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Information Warfare

How Microsoft Hacked Itself

As the worm turns.

The Qaz worm used to hack into Microsoft's servers on Thursday was not a
particularly elegant piece of coding, but Shakespeare would have loved it.

As in, Bill Gates was hoisted with his own petard.

Qaz, as it turns out, was written in the company's own programming language:
Microsoft Visual C++.

Security experts say an equally efficient worm could have been written in
another programming language, but Visual C++ is rapidly becoming the hacking
program of choice.

It's relatively easy to learn Visual C programming, and rogue programs
created with C++ are compatible with the majority of applications used by

So, it's more ironic than anything that Qaz was used for the latest Microsoft

"Do I think it was written in C++ specifically to mock Microsoft? No," said
David Anderson, of Anderson Consulting (a small, freelance consulting firm
not to be confused with the much larger Andersen Consulting).

"But do I think its amusing that their own application was indirectly used to
attack them? Yes. God, I hate to admit it, but it made me smile," Anderson

"It is interesting in a kind of cruel way that Microsoft has been eaten by
the monsters it created," said Andrew Antipass, a security consultant.

But Antipass said he finds it more interesting that Microsoft obviously
stored valuable source code on a very accessible server.

"I tell my clients to isolate all valuable information off the network.
There's something about this whole Microsoft hack that doesn't make sense.
Either they thought they were invincible, or they left a door very open for
reasons I can't even begin to guess at."

Jonathan Addams, a freelance security consultant, says that virtually any
firewall can be bypassed if the organization behind that firewall has "the
Outlook e-mail program, a Windows NT box as the server and just one dim

He wasn't surprised to learn that the worm was written in Visual C++.

"Microsoft products are in wide use," Addams said. "The cracks that are
directed at Microsoft products are partly because they are so popular. Why
crack something that's obscure?
Addams said that this crack is more about people "being stupid" and opening
e-mail attachments -- and systems administrators "being too lazy" to apply
fixes for known problems -- than it is an issue with the security levels of
Microsoft's products.

The Qaz worm was identified in August. It is a network worm with backdoor
capabilities, which allows an attacker entry into an infected computer
system. Once a system has been breached by the worm, it is possible to grab
passwords off the server logs and use those passwords to enter into other
sections of the server.

The worm was considered to be of moderate risk, since it wasn't spreading
quickly and there was a fix for it at available at security sites such as

Addams said he was troubled by the fact that the crackers had access to the
MS network for three months.

"You'd think someone would have looked at the log, seen unusual activity and
caught it in a day or two," Addams said. "There would have been significant
and odd activity on their servers when this was happening."
Wired News, October 27, 2000

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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