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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Dagobert's Revenge

Ritual Magic, Mind Control and the UFO Phenomenon
(Part 1)



But not only has Sirius cropped up time and again in Occult and UFO lore, but 
the ubiquitous Dog Star has also been mentioned in relation to certain mind 
control experiments which fall under the nefarious umbrella of the CIA’s 
MKULTRA project. Purportedly started in 1953--under a program that was exempt 
from congressional oversight--MK-ULTRA agents and “spychiatrists” tested 
radiation, electric shock, microwaves, and electrode implants on unwitting 
subjects. The ultimate goal of MK-ULTRA was to create programmed assassins 
ala The Manchurian Candidate. (The CIA also tested a wide range of drugs in 
the prospects of discovering the perfect chemical compound to control minds. 
LSD was one such drug that deeply interested CIA spychiatrists, so much so 
that in ‘53 the Agency attempted to purchase the entire world supply of acid 
from Sandoz Laboratories in Switzerland. In fact, for many years the CIA was 
the principal source for LSD, both legal and otherwise.) 

In recent years, various info on remote mind control technology has filtered 
into the conspiracy research community through such “alternative” 
publications such as Full Disclosure, Resonance as well as a Finnish 
gentleman by the name of Martti Koski and his booklet My Life Depends On You. 
Over the last decade, Mr. Koski has been sharing his horrifying tale with the 
mind controlled world at large, documenting as it does the discovery of 
rampant brain tampering committed upon himself and countless others. The 
perpetrators of these evil doings allegedly include the Royal Canadian 
Mounted Police (RCMP), The CIA and Finnish Intelligence, among various other 
intelligence agencies. Where Sirius comes into the clouded picture is quite 
interesting: at one point during a mind control programming episode, the 
“doctors” operating on Koski identified themselves as “aliens from Sirius.” 
Apparently, these “doctors” (or “spychiatrists”) were attempting to plant a 
screen memory to conceal their true intentions. What this suggests is a 
theory that a handful of researchers--namely Martin Cannon, Alex Constantine, 
David Emory and John Judge--started kicking around in the early 90’s: that 
Alien Abductions were a cover for MK-ULTRA mind control shenanigans 
perpetrated by Intelligence Agency spooks.

According to Walter Bowart--in the revised edition of Operation Mind 
Control--one alleged mind control victim related an incident along these 
lines, purportedly occurring in the late 70’s. In memories retrieved by way 
of hypnotic regression, it was revealed that the victim had been the 
recipient of a mock alien abduction, the intention of which was to create a 
screen memory that would conceal the actual mind control programs enacted on 
the victim. The subject in this instance claimed to have seen a young child 
dressed in a small alien costume, similar in appearance to the aliens in 
Speilberg's ET. None of this, of course, dismisses outright the ETH; nor does 
it mean that ET’s have never visited us. Nevertheless, it's implications are 
staggering when one considers the impact and subsequent commercialization of 
the Alien Abduction Phenomenon, and how it has challenged and reshaped the 
belief systems and psyches of millions upon millions of the planet's 
inhabitants, in essence creating a new paradigm that prior to thirty years 
ago was virtually non-existent.

As chronicled in Walter Bowart’s Operation Mind Control, in the late 70’s 
Congressman Charlie Rose (D-N.C) met with a Canadian inventor who had 
developed a helmet that simulated alternate states of consciousness and 
realities, much like the VR eyegear-unit postulated in the movie Brainstorm. 
One such virtual reality scenario played out by those who tried on this 
helmet was a mock alien abduction. Congressman Rose took part in these 
experiments, which consisted of aforementioned alien abduction programme. 
Much to Rose’s amazement, the simulated scenario seemed incredibly realistic. 
This device sounds quite similar to Dr. Michael Persinger's much-touted 
"Magic Helmet", which has been receiving a fair amount of press in recent 
years. Equipped with magnets that beam a low-level magnetic field at the 
temporal lobe, the “Helmet” effects areas of brain associated with time 
distortions, and other altered states of consciousness. Although Bowart did 
not specifically name the inventor of the helmet in Operation Mind Control, 
chances are it was Persinger to whom he was referring. Persinger's name has 
also been bandied about by mind control researcher, Martin Cannon--in his 
treatise The Controllers--as a behind the scenes player in intelligence 
operations related to MK-ULTRA.

Persinger is a clinical neurophysicist and professor of neuroscience, whose 
work over the years has focused on the effects of electromagnetic fields upon 
biological organisms and human behavior. Persinger is an adherent to the 
theory that UFOs are the products of geomagnetic effects released from the 
Earth’s crust under tectonic strain. His “Helmet”--it has been 
noted--approximates the characteristics of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE) of 
which many a armchair theorist have attributed as being responsible for Phil 
Dick’s VALIS experiences. One of the most common attributes of TLE are 
visions of the divine, in the form of direct communications with God, or 
gods--in whatever form--be it aliens, angels, fairies or elves.

