Interesting item......Ehud Barak is an Ashke-nazi jew (European descent)
according to his biography.

In this item it shows where domestic jews, the real arab jews who are
brothers to the moslem arabs - it shows the domestic jews and arabs are
being discriminated against.

You see the slaughter in the streets - slaughter of the innocents - and
I am still reminded of the son of King Faisal - the King was later
murdered by black from Berkley - this young Prince stated the domestic
jew and arab got along fine and it was the European jew causing all the
problems.....he must have meant, then the Ashkenazi jew, such as Ehud

Barry Chomish might have a story to tell here - for he loved Rabin who
died with a song of peace in his suit jacket.......too quickly Barak
seems to climb the ladder to success - but he still looks like KGB to

Maybe of the Herr Kissinger type KGB, who was Code Name Bor - KGB Agent
who served two masters and now maybe three?

Anyway this story makes one wonder........does Ashke-nazi equal Zionist?
I would think possible.


  Shas supporters say decision
to jail leader is discriminatory

By Naomi Segal

JERUSALEM, July 12 (JTA) — Charges of anti-Sephardi discrimination
were rampant in the crowd that gathered outside the Supreme Court
building on Wednesday.

The court upheld a lower court's bribery conviction of Aryeh Deri,
former political leader of the fervently Orthodox Shas Party, but
reduced his jail sentence from four years to three.

Shas supporters initially misunderstood the revision of the lower
court's verdict for a full acquittal, and broke out with cheers and

This quickly changed into expressions of shock and disbelief as the
actual decision became clear.

Deri, who propelled Shas to become a powerful political force
representing mostly Sephardi Jews, avoided suggesting that the court
decision was anti-Sephardi — a claim he has made in the past.

But activists at the courthouse demonstrated no such restraint.

Calls of "Weizman" were heard in the crowd, as activists drew parallels
to prosecutors' decision not to press charges against Ezer Weizman, who
resigned as president this week, over cash gifts he accepted from a
millionaire friend while serving as a Knesset member and Cabinet

"The only difference is that Weizman is an Ashkenazi" Jew, one activist
shouted at the microphones of the radio and television journalists at
the crowded court building.
Deri, a former Cabinet minister is to begin serving his sentence Aug.

He said that the judges' decision was "God's will," and that he would go
to jail "happily." But he added that he thought the justices had
"erred," and he did not understand how they drew their conclusions.

The high court found that Deri was guilty of accepting bribes during the
late 1980s and early 1990s, when he served as director general and later
as head of the Interior Ministry.

But in what commentators called a "technical" revision of the earlier
ruling by the Jerusalem District Court, the high court said Deri was
guilty of accepting $95,000 in bribes, not $155,000.

The justices also upheld the lower court's decision preventing Deri from
serving as a Cabinet minister until 10 years after he leaves jail.

Following Wednesday's ruling, Shas' spiritual leader, Rabbi Ovadia
Yosef, declared that Deri was innocent according to Torah law, and that
the Supreme Court judges were "evil."

Eli Yishai, who took over the political leadership of Shas after Deri
was forced to resign, called the ruling "difficult and painful."

(© Jewish Telegraphic Agency Inc. The above information is available
on a read-only basis and cannot be reproduced without permission from

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Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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