"Our Vote is that Next Tuesday, the US 'Electoral College' Declares 
One Party a Winner, and the Popular Vote Declares Another: Neither of 
Those Guys Deserve the Legitimacy of Both"

                              -- The Narco News Bulletin
                                 November 4, 2000

Dear Colleagues,

Starting with Mike Ruppert's superb story on "The Importance
of Drug Money to the Campaign of Al Gore"...


...it now touches upon us to further document the
role of drug money specifically in the state of Florida
in this election.

I am convinced this recount business will drag on for
weeks. It will continue until one candidate or the other
publicly concedes.

We are now investigating any and all narco-money connections
to the Florida campaign.

Election Fraud, in the Dominican Republic, in Mexico,
in Colombia and elsewhere has always been exported from
the US and its embassies.

The current situation is unique because all eyes are
upon the State of Florida, a state swimming in narco-money,
where 99 percent of the dollar bills have traces of
cocaine, a state that has far more money circulating
than can possibly be documented from legal transactions,
and the state that is the economic bridge to Latin America,
through all the exiled oligarchies now in the Miami
area (Cuban, Colombian, Venezuelan, etc.); the most 
corrupt and right-wing elements of the Southern
part of the hemisphere.

Where is Mannatt this week? Coelho? His daughter?
The Texan narco-lawyers of Bush? My guess is that
plenty of them are already in Florida pushing and
pulling the vote count. We are looking to document
their locations.

Furthermore, there have been blatant election frauds
in Florida, both in the Cuban exile community and in
the 1986 gubernatorial election.

We are building a dossier in the hopes of springing
a "November Surprise" before the dust settles.

Please send any and all links, leads and thoughts.

And feel free to take off and run with any part
of this yourselves. Time is too short to hoard

A big part of Election Fraud is illegal money:
millions in cash that are distributed on the
streets, especially in urban areas, to "get out
the vote." Any leads regarding this year's

>From somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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