-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Finding Hope at Home
by Samuel L. Blumenfeld

The decline of government schools lies in stark contrast to the bright ray
of hope offered by the rising star of homeschooling.

If eight years of the Clinton regime have turned you into a pessimist about
America's future, perhaps a look at the awesome successes of the homeschool
movement might turn you into an optimist. Ten years ago, few Americans knew
anything about homeschooling. Today, with 12-year-old homeschooler George
Thampy winning the National Spelling Bee, and second and third finalists
also being homeschoolers, everybody now knows about homeschooling. The
newspapers can't get enough of it. Thampy also came in second in the
National Geography Bee. And who can forget the ebullient Rebecca Sealfon,
the homeschooler from Brooklyn who won the Spelling Bee in 1997. And this
is just the beginning.

The homeschool movement is producing its first wave of graduates, and they
are getting into the best universities and colleges in the nation. Even the
military has changed its policies toward homeschoolers, who were previously
classified as dropouts. According to the Washington Times, the Air Force
enlisted 10 homeschoolers in 1998, but 200 in fiscal 1999. The Navy
enlisted 23 in 1998, as compared to 1,050 in 1999. With the armed services
hungry for literate recruits, they have finally recognized the talents and
skills of homeschoolers.

Homeschoolers are also scoring impressively on the SAT and ACT college
entrance exams, consistently outperforming their public school
counterparts. This year, for example, homeschoolers scored an average of
22.8 on the ACT, while their public and private school counterparts scored
an average of 21. As for the SAT, this year homeschoolers scored an average
of 1,100, or 81 points above the national average of 1,019.

Freedom at Work

The most important thing to know about homeschooling is that it is
educational freedom at work. And freedom produces better results than
coercion. This country has gone so far down the road to socialism that most
people have no idea what educational freedom means. What it means is
freeing your family from the shackles of government education, and
educating your children in conformity with your family's religious and
moral values.

But freeing yourself from a government institution like the public school
is not only a cultural act, but a political one as well. For you'd have to
be deaf, dumb, and blind not to realize that the public schools are being
used by Gramscian change agents to transform America into a totalitarian
state. Those change agents want to remake America by capturing control of
the youth. Just imagine the long-term political and cultural implications
of denying them access!

The act of removing your child from the public school affects the most
important statist institution in our society: the government education
system. Statism requires compulsory government schooling if it is to
succeed in brainwashing the children of the country, for it is the children
who will make the future.

The government schools are creating millions of dysfunctional young adults
without brain power, unfit to do anything that requires intellectual
effort. Their source of stimuli is the television set and its statist
messages. They are increasingly unable to understand or even defend the
legacy of freedom we've inherited from our Founding Fathers. And their lack
of academic skills relegates them to the bottom of American society. That
is why our high-tech industries clamor to import technically skilled
workers from abroad to fill the jobs that many young Americans cannot

But through homeschooling (and other private alternatives), concerned
parents are providing hope for the future. In the time span of less than a
generation, homeschooling has grown from a small counter-cultural
phenomenon to a vibrant mainstream movement consisting of an estimated 1.7
million homeschoolers. These homeschoolers will grow and blossom into
independent-minded, well-educated, and skilled young adults who possess the
values of their parents, who will know how to read and write, multiply and
divide, who will know the history of our country, and who will exhibit a
true love of freedom and the Constitution. If you want proof of this,
simply attend a large homeschool convention and watch as parents go from
vendor to vendor, poring over programs and books, choosing carefully what
they want for their children. Watch the parents attending lectures and
workshops, taking notes, buying tapes so that they can listen to the wisdom
of the many wonderful speakers that lecture at these conventions.

As a participant in these activities, I've watched the homeschool movement
grow by leaps and bounds. For example, 11 years ago, when the Massachusetts
homeschool organization held its first convention in a church basement,
about 300 people showed up. At the last convention in April 2000, which had
to be held at the Worcester Convention Center because there wasn't a hotel
in the state large enough to accommodate the gathering, more than 3,000
people showed up. This same kind of growth is taking place nationwide. For
example, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, there were 1,126
homeschoolers in Wisconsin in 1985. In 1998, the number was up to 18,712,
an increase of 1,562 percent.

