community, than pedophiles who molest children of the opposite sex are
representative of the heterosexual

BIG BIG LIES above. There are male peedos who prey on boys, male peedos who
prey on girls, and hetero peedos who prey on both sexes...to be sure.
HOWEVER, ANY male peedo who preys on boys is a HOMOSEXUAL, plain and simple.
AND, if you care to then look deeper into what "homosexual" consists of in
its ENTIRETY, again, I have posted several "boylove" URLS to get anyone
started in their own investigation.

Should you come across any forums on these "boylove" sites, the ones which
seek to create a bridge to "non-boylovers" -- that would be you and me --
you will meet there many activists on BOTH SIDES of the coin and you will
certainly get a fuller picture of the militant homosexual agenda. And,
suddenly you will realize there is NO SEPARATE GROUP called "pedophile".

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