Early on--in his efforts to explain his own abduction experience--author 
Whitley Strieber entertained the possibility that he might have been one such 
victim of TLE. Because of this, Strieber underwent extensive medical 
examinations--including several CAT scans and MRI’s--to determine if such was 
the case, but the results of all these tests came up negative. Aside from 
such speculations, there is an undeniable magical component to Whitley 
Strieber’s experiences. After his initial hypnotic regression--when the 
presence of the “visitors” were first revealed to him--Strieber subsequently 
practiced a form a mediation to further conjure their image in his mind, so 
as to better identify their features. The first time he attempted this 
approach--much to his surprise--an alien grey immediately appeared in his 
“mental field of view”, allowing Strieber to delve deeper into the mystery 
of the phenomenon. This meditation experience--as recounted in 
Communion--seems nothing less than a magical conjuration, although Strieber 
may not have been entirely aware of his actions in the context of ritual 
magic. In a sense, Strieber perhaps performed unconscious--or 
subconscious--magical workings on several occasions, in essence summoning 
forth these beings from behind the veils of perception. Furthermore, it is my 
belief that hypnotic regression can, under certain circumstances, perform a 
sort of magical working, and it was through hypnotic regression that Strieber 
was able to come to terms with his “visitor experience”--at least to a 
certain extent. Bear in mind that hypnosis approximates a trance state, and 
it is just this form of altered consciousness that has allowed many an 
abductee to “recall” their experiences. Strieber was also, prior to his 
“visitor” experience, a member of the Gurdjieff Foundation, a 
self-transformational organization dedicated to a system of techniques 
devised by the famed mystic G.I. Gurdjieff. As Strieber explained: ”I believe 
that the techniques I learned in that training--particularly a form of 
double-tone chanting--have enabled me to remain conscious in some experiences 
with the visitors where I otherwise would have been unconscious.” What 
Strieber doesn’t acknowledge is that Gurdjieff himself was in contact with 
certain denizens of Sirius via this method of double-tone chanting, which 
could also be describe as “Enochian chants”.

It was in the early stages of his “visitor” experiences that Strieber made 
the acquaintance of famed alien abduction investigator Budd Hopkins, who sat 
in on some of Strieber’s early hypnosis sessions. Later, when Strieber was 
working on the early drafts of Body Terror (the original working title of 
Communion) he sent Hopkins excerpts for comment. Hopkins--though he was 
convinced that Strieber had indeed been visited by alien beings--was somewhat 
distressed by the amount of “high weirdness” contained within the 
manuscript, although there were many parallels with other known abduction 
cases. During the course of some group abductee meetings attended by Bud 
Hopkins, Strieber has been quoted as saying that “some people began 
volunteering stories about having left their bodies or other psychic 
experiences after their abductions. Budd wasn’t interested in that, and would 
tell people to get back to talking about their abduction experiences. He 
refused to see a possible link between the experience of abduction and some 
kind of spiritual or psychic awakening happening in the people to whom 
experiences occurred.”

Curiously enough, elsewhere in Communion, Strieber points out that the mental 
state produced by his encounters with the “visitors” could be approximated 
by a rare drug called Tetradotoxin, which in small doses causes external 
anesthesia, and in larger doses may bring about “out of body” experiences. 
Even greater doses of the drug can simulate near death experiences. According 
to Strieber, Tetradotoxin is the core of the “zombie poisons” of Haiti. What 
he doesn’t mention is that Tetradotoxin was just one in a vast number of 
psychoactive compounds utilized by the CIA for their fabled MK-ULTRA project. 
Throughout Communion, Strieber makes (perhaps) veiled references to mind 
control (of the MK-ULTRA variety.) At one point in the narrative--as Strieber 
is haphazardly tossing around various theories regarding these 
“visitations”--he brings up the possibility that the Greys may not have been 
actually using mental telepathy to communicate, but that something of a more 
technical nature might have been occurring, such as extra-low-frequency waves 
beamed into Whitley’s boggled brain, thereby producing the requisite “voices 
in his head”.

"Sacrifice to the ET Gods" 
Along these lines, Strieber adds the interesting aside “that the earth itself 
generates a good deal of ELF in the 1 to 30 hertz range. Perhaps there are 
natural conditions that trigger a response in the brain which brings about 
what is essentially a psychological experience of a rare and powerful kind. 
Maybe we have a relationship with our own planet that we do not understand at 
all, and the old gods, the fairy, and the modern visitors are side effects of 
it...” Part of the appeal of Communion and subsequent books were, in my 
opinion, Strieber’s ability to entertain a whole host of theories, and in the 
process open the reader’s eyes to the various possibilities attempting to 
explain the UFO phenomenon, from fairy lore or travelers from alternate 
dimensions--to the very real possibility of some sort of ELF wave/mind 
control machine being responsible for his haunted reveries.

Read the second Part of Adam Gorightly's article in the Vol. 3 #2 issue of 
Dagobert's Revenge

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