Bo Gritz was James Bond 007 licenced to kill for the US government.  He is a
great story teller and a gifted speaker.  He tells of killing 300 "communists"
personally, many of them close in.  His tight knit circle looks down on those
who are not professional assassins.

Look at all the foreign metals on the Colonel's chest that are from Europe
Gritz was never officially stationed.  How do you suppose he earned those?

He told me how he officially eliminated a deputy sheriff in a southern US
by being infiltrated in as another officer working in the department.  This
a US citizen on US soil.  Bo did not feel right about it but he would always
pray that if a hit was not supposed to happen God would do something to stop
it.  That kept him covered with the man upstairs.

I feel that all that Gritz says about Armatage and Shackley is true, although
is rearranged and simplified by top intelligence czars to be made easier for
everyone to understand.

You see as I viewed the 40 hours of video tape (taken with a borrored CBS NEWS
camcorder)  of Gritz and Weekly with Khun Sa I was struck by a document that
visible in front of Gritz as he was preparing to speak with Khun Sa.  It was
Dan Sheahan affidavit of the CHRISTIC INSTITUTE that was not released publicly
for another 2 months.  Every word that came out of Khun Sa's mouth was
from those paragraphs as video taped.

Now it seems a bit disingenuous for the Colonel to say he was shocked to hear
General Khun Sa say the nanes of Theodore Shackley, Richard Armatage and

Before Gritz came to the offices of Johnny Johnson in June of 1987 he had
already spoken publicly with Daniel Sheahan.  Gritz, Johnson and Sheahan are
high level assets of US intelligence.  Is it possible for those outside the
intelligence community to understand what is going on here?

Now if that is not thick enough, consider this.  Scott Weekly was sent to jail
for shipping 200 lbs of C-4 plastic explosives that he got from Fort Sill in
Oklahoma to be used by Gritz and Weekly to train Mujahadene general staff
officers at a remote EVERGREEN base in Nevada.  Here is a letter Trimmer sent Ed Meece on this matter.  This Jerry
Bohnan is a news director who is a friend of Ted Shackley's who snuffed major
evidence in the OKC bombing.  The OKC bombing is super saturated with
Iran/contra players.

Brian Downing Quig

Mike Ruppert wrote:

> Shackley left as COS (Chief of station) Laos in 67 and became COS Saigon.
> Armitage was moving H, according to sources, throughout the 70s as Shackley
> rose to become ADDO.
> Gritz's missions were 83  and 86 I think.
> Gritz has serious credibility problems as does Perot. Gritz was and is
> extremely tight with Scott Weekly who was up to his eyes in cocaine and very
> well documented in "Dark Alliance".
> Mike Ruppert
> -----Original Message-----
> From:   Matthew McDaniel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent:   Friday, November 03, 2000 11:57 PM
> It is Gritz's account as it was unfolding that Perot asked
> him to go to SE Asia and determine if there were still
> American POWs.  When Gritz returned and said that there were
> Gritz said Perot turned his back to the problem.  Perot
> wanted to be told there were no POWs.
> One thing that made Gritz see red at the time was his
> discovery that Richard Armatage was using the MIA
> Accountability Office in Bangkok to run his private heroin
> business with Theodore Shackley.
> When would this have been?
> Matthew

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