I have spoken at many large homeschooling conventions and what is truly
amazing is the quality of the people who attend, the wonderful behavior of
their youngsters, the dedication and devotion to learning, and their hunger
for the values that made this country the freest and most successful in
history. They love the Constitution and want to preserve it.

While there is a growing number of secular homeschoolers entering the
movement, most homeschoolers strongly adhere to a God-centered worldview,
whether they be Protestants, Catholics, or Mormons. (It should be noted
that there is a small but growing number of Jewish homeschoolers.) Religion
plays a very important part in the life of these families. They study the
Bible, have family devotions, and (oftentimes) are members of churches
where most of the congregation are also homeschoolers. They derive their
inspiration from Deuteronomy, in which God commands parents to educate
their children in the love and admonition of the Lord.

Great Results

I have been in the homes of many homeschoolers, and there you find a love
of reading, a reverence for good literature, a love of knowledge, and an
appreciation of art and music. Learning becomes the center of family life.

As for socialization, which is one issue government educators frequently
use to browbeat homeschoolers, it is quite apparent that the family is a
far better place to develop social skills than the public school. At home,
members of the family learn that they have responsibilities and chores that
must be done, and they have the time in which to do them, for homeschoolers
own all of their own time. The typical public schooler, on the other hand,
comes home after a tiring, boring day confined in a school building and
wants to relax and watch TV, listen to rock music in his or her bedroom, or
hang out with friends at the mall. Getting the public schooler to pick up
clothes or clean dishes becomes a struggle for parents who want to instill
discipline in a child on the verge of rebellion. And rebellion is the
result of the kind of socialization that goes on in public school.

At Columbine High School there was plenty of socialization, mainly of the
wrong kind. And we all know the results - 12 students and a teacher dead,
plus the suicide of the two students who carried out the massacre. But the
Columbine tragedy has awakened a lot of parents. According to Michael
Farris of the Home School Legal Defense Association, "the day after
Columbine, our phones started ringing off the hook. People called us
saying, 'We really need to begin home schooling. We've been thinking about
this for a long time, and this is the straw that broke the camel's back.'"

The Home School Legal Defense Association was founded in 1983 by Christian
homeschooling lawyers to defend homeschoolers against state and local
harassment. Since then, the legal climate for homeschooling has improved
markedly. So has the public perception of homeschooling - thanks in large
measure to the movement's dramatic growth and its stunning success. And as
a growing number of today's homeschoolers come of age, many of them will
undoubtedly contribute to the restoration of America.
Mr. Blumenfeld is the author of The Whole Language Hoax, NEA: Trojan Horse
in American Education, and other important books on the subject of
My son told me last night, that there several unknown men at his school
yesterday. I told him to find out who they were today. He said they wre
on both floors of his school and had ear pieces in their ears, which I
assume were walky talkies. I dot know if anyone else has noticed this
but, we might need to check it out.
This happened at Bowie Junior High School, around lunch time in Odessa,
Texas. He told me they were not teachers.

Capt. Warren Nelson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Public Education System vs Christian Home Schooling
Home School News, Info. & Links

Up-To-Date NEWS from the Middle East

The UN Flag is now flying over Missouri University

Cloning teams cross pig and human DNA

drug wars (coming soon)

Warrantless secret searches on the verge of being approved!

The US Secret Service [USSS]

"Silence can only be equated with fraud when there is a legal or moral
duty to speak, or when an inquiry left unanswered would be intentionally
misleading... We cannot condone this shocking conduct...
If that is the case we hope our message is clear. This sort of deception
will not be tolerated and if this is routine it should be corrected
immediately" U.S. v. Tweel 550 F2d 297, 299-300.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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