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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Another interesting “UFO” parallel to note is that Parsons and Hubbard's 
“visionary experience” with these alien-like entities transpired in the 
California desert, which during the late 40’s and 50’s was a hotbed for 
flying saucer activity. It was in this setting that such famous “Contactees” 
as George Adamski and George Hunt Williamson invoked their own brand of 
cosmic messengers, transported by saucers, cigar-shaped vessels and the like, 
often originating for nearby Venus, or other seemingly uninhabitable planets 
in our solar system. 

In the 1930’s--prior to his “Space Brother” encounters--Adamski operated a 
monastery dubbed “The Royal Order of Tibet”, which afforded him a permit to 
make sacrificial wine during the Prohibition. After the Prohibition ended, 
Adamski’s monastery suddenly closed its doors, and he afterwards opened a 
burger stand near the Mount Palomar Observatory. While there, Adamski claimed 
to have helped astronomers photograph several UFO’s--a claim that afterwards 
was never verified by anyone at the observatory.

Adamski’s first encounter with the “Space Brothers” occurred in the Mojave 
Desert on November 20, 1952, when--in the company of George Hunt Williamson 
and some other friends--he witnessed a cigar-shaped craft being pursued by 
military jets. Just before disappearing from sight, the craft ejected a 
silver disc, which landed a short distance from Adamski and his party. When 
Adamski arrived at the saucer he was greeted by a man with long blond hair, 
wearing a one-piece suit. Telepathically, the “man” informed Adamski he was 
from Venus, and that he was concerned about the possibility of atomic bomb 
radiation from Earth reaching other planets in the solar system, and that 
various beings from throughout the galaxy were visiting Earth harboring these 
same concerns. According to Adamski, he was taken aboard one of the alien 
ships and flown around to several venues throughout the universe, including 
the dark side of the moon. During the course of his aerial foray, Adamski 
took an array of spurious photographs that have been widely viewed as a hoax. 
In “Unidentified Fascist Observatories” John Judge asserts that Adamski was 
an asset of the CIA, who in his lectures tours throughout the 50's and 60's 
dispersed disinfo on behalf of the Company. 

Adamski’s colleague--George Hunt Williamson--went on to author several UFO 
books, such as Other Tongues--Other Flesh, and promulgated the idea of a 
cosmic good-versus-evil battle taking place between the “good guys” from the 
dog star, Sirius, versus the evil shit-kickers from Orion. Strangely enough, 
the planet Sirius is a recurring theme found throughout Occult and UFO lore.

Of note in this regard is Robert Temple's The Sirius Mystery, published in 
1977, which documents the history of the Dogon tribe of Africa, and their 
fabled meetings with the Nommos, a race of three-eyed, crab-clawed beings 
from Sirius. It was these intergalactic emissaries--as Dogon legends 
record--that passed onto the tribe as far back as 3200 B.C. various 
astronomical data, among which that Sirius has a companion star invisible to 
the naked eye. These legends far predate the advent of telescopes, and were 
later confirmed by astronomers. This “companion” star--Sirius B--wasn't even 
photographed until 1970. In addition to this knowledge regarding Sirius B, 
the Nommos also provided additional info to the Dogons; such as the fact that 
Jupiter has four moons; Saturn has a ring around it; and that the planets in 
our solar system orbit around the sun. All of these facts, of course, were 
later confirmed by science.

In The Sirius Mystery, Temple traces contact with the Nommos all the way back 
to Sumeria circa 4500 B.C. At that time, he says, these 
three-eyed-crab-clawed creatures appeared in their mighty space ships from 
the stars, bestowing unto humankind vast secrets; revealing mysteries and 
esoteric knowledge passed on to initiates in various secret societies in 
Egypt, the Near East, and Greece. These initial contacts, Temple contends, 
planted the seeds for the various mystery religions, whose offshoots include 
the likes of Giordano Bruno, Dr. John Dee, and the overall foundation which 
laid the stones for Freemasonry, and other secret schools of esoteric 
knowledge such as The Knights Templar and the Rosicrucians. In fact, 
Freemasons believe that civilization on Earth was initially formed by 
entities from the Sirius star system, whom they equate with the Egyptian 
Trinity of Isis, Osiris, and Horus. In these legends, Osiris has been 
portrayed as a precursor to Christ, who was first crucified then later 
resurrected, forming the basis of an gyptian priesthood that worships Sun 
gods. The adepts of these mystery religions have always referred to 
themselves--in one form or another--as The Illuminati; those who have been 
“illuminated” by their worship of the various Sun gods/Moon goddesses.

