-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

CONGRESS ACTION: October 8, 2000


GLORIFICATION OF IGNORANCE: This week, the Senate overwhelmingly passed (96
to 1), and Clinton is expected to sign into law, legislation designed to
amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to grant increased numbers of visas
to nonimmigrant aliens. The reason for this legislation, according to Senator
John Warner (R-VA) in the Congressional Record, is that ".there does exist a
tight labor market in many fields, especially the information technology
fields. . This tight labor market makes it difficult for the high-tech
industry to fill job openings, and this difficulty is compounded by the fact
that our American education system, for one reason or another, is not
producing enough individuals with the interest and skills for employment in
the information technology fields. If these jobs are not filled, our economy
will suffer, and these American companies will move overseas to fill their
jobs." Senator Partick Leahy (D-VT) explained, "Due to the stunning economic
growth we have experienced in the past eight years, unemployment is lower
than the best-case scenario envisioned by most economists. . Although it is
important that the high-tech industry ensure that it is making maximum
possible use of American workers, it should also have access to
highly-skilled workers from abroad, particularly workers who were educated at
American universities." The bill in question is S.2045, the "American
Competitiveness in the Twenty-first Century Act of 2000". Senator Orrin Hatch
(R-UT) put his finger on both the short-term and long-term problem: "In the
short-term, a tight labor market, increasing globalization, and a burgeoning
economy have combined to increase demand for skilled workers well beyond what
was forecast when Congress last addressed the issue of temporary visas for
highly skilled workers in 1998. .The longer term solution lies with our own
children and our own workers; and in ensuring that our education and training
of our current and future workforce matches the demands in our high tech 21st
century global economy."

How can this be? How can there be a shortage of educated high technology
workers, here in the United States, the alleged high technology capitol of
the world? After all, look at our historic lead in creating the core elements
of our high technology economy. The development of the modern electronic
computer is usually credited to Jancsi von Neumann (although born in Hungary,
and educated in Zurich and Budapest) working at Princeton's Institute for
Advanced Study, building on the work of University of Pennsylvania
researchers Eckert and Mauchly and their ENIAC computer. The integrated
circuit was invented by scientists working at Fairchild Semiconductor and
Texas Instruments. And as everyone knows, our own current Vice President
himself invented the Internet. So why can't America's high technology
companies find enough highly trained people, born and educated in the United
States, to fill out their workforces?

According to a report titled "Before It's Too Late: A Report to the Nation
from The National Commission on Mathematics and Science Teaching for the 21st
Century", (the Glenn Commission) released September 27, 2000 by the U.S.
Department of Education, ".the current preparation that students in the
United States receive in mathematics and science is, in a word, unacceptable.
Recent reports of the performance of our country's students from both the
Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) echo a dismal message of lackluster
performance, now three decades old; it's time the nation heeded it -- before
it's too late." The Executive Summary of the report warns "The primary
message of this report holds that America's students must improve their
performance in mathematics and science if they are to succeed in today's
world and if the United States is to stay competitive in an integrated global
economy." The Commission concluded that, ".the most direct route to improving
mathematics and science achievement for all students is better mathematics
and science teaching." The nation needs better teachers. One proposal from
the Commission to achieve that is a step adamantly opposed by the nation's
teachers' unions: "incentives -- whether in the form of cash awards, salary
increases, support for further education, or community-wide recognition --
are needed to encourage deserving mathematics and science teachers to remain
in teaching and improve their skills."

America's education system is dominated by America's teachers' unions. And
those unions are very much like the current democrat candidate for president
whom they support -- firmly striding across that fabled "bridge to the 21st
century", but marching in the wrong direction. As was recently commented
about Gore's approach to governing, "Mr. Gore seems intent on recreating the
Democratic Party agenda of the 1950s, if not the 1930s." Any honest analysis
of Al Gore's proposed agenda for the nation, if he becomes president, would
have to conclude that his goal is to further expand an already massive
regulatory state in which, no matter what the question, government alone has
the right answer. That approach, as exemplified by Gore's serial demagogic
attacks against one major industry after another, has the economy
increasingly worried. The reason that the stock market -- a useful indicator
for the health of the economy -- has been stagnating lately, according to
some analysis, is the growing fear among investors that Gore could win the
presidency and bring a democrat congress with him. This would enable him to
actually enact into law many of his radical and destructive ideas. The Glenn
Commission finds the same stuck-in-the-past problem with American education:
"The basic teaching style in too many mathematics and science classes today
remains essentially what it was two generations ago. By contrast, teaching
innovation and higher student performance are well documented in other
countries, where students' improvements are anchored to an insistence on
strong professional development for teachers." Does anyone seriously believe,
if Gore becomes president and democrats the majority in the congress, that
there will be any meaningful structural reform of the education system,
beyond simply throwing more taxpayer money at the same failed and unreformed
system? Our education system, driven as it is by backward-looking
bureaucrats, politicians, and unions, is, and will remain if Gore becomes
president, mired in the past and unwilling, under leftist ideological
domination, to even consider stepping into the future by adopting what has
made the private economy so strong -- competition and incentives.

