So theft in office in Israel - and preferential treatment given to
Ashke-nazi Jews (of European descent).

In a sense every American pays taxes to the little State of Israel - we
even bought the little mosquito planes the Israelies used to blow up the
USS Liberty - killing 34 sailors, wounding 161 and while they lie on
deck wounded the Israelie planes napalmed and bombed this great ship the
USS Liberty for 45 minutes - they were to try to blame the Egyptians,
but got caught.

So now we have the USS Cole - and I wonder - and this item too I found
on the web gives more data re Israel and the numerous factions working
against each other - for instance, the assassins of Rabin - who were
they really?

So Remember the USS Liberty and the USS Cole and do not draw snap
conclusions as to what really happened - after all, Barak needed
something to happen to turn the USA against the the USS
Liberty - only they got caught red handed....this ship was in
international waters.....


More on who Ashke-NAZI jews really are - does anyone know from whence
this name originated and if it is true Hitler was jewish - who said he
was Catholic - like Madeline Albright?

Christians Are Starting to Eat the Lions (Part 3)
One of the greatest tools of a "misinformation" artist is the "Racist"
label.  If someone attacks your platform and questions your motives
just call him a racist and the majority of his audience tunes out what
he has to say.  One of the masters of this are the "Jews".  Contrary
to the "public" line, the majority of the people that have "occupied"
Isreal are not real Jewish people.   Consider the following article
from Norio Hayakawa.
Here is an interesting quote from Jack Bernstein from his short but
informative booklet entitled THE LIFE OF AN AMERICAN JEW (The Noontide
Press, 1991):
"It is important for us to understand that Jews are not one race of
people. There are two distinct groups of Jews in the world and they come
from two different areas of the world - the Sephardic Jews from the
Middle East and North Africa, and the Ashkenazi Jews come from Eastern
The Sephardic is the oldest group and it is they, if any, who are the
Jews described in the Bible. They are blood relatives to the Arabs..-
the only difference between them is religion. The Ashkenazi Jews, who
now comprise 90% of the Jews in the world, had a rather strange
beginning. According to historians, many of them Jewish, the Ashkenazi
Jews came into existence about 1200 years ago. It happened this way:
At the eastern edge of Europe, there lived a tribe of people known as
the Khazars. About the year 740 A.D., the Khazar king and his court
decided they should adopt a religion for their people. So,
representatives of the three major religions, Christianity, Islam and
Judaism, were invited to present their religious doctrines.  The
Khazars chose Judaism, but it wasn't for religious reasons. If the
Khazars had chosen Islam, they would have angered the strong Christian
world. If the Khazars had chosen Christianity, they would have angered
the strong Islamic world. So, they played it safe: They chose Judaism.
It wasn't for religious reasons the Khazars chose Judaism; it was for
political reasons.
Sometime during the 13th Century, the Khazars were driven from their
land and they migrated westward with most of them settling in Poland and
Russia. These Khazars are now known as Ashkenazi Jews. Because these
Khazar (Ashkenazi) Jews merely chose Judaism, they are not really Jews:
at least not blood Jews. Throughout their history, these Polish and
Russian Ashkenazi Jews practiced communism / socialism and worked to
have their ideas implemented in these countries. By the late 1800s
significant numbers of these communist/socialist Jews were found in
Germany, the Balkans and eventually all over Europe.  Because of their
interference in the social and governmental affairs of Russia, they
became the target of persecution by the Czars. Because of this,
migration of these communist/socialist oriented Jews began. Some went to
Palestine; some went to Central and South America; and a large number of
them came to the U.S.
In 1897, the First Zionist Congress was held in Basel, Switzerland. At
this Congress, it was decided to work toward the establishment of a
Jewish state and a search for land on which to build the Jewish state
began. Great Britain offered the Zionists land in Africa.  This the
Zionists rejected they wanted Palestine!!  At the time, Palestine was
inhabited by a half a million Palestinian Arabs and a few Palestinian
Jews who are blood related and who had lived together rather peacefully
for centuries. (*This is why the term "Anti-Semitic", widely misused,
has no meaning. Literally, if one were to be an "Anti-Semite", it would
mean that he is against Jews, Saudi Arabians, Jordanians, Lebanese,
Syrians, Iraqi, etc. etc. because they are all Semitic peoples. The term
"Anti-Semitic" has become a convenient scapegoat word frequently used by
Globalist-Elitists against the so-called conspiracy theorists or anyone
who believes that everything is basically controlled by a network of
powerful and secretive international financiers conspiring to establish
a One World Government).
With Palestine as their choice for a homeland, European Ashkenazi Jews
began migrating to Palestine. So when you think of Jews, especially as
related to Israel, keep in mind that there is a great difference between
Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews. They are not one united people. They are
divided socially, politically and especially racially (*It is to be
noted that there are also quite a number of Anti-Zionist Jews in the
world, both among the Sephardics and the Ashkenazi). Bernstein also
says: "Even though I was an Ashkenazi Jew from the U.S., I was placed
lower on the list for housing because I had married a Sephardic
Jewess.  For the first three years of our marriage, it was necessary
for us to live with Ziva's (*his wife) aunt. This was because of the
critical housing shortage in Israel and because of racism.
Housing in Isreal is alloted as follows:
1) Ashkenazi Jews who have lived in Israel for many years are given
first choice.
2) Second in line are Ashkenazi Jews from Europe..-..especially if they
marry an Israeli-born Ashkenazi Jew.
3) the next favored are Ashkenazi Jews from the U.S...- especially if
they marry an Israeli-born Ashkenazi.
4) Sephardic Jews have the next choice of whatever housing is left.
5) at the bottom of the list are Moslems, Druze and Christians
(*especially Middle-Eastern Christians, not so much European
Christians). Opportunities for employment follows the same pattern:
Ashkenazi Jews get the choiciest jobs, Sephardic Jews next, and Moslem,
Druze and Christians (*especially Middle-Eastern Christians, not so much
European Christians) fill the menial jobs with a great many left
unemployed". (END QUOTING)
*As we can see, Israel is not a perfect country. Far from it. In fact,
it is quite a racist nation as you can see. However, does this mean that
we should condemn Israel?. The answer should be an emphatic "No". We
cannot condemn any country per se. It is all politics and leadership.
Many of the nations of the world have blatant, racist policies,
including even countries like Japan. We have to understand, however,
that in every country there are good people as well as bad people. I
love Israel because it was where our precious Saviour, Lord Jesus
Christ, the Son of God, was born 2000 years ago, grew up as a Middle
Eastern Jew, shed His precious blood for our redemption and raised up
into Heaven, where He is now seated at the right hand of God and waiting
to take charge pretty soon at His Millenial Reign. I believe that the
establishment of Israel, in 1948, even though it was primarily
effectuated by humanistic, political-Zionist movement, was nevertheless
a miracle wrought out by God as part of His fulfillment of the prophetic
calendar in these end-time period we are living in. Like they say (or,
rather, like the Bible says). God works in mysterious ways!  How true
this is! His "ways" are not our "ways". Many times we do not understand
His "ways".  He can even use our humanistic, selfish ways and mistakes
in bringing out His program all for His purpose, all in HIS time and in
HIS manner. 
Norio Hayakawa.
The bottom line is that the Ashkenazi Jews' claim to Isreal as their
"birthright" place of origin is not correct.  The Palistines are the
"birthright" citizens of Isreal.  But the Ashkenazi Jews are the most
militant, have the most money and are able to manipulate the Governments
of the World.
For more about the "Misinformation" being perpetrated click here.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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