In his treatise, Temple further notes that the entire Egyptian calendar 
revolved around the movements of Sirius, and that the calendar year began 
with the 'dog days' when Sirius started to rise behind the sun. According to 
Philip Vandenberg in The Curse of the Pharaoh: ”An archeologist named Duncan 
MacNaughton discovered in 1932 that the long dark tunnels in the Great 
Pyramid of Cheops function as telescopes, making the stars visible even in 
the daytime. The Greater Pyramid is oriented, according to MacNaughton, to 
give a view, from the King's Chamber, of the area of the southern sky in 
which Sirius moves throughout the year." 

The brightest star in the heavens, Sirius is used for navigational purposes 
because it usually remains fixed in the sky. Comparatively speaking, it’s 
approximately 35 times brighter than our own sun, and is regarded in occult 
circles as the “hidden god of the cosmos.” The famous emblem of the 
all-seeing eye--seen hovering above the unfinished pyramid--is a depiction of 
the Eye of Sirius, and is a common motif found throughout Masonic lore. It is 
no secret that many of our nation’s founding fathers were Freemasons, which 
explains the odd appearance of the Eye of Sirius on the dollar bill; a symbol 
seen everyday by millions of people across the globe, imprinting its image 
forever in our psyches. The imprinting of such imagery has been called into 
question in recent times by a whole host of conspiracy theorists, who--in 
their New World Order scenarios--connect such fraternal orders as the Knights 
of Malta, Freemasonry and Rosacruscism with the “insidious” symbol of 
Sirius, the eye in the triangle. At the top of this pyramid--the conspiracy 
theorists suggest--is the dreaded Illuminati, tying all of these fraternal 
orders and secret societies together in a far flung plot intended to bring 
mankind to its knees under a futuristic Orwellian nightmare; a tolitarian 
society masquerading as a libertarian democracy, which uses Masonic imagery 
to program the masses.

As if this entire story wasn’t already jumbled enough, the dawning of the 
20th century ushered in a new generation of contacts paying homage to the 
“Dog Star”, expounding ever further upon the legend of the hovering eye atop 
the pyramid. Right around the turn of the century, a gentleman named 
Lucien-Francois Jean-Maine formed an order in Haiti called the Cult of the 
Black Snake that used rituals borrowed from Crowley’s O.T.O. in combination 
with certain voodoo practices. In 1922, these rituals reportedly summoned 
forth a disembodied being named Lam, the very same entity that Aleister 
Crowley made contact with a few years earlier. In fact, Kenneth Grant has 
stated that Crowley “unequivocally identifies his Holy Guardian Angel with 
Sothis (Sirius), or Set-Isis..” 

Later--in the 1950’s and 60’s--the aforementioned saucer “Contactee” George 
Hunt Williamson once again summoned forth certain denizens purportedly from 
Sirius, conversing to them in the same 'Enochian' or 'angelic' language used 
by John Dee and Aleister Crowley. Williamson--in his various books and 
lectures--also spoke of a secret society on Earth that has been in contact 
with Sirius for thousands of years, and that the emblem of this secret 
society is the eye of Horus, otherwise known as the all-seeing eye. 

 As previously noted, Williamson was a close associate of George Adamski, 
perhaps the most famous of the early UFO Contactees, who claimed to be 
connected with astronomers at Palomar Observatory in California, in whose 
company he allegedly witnessed several UFO sightings. In a fascinating essay 
entitled “Sorcery, Sex, Assassination, and the Science of Symbolism”, author 
James Shelby Downard describes a “Sirius-worship cult” reaching all the way 
to the highest levels of the CIA. In this provocative piece, Shelby describes 
one of their rituals taking place at the Palomar Observatory under the 
telescopically focused light of Sirius, bathing its participants in the 
luminance of the majestic Dog-Star; a true Illuminati ritual from on high!

A rash of Sirian references continued on into the 1970’s, perhaps inspired by 
Robert Temple’s book. In 1974, science fiction writer Phillip K. Dick had 
some sort of “mystical experience” which at first he attributed to 
psychotronic transmissions broadcast from Mother Russia. According to Dick, 
these "micro-wave boosted telepathic transmissions," as he called them, 
commenced on March 20, 1974, showering him with endless reams and streams of 
visual and audio data. Initially, this overpowering onslaught of messages 
that Dick received was extremely unpleasant and, as he termed them, "die 
messages." Within the following week, he reported being kept awake by "violet 
phosphene activity, eight hours uninterrupted." A description of this event 
in a fictionalized forms appears in A Scanner, Darkly. The content of this 
phosphene activity was in the form of modern abstract graphics followed by 
Soviet Music serenading his head, in addition to Russian names and words 
appearing there, as well. Dick’s original theory was that Russian mind 
control agents were targeting him with these transmissions.