But there remains another, even more fundamental problem in our society. That
problem was succinctly enunciated by the late astronomer and scientist, Carl
Sagan -- "One trend that bothers me is the glorification of stupidity, that
it's all right not to know anything...". The glorification of stupidity, the
disrespect for science, and the growing virulent hatred of intellectual
endeavor of any sort whatsoever -- the trend is ominous and growing. That
trend is only exacerbated by congressional dinosaurs such as Ted Kennedy,
pandering to the pernicious psychology of victimhood in those rendered
dysfunctional by his own leftist ideology. More comfortable with the past
than the future, Kennedy tried to impose racial quotas and the heavy hand of
government regulation even on a bill called the "American Competitiveness in
the Twenty-first Century Act of 2000". No 21st century for Kennedy! His
amendments (which were "laid on the table", ie: set aside without prejudice)
required recruitment of "members of underrepresented minority groups", and
authorized the Secretary of Labor ".to pursue appropriate penalties where
appropriate." When a "hate crimes" provision was removed from a defense bill
this week, Kennedy opined that the failure to anoint special victims for
special protection violated the nation's "commitment to.equal protection of
the laws". In the leftist's vision of the world, equal protection of the law
is only obtained by government-mandated and enforced inequality.

Leftists such as Kennedy himself have created, at least in part, the problem
he sought to address, by fostering that psychology of victimhood among
minorities. As scholar Thomas Sowell put it, "One of the.huge handicaps that
black students face is the attitude that trying to learn is 'acting white'.
Self-destructive as this notion may be, it is a logical corollary of the
social vision that says whitey is out to get you and it doesn't matter how
much you know or how hard you try. Which party panders to this victimhood
vision? Which party cuddles up with race hustlers like Al Sharpton, who
promotes this paranoid tribalism? The Democrats in general and Al Gore and
Hillary Clinton in particular."

The dysfunctional education system has implications more profound than simply
a shortage of Americans trained in high technology, and requires repairs far
more extensive than the importation of more foreigners. This is because the
educational failure spans more than just science and mathematics. Of far more
significance to the long term health, not only of our economy, but of our
form of government and our very freedom itself, is the public education
system's failure to properly educate students in history, civics, and
economics. Thus we hear Al Gore attacking "big pharmaceuticals", "big oil",
and "obscene profits" (any corporate profits to committed leftists like Gore
are "obscene"), and suggesting the need for price controls and government
regulations in both areas. And the economically illiterate cheer, having no
conception of the supply and demand equation dominating the price of oil, no
realization that Gore's own restrictions on energy production in all its
forms has caused oil shortages, and no understanding of the harm to their own
health that drug price controls will cause by killing pharmaceutical research
and development. When democrats propose an ever expanding role of government
in every aspect of our lives, the Constitutionally and historically
illiterate think that that is the proper role of government. When Gore -- and
some equally guilty republicans -- pushes his idea of putting taxpayer money
into a so-called "lock-box" to prevent it from being spent by congress,
people ignorant of civics and the processes of government don't understand
that whatever one congress enacts by way of a "lock-box" can be easily
revoked by the next congress. Even allegedly educated people now routinely
talk about preventing "government money" from being diverted to school
vouchers, as though there really is such a thing as "government money", as
separate and distinct from money taken from citizens and businesses through
taxation. When Al Gore justifies his intention to appoint activist judges by
proclaiming that the Constitution should be a "growing" document that changes
with the politically correct fashion of the day (and therefore that the text
really doesn't mean what it clearly says, or says something that it clearly
does not); when the totalitarians on the left proclaim that the Second
Amendment protects only the rights of the federal government and not the
rights of individuals (making it the only one of the Bill of Rights so
uniquely situated); when the campaign finance reform crowd proclaims that the
First Amendment doesn't protect political speech; the Constitutionally and
historically illiterate nod in ignorant agreement.

So when the government launches an armored assault against men, women, and
children in Waco, resulting in the deaths of over 80 Americans, and justifies
it because those people were religious fanatics; when federal agents kick in
the door of a peaceful home in Miami and take a child at the point of a
machine gun, and justify it because the child's relatives wanted the custody
matter settled by a court of law rather than by a diktat from the Attorney
General; when a federal sharpshooter in Idaho kills an unarmed woman holding
her baby and is said to just be doing his duty, because the unfortunate woman
got what she deserved since her husband was a "gun nut"; no one should be
shocked when so few of our fellow citizens -- propagandized and rendered
ignorant by decades of public school "education" -- stand up and demand of
our government, "How Dare You!"

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it
expects what never was and never will be." -- Thomas Jefferson



Legislative Text: http://thomas.loc.gov/home/c106query.html

"Before It's Too Late": http://www.ed.gov/inits/Math/glenn/

Mr. Kim Weissman

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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