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In this issue:

Four Bilderbergers Hold Senate Seats

Bush, Gore ‘Mostly Agree’ On Globalization, Trade

‘America-Last’ Media, Plutocrats Targeted Pat

Four Bilderbergers Hold Senate Seats

Two Bilderberg members were elected to the Senate Nov. 7 and will join two
others who have been recruited by the secret international elite in recent

Hillary Clinton succeeds retiring Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-N.Y.)
after defeating Rep. Rick Lazio (D-N.Y) and Jon Corzine purchased the New
Jersey seat for $65 million. This will double the Bilderberg bloc, which
includes Sens. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) and Chris Dodd (D Conn.).

A largely overlooked historical footnote is about to occur: for about two
weeks, Mrs. Clinton will be both first lady and a sitting senator because
the new Congress will be installed in early January and the White House
changes tenants on Jan. 20.

Mrs. Clinton became the only first lady to ever attend a Bilderberg meeting
when it met at a resort about 30 miles from Atlanta a few years ago.
President Clin ton, long a member of the brother group, the Trilateral
Commission, was anointed at a Bilderberg meeting in Baden Baden, Germany, in
1991, launching his White House run.

Corzine had attended Bilderberg meetings for years, representing Goldman
Sachs. He was absent last June when Bil derberg met near Brussels, Belgium,
because the Democratic primary was taking place at the same time.

Hagel and Dodd were recruited into Bil derberg in Sintra, Portugal, in 1999
and returned to Brussels last spring.

Bilderberg traditionally had a strong Senate presence, with such luminaries
as Banking Committee Chairman Lloyd Bentsen (D-Tex.) and Bill Bradley
(D-N.J.) as regulars. Bentsen continued in Bil der berg as Clinton’s first
treasury secretary but has suffered a stroke and uses a wheelchair now.
Bradley retired from the Senate and failed in a bid for the Demo cratic
presidential nomination.

For some years, no senators attended Bilderberg, some telling inquiring
constituents about “political problems” that emerged when their
participation in the secret meetings became known.

Corzine called for registering guns, federal control of public education to
facil itate the globalist brainwashing of Amer ican children and racial
quotas (“affir mative action”) in employment and education. All of this
follows the long-established Bilder berg agenda.


The lame-duck Congress limped back to Washington on Nov. 14, passed a
continuing resolution to keep the government operating until Dec. 5 and
trotted back home to overdose on turkey.

With the presidential election still in doubt, lawmakers were unable to
concentrate on six of 13 annual spending bills still pending. Republican
congressional leaders were also negotiating tax cuts and health care
legislation with the White House.

“If we’re going to get an agreement on some of these really still touchy
issues, we’re going to need more time and they’re going to have to resolve
the situation down in Florida,” said House Majority Leader Dick Armey
(R-Tex.). “Right now, it’s a real tough time for people to stay focused” on

Republican leaders have agreed to de lay final budget action because “the
president is not here, members have schedules to keep and [we do not] know
who is the president-elect,” said House Majority Whip Tom DeLay (R-Tex.).

Congress and the administration broke off budget negotiations shortly be
fore the election, expecting voters to express their sentiments on these
issues through the ballot box, giving one party an advantage when Congress
returned to complete its work.

After concluding that nothing major could be accomplished, White House
officials signed off on an interim resolution to keep the government
operating until Dec. 5.

Congress has to complete work on must-pass spending bills, consider a major
$240 billion tax bill that includes a $1-an-hour increase in the minimum
wage and $27 billion to restore Medicare subsidies to hospitals, nursing
homes, managed-care operators and other pro viders.

Democrats are anxious to complete a $350 billion spending bill that includes
large increases for education programs that negotiators agreed on shortly
before the election, only to have House Repub lican leaders reject it.

Meanwhile, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is considering revising
upwards its long-term forecasts of budget surpluses that would make it
easier for the next president—whoever he is—to embrace spending and tax-cut

CBO officials met with outside economic advisers shortly after the elections
to consider draft proposals for increasing its long-term economic growth
projections by as much as one-half a percentage point. The revision could
increase the projected $4.6 trillion surplus by $500 billion to $1 trillion
over the next decade.

“When the dust settles, the projected 10-year surpluses will be somewhat
larger than they were in July,” said Robert Reischaurer, a former CBO
director and a member of its economic advisory panel. “And therefore the new
president will have more fiscal flexibility than was anticipated during the

Half of the projected surpluses is generated by the Social Security payroll
tax and is considered untouchable by Congress. But the rest can be used for
spending, tax cuts and debt reduction. 

The projected increases in the surplus would make Bush’s task of selling a
$1.3 trillion tax cut easier or boost Gore’s arguments for major spending
initiatives and more targeted tax cuts.


President Clinton has vetoed a bill that would have criminalized the leaking
of government secrets. The legislation might “chill legitimate activities
that are at the heart of a democracy,” Clinton said in rejecting the measure
on Nov. 4.

