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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

WSWS : News & Analysis : North America : US Elections

The Bush campaign and the rise of the political
By Patrick Martin
15 November 2000

The events which have taken place in the past week in the US 
presidential election, beginning with Election Night itself, have 
cast light on a political phenomenon of immense significance: the 
rise to the pinnacle of the American political system of elements of 
a gangster character.

These extreme-right elements, who now control the Republican Party, 
know very well that they cannot take control of the American 
government by democratic means, because there is widespread popular 
opposition to their policies. Entrenched in the Republican 
congressional leadership and the judiciary, they are now seeking to 
seize control of the presidency through what amounts to a political 

The right-wing cabal includes operatives for the Bush campaign and 
the Republican Party, steeped in the method of political "dirty 
tricks"; media spokesmen like the Wall Street Journal, the New York 
Post and an array of talk-radio hosts, for whom no lie is too brazen 
or absurd; and the network of extreme-right lawyers, like the 
sinister Theodore Olson [see "Profile of a right-wing conspirator: 
the case of Theodore Olson"], who played central roles in the Paula 
Jones lawsuit and the impeachment and trial of President Clinton.

The main weapon of the right-wing is the Big Lie. They operate by the 
principle laid down by Adolf Hitler: the bigger the lie and the more 
insistently it is repeated, the more easily it will be believed. And 
a complacent and cowardly American media treats even the most 
grotesque and flagrant lies as though they deserved credibility.

Thus Bush recount observer James Baker declares that a machine count 
is more reliable than a hand count, because machines aren't 
Democratic or Republican, when everyone knows that the hand count 
will simply legitimize valid votes that the machine scanners were 
unable to read.

Thus Bush press spokeswoman Karen Hughes repeats endlessly that Bush 
has already won Florida once, twice or three times, and no press 
representative dares to call her a liar and point out the simple 
truth: no one has won Florida yet, and to claim otherwise is to 
preempt the democratic process.

The purpose of these lies is to keep the country so inundated with 
misinformation that public opinion is disoriented and even poisoned. 
The goal is to cover up the elementary truth that a Bush victory 
requires the suppression of votes cast in Florida by tens of 
thousands of people. That is why the Bush campaign opposes a hand 
recount or any other measure which would result in a more accurate 
recording of the actual wishes of the Florida electorate.

The Bush campaign was developing backup plans to hijack the election 
even before the November 7 vote. As was reported November 1 by the 
New York Daily News, Bush aides were preparing to launch an anti-
constitutional effort to overturn a Gore victory in the Electoral 
College if Bush succeeded in winning the popular vote. This was to 
center on the use of right-wing talk-radio and other media attacks to 
generate a "popular uprising" and pressure Gore electors to switch 
their support to Bush. These methods are now being employed, under 
differing circumstances, in an effort to stampede public opinion.

Typical of the method of the Big Lie, Bush and his media allies 
accuse their victims of precisely the crime which they are attempting 
to carry out—the New York Post, for instance, headlined one 
commentary, "The Hijacking of the Presidency."

Such provocative language has an additional function. It legitimates 
in advance whatever outrage may be committed by deranged right-wing 
elements, the Timothy McVeighs who exist in significant numbers on 
the fringes of the Republican Party. Their violence could potentially 
be directed against anyone who opposes Bush's usurpation of power.

There is another sinister aspect of the whole affair. What is taking 
place today in the United States bears many of the hallmarks of the 
actions taken by US intelligence agencies to rig elections and topple 
governments around the world. George W. Bush is unlikely to be 
anything more than the front man for such an affair. His father, 
however, was once head of the CIA, as well as commander-in-chief 
during the Gulf War, and there is no question that the CIA and 
Pentagon brass are heavily for Bush.

The case of John Ellis

Even while the ballots were being cast on November 7, the Bush 
campaign was working to preempt the democratic decision of the 
American people and steal the election. George W. Bush and his 
campaign aides worked with allies and right-wing operatives in the 
media to reverse the voting projections based on exit polls in 

The case of John Ellis is only the most visible example of the behind-
the-scenes conspiracy to rig the elections. Ellis is the first cousin 
of the presidential candidate and his brother Jeb, governor of 
Florida. He was hired by Fox News only a month before the vote to 
head the network's "call desk", which handled the state-by-state exit 
poll results reported by Voters News Service, a consortium of the 
five major networks, and decided when to declare a state for Bush or 

In that capacity, according to an article in the New Yorker magazine, 
confirmed by other press reports, Ellis leaked confidential exit poll 
information to the Bush camp during the night of November 7, speaking 
personally to George W. Bush and to Jeb Bush on several occasions. At 
2:16 a.m. the morning of November 8, Fox became the first network 
to "call" Florida for Bush, an action which triggered similar 
declarations by the other networks—none of them justified by the 
figures reported by VNS. Within 15 minutes, Vice President Gore was 
on the phone offering a concession statement which he reversed soon 
afterwards, after Florida Democrats called Gore headquarters to alert 
him that the vote totals in the state were still extremely close.

