Lance Trimmer who went to Burma to the secret Tiger Camp of
General Khun Sa on the second Burma trip showed up in the
DAILY NEWS DIGEST office of Johnny Johnson in June of 1986.
Gritz had been back in the US a few weeks and lightning
bolts were falling.

I was doing research for the DIGEST on our nation's advanced
space development program.  Johnny Johnson became so enraged
after he called 24 of General John Singlaub's mercenary
pilots and reluctantly all of them confessed that they knew
massive loads of cocaine were being flown into the US on
military transports.  How did he know all these mercenary
pilots?  For the first time Johnny revealed that he was the
secret publicist for General Singlaub, for more than 20
years!  All this was big news to me.  Johnny was the guy who
signed Singlaub's checks

The bottom line of all this is that I have not found anyone
who feels this information is useful to know.  The top staff
members of Maxine Waters and Militier-McDonald could not
brush me off fast enough.  Water's CIA staffer took half an
hour on the phone to explain to me how he did not have 20
minutes to see me in his office while I was in LA.  I have
probably written over a hundred congressmen and senators  I have had long meetings
with Senators Goldwater, DeConcini, McCain and Kyl on this.

I write a great deal about intelligence fronts and people do
not seem to understand what I mean.  Look how I was working
essentially for US intelligence and I did not have a clue.
I am telling everyone how easy it is to be deceived.

Many say that they know wonderful people in the JOHN BIRCH
POLICY FOUNDATION, PACIFICA RADIO and the many other fronts
I have defrocked.  But I have gone to the very top officers
of these organizations and I know they have no interest in
addressing the problem of the US government's dominance of
world narcotics trafficking.

There are not many willing to acknowledge that the problem
is as bad as it is defined in these short paragraphs or in
its blue lines.  Researchers do not want to assimilate this
information because it is too frightening.

Brian Downing Quig

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It is Gritz's account as it was unfolding that Perot asked
him to go to SE Asia and determine if there were still
American POWs.  When Gritz returned and said that there were
Gritz said Perot turned his back to the problem.  Perot
wanted to be told there were no POWs.

One thing that made Gritz see red at the time was his
discovery that Richard Armatage was using the MIA
Accountability Office in Bangkok to run his private heroin
business with Theodore Shackley.

When would this have been?


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