At the outset, Dick felt the emanations invading his mind were of a 
malevolent nature, although in time he began to believe they were something 
entirely different. In a letter to Ira Einhorn dated February 10, 1978, Dick 
went into more depth on these psychotronic transmissions, claiming that they 
"seemed sentient". He felt that an alien life form existing in some upper 
layer of the Earth's atmosphere had been attracted by the Soviet psychotronic 
transmissions. Apparently, this alien life form operated as a "station", 
tapping into some sort of interplanetary communication grid that, 
"...contained and transmitted vast amounts of information." 

What Dick initially received were the Soviet transmissions, but eventually 
this alien life form--whom he called Zebra--became "...attracted or 
potentiated by the Soviet micro-wave psychotronic transmissions." In the 
months that followed, this alien entity--according to Dick--vastly improved 
his mental and physical well being in a number of ways. It (Zebra) gave him 
"...complex and accurate information about myself and also about our infant 
son, which, Zebra said, had a critical and undiagnosed birth defect which 
required emergency and immediate surgery. My wife rushed our baby to the 
doctor and told the doctor what I had said (more precisely what Zebra had 
said to me) and the doctor discovered that it was so. Surgery was scheduled 
for the following day--i.e. as soon as possible. Our son would have died 
otherwise." (Dick’s wife Tessa and others have since confirmed this story 
regarding the medical conditions of himself and son, Christopher.)

Phil Dick felt Zebra was totally benign, and it held great contempt for the 
Soviets and their psychotronic experiments. Furthermore, Zebra informed Dick 
that the Earth was dying, and that spray-cans were "...destroying the layer 
of atmosphere in which Zebra...existed." 

It was not until several years after his “mystical experiences” with Zebra 
that Phil Dick finally wrote about these events in his classic novel VALIS. 
Prior to the publication of VALIS, Dick had never made any mention of Sirius 
in connection with the events that so drastically impacted his life. However, 
in this classic work, Dick renamed Zebra to VALIS (Vast Active Living 
Intelligence System) and identified it as a product of the Sirius star 
system, identifying it’s operators as three-eyed crab clawed beings.

During this same period--1973-74--noted author Robert Anton Wilson was having 
his own experiences with "ET denizens" which at the time he thought were 
"telepathic communications from Sirius" as recounted in his mind-bowing book, 
Cosmic Trigger. Although Wilson and Dick knew one another--and Wilson was 
aware that he had had some sort of transcendental experience in March of 
1974--Dick never mentioned Sirius in any of their conversations, or anything 
in reference to being contacted by "aliens". It wasn't until many years 
later--when he read VALIS--that Wilson became aware of this revelation. It 
should also be noted that in the late 60’s/early 70’s Robert Anton Wilson 
traveled down some of the same paths as Aleister Crowley, dabbling in ritual 
magic and psychedelic adventurism as a means of opening certain doors of 
perception, perhaps the very same ones that created a portal of entry for 

Also in the early 70's, popular English mainstream novelist Doris Lessing 
began a series of Sci-Fi novels revolving around particular entities from 
Sirius, which was a definite departure from her previous literary offerings. 
In the third novel of this series, The Sirian Experiments, Lessing relates a 
tale with stunning similarities to Dick's VALIS experiences. When Robert 
Anton Wilson met Mrs. Lessing in 1983, she said she had never read a lick of 
Dick--or Wilson, for that matter. It’s hard to tell how much of this was 
cross-pollination; be it intentional or a subconscious filtration process 
that leaked in and out of a few cracked brains fixated on The Dog Star. 
Another somewhat unlikely source for such conjecture was the heavy metal rock 
band Blue Oyster Cult. At face value, one might consider BOC another in a 
long line of head banging guitar slingers, but upon closer examination many 
of their lyrics allude to subjects occult and arcane, often referring to 
amphibian-like beings from outer space, as well as Sirius in their song 
“Astronomy”: “…and don’t forget my dog, fixed and consequent. Astronomy…a 

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