The example of John Ellis demonstrates the critical role which media 
manipulation has played in the election. It is now clear that the 
initial exit polls finding Gore the winner in Florida were accurate—
they were based, after all, on what voters in Palm Beach County and 
elsewhere thought they had done in the voting booth, which was to 
give Gore a small but comfortable majority, likely in the range of 
100,000 votes or more in that state.

The Bush campaign reacted feverishly to the initial projections of a 
Gore victory in Florida because they had planned a much different 
result based on a systematic assault on the rights of voters likely 
to be pro-Gore, especially black and minority workers. Hundreds of 
reports have since surfaced of intimidation and suppression of the 
vote in minority districts, both in urban centers and in heavily 
black rural areas in the northern panhandle. Both black and white 
voters reported incidents in which election officials demanded photo 
IDs of blacks while making no such demand of whites, in an effort to 
frustrate black participation in the vote.

One of the most flagrant examples involves Duval County, which 
includes the Jacksonville metropolitan area. This county reported a 
staggering 27,000 spoiled ballots, nearly as many as the 29,000 
recorded in Palm Beach County. According to a report in the online 
magazine Salon, nearly half the spoiled ballots came in just four of 
the 14 districts of Duval County, those comprising the largely black 
areas which voted heavily for Gore.

The overall rate of spoiled ballots in Duval County was 7.5 percent, 
compared to less than 2 percent nationally. This figure rose to a 
staggering 31 percent in some predominately black precincts. When 
controversy mounted over the Florida vote, the Democratic county 
chairman called the county election supervisor, a Republican, to ask 
how many ballots had been thrown out for double-punching in Duval. He 
was told that only a few hundred were disqualified—the actual figure 
was 22,000.

Vote fraud, and its perpetrators

Duval County does not use the butterfly ballot, and there were few 
calls from confused voters to the election authorities, even though 
nearly one in ten voters supposedly mispunched their ballots, a rate 
as high as in Palm Beach. This strongly suggests that the double-
punching was the result, not of voter error, but of systematic fraud. 
This suspicion is underscored by reports from many parts of Florida 
of voters being given ballots which had already been punched for Bush.

The Duval County case reveals why Bush has adamantly rejected a hand 
recount even of the counties with a Republican majority—a position 
which has caused perplexed commentary even among right-wing media 
pundits. Bush carried Duval County by a 60-40 margin. But the 
majority of the ballots excluded in the machine count, which could be 
restored in a hand count, were in neighborhoods likely to produce 
more votes for Gore.

As for the likelihood of vote fraud, consider the character of the 
judges and state officials in Florida whom Bush is relying on to 
steal the state. The Palm Beach County judge who initially took the 
lawsuit against the butterfly ballot, Stephen Rapp, had to recuse 
himself after an affidavit was filed that he had told an attorney in 
an elevator that he "doing his part to make sure the Democrats are 
run out of the White House."

Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris is a multimillionaire 
former real estate broker, elected in 1998, who was a Bush delegate 
to the Republican National Convention and is co-chairwoman of the 
Bush campaign in Florida. A profile in the Washington Post paints a 
picture of a corrupt political hack who traveled at state expense to 
Barbados, Brazil and other locations of little relevance to Florida 
election law.

Harris's political career flourished despite a scandal involving 
illegal campaign contributions to her 1994 state senate campaign by 
Riscorp, a Florida insurance company. Five people pleaded guilty, 
Riscorp's founder went to prison, and Harris's campaign director was 
named an "unindicted co-conspirator." Harris went on to become the 
chief election official of the state of Florida.

Acquiescence of the liberals

A right-wing cabal is working deliberately and systematically, using 
the media and courts as well as the governmental machinery in the 
state of Florida, to take control of the executive branch and usher 
in an authoritarian right-wing government. The real strength of these 
forces, in terms of genuine popular support, is relatively small. 
They can advance only because of the cowardice of their Democratic 
Party opponents and the acquiescence of the liberal remnants in the 

It is significant that the New York Times and the Washington Post 
have barely commented on the John Ellis exposure, drawing no 
conclusions about the deliberate attempt to engineer a concession 
statement by Gore and preempt the vote count in Florida. The elite 
daily newspapers and television networks have worked to conceal the 
most elementary fact about the Florida controversy: that, as the Palm 
Beach Post observed in its editorial on the election 
crisis: "Partisan rhetoric aside, Republicans are arguing to count 
fewer votes, while Democrats are arguing to count more."

Working people cannot rely on Gore or the Democratic Party to oppose 
the right-wing takeover. They were incapable of conducting a serious 
and politically principled fight against the first attempt at a 
political coup, in the Clinton impeachment. At best they will make a 
rotten compromise, as Clinton did, to hold onto the presidency 
through further concessions at the expense of workers' interests. At 
worst they will capitulate and legitimize the coming to power of the 
most right-wing government in US history.

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