The measure had been assailed by news organizations that said it would
stifle their ability to obtain information vital to the public.

“We must never forget that the free flow of information is essential to a
democratic society,” Clinton said.

Clinton cited the “badly flawed provision” as the reason he vetoed a measure
that authorizes spending for the CIA, the National Security Agency and other
intelligence activities for the fiscal year that began Oct. 1.

He urged Congress “to pursue a more narrowly drawn provision tested in
public hearings so that those they represent can also be heard on this
important issue.”

The total intelligence budget is classified and not made public, but it is
be lieved to be about $30 billion.

Bush, Gore ‘Mostly Agree’ On Globalization, Trade

More than anything, global corporations want “free trade” from the next
president. They’ll get their wish.

Above all, global corporations want one thing from the next president: “free
trade,” and the right to invest wherever they want without having to comply
with pesky local laws and standards.

Al Gore has been one of the Clinton administration’s most stalwart fighters
for NAFTA, GATT, and now China trade. And George W. Bush is at least as


In their 200-page policy paper, Pros perity for America’s Families, [prior
to the election, this paper was available from www.algore.com] Gore and vice
presidential candidate Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieber man give a ringing
endorsement of globalization, arguing that trade deals like NAFTA have
created new jobs for Americans because of increased exports.

The Economic Policy Institute recently documented that while rising exports
created about 4.1 million jobs, rising imports caused us to lose 7.3
million, for a net effect of 3.2 million jobs lost due to trade. 

Of course, globalization has resulted in a lot more than the evaporation of
a few million American jobs. Workers around the globe are being squeezed
harder and forced to compete against one another for the opportunity to make
a living. The Democrats do give our concerns a nod. Although they say that
their “overarching aim. . . is to aggressively open markets,” they also
state that “all trade agreements should include provisions that will protect
environmental and labor standards, as well as open markets in other 

Such provisions might give workers a focal point for organizing, but they
can’t undo the damage done by the trade agreements themselves. So says
Cornell University’s Kate Bronfenbrenner, who has just completed a report
documenting how, in NAFTA’s aftermath, employers have used plant closings,
or just the threat of plant closings, to keep workers from organizing. 

A trade agreement that included real teeth to enforce labor rights would
help, says Bronfenbrenner. But even that wouldn’t keep employers from
effectively using hollow threats or implicit threats to intimidate
vulnerable workers. When employers used such threats, Bronfen brenner found,
workers usually voted against the union. Without the threats, workers voted
union 51 percent of the time. 


Bronfenbrenner’s new report, commissioned by the U.S. Trade Deficit Review
Commission, is available on the web at:


George W. Bush has no use for promises about labor and environmental
standards. But he has lots to say about global trade. 

Bush chided the Clinton administration for not pushing free trade hard
enough. He pledges to secure fast-track authority (which would force
Congress to pass or reject trade agreements without amendment). He says he
will push for “free trade agreements with all the nations of Latin America,”
including Chile, Brazil, and Argentina, as well as Central American and
Caribbean nations. 

The ultimate goal, he says, is “free trade from northernmost Canada to the
tip of Cape Horn.”

Trade agreements like NAFTA and institutions like the World Trade Organ
ization are the creatures of multinational corporations, designed to give
them free reign of labor around the planet. 

Goods produced under unfair labor conditions should not be allowed to enter
the country. Companies that use child labor, suppress workers’ right to
organize, or fail to meet occupational safety and health or environmental
standards should have their products seized at the border, and should be
held financially liable for how their goods are produced. 

Further, workers themselves should be empowered to investigate, present
evidence, and petition to remove goods that are in violation.

‘America-Last’ Media, Plutocrats Targeted Pat

Though Pat Buchanan’s campaign stumbled from the get-go, the world’s power
elite had already made a pact to keep his populist message from ever getting
to the American mainstream.

Exclusive to The SPOTLIGHT

By Christopher Bollyn

Although Pat Buchanan accepted “full responsibility” for the poor showing of
his patriotic and populist Reform Party in the elections, there were
powerful forces far beyond his control that blocked his bid for the White 

For most Americans, the 2000 presidential election results were confusing.
But one thing remains clear: Buchanan’s third campaign for the White House
did very badly at the polls.

The Reform Party’s Buchanan-Foster ticket failed to garner the requisite 5
percent needed to achieve automatic ballot access and public funds in the
next election and the blame game is now in full swing.

Cynical cartoonists and media pundits seeking to cheapen the genuine
populist message of Buchanan have attacked him as a shrewd politician who
cut a deal with the Bush campaign.

Naturally disappointed Buchanan supporters have begun to gripe and some have
even expressed doubt about some decisions made by Buchanan campaign
headquarters. Fingers have been pointed at the Buchanan campaign staff for
being “loaded with people above their Peter Principle,” out-of-touch and

But it should be remembered that the plutocratic elite, power brokers, the
media and even Reform Party founder Ross Perot mobilized to squelch Buchan
an’s populist message from the beginning. These powerful forces were ex
tremely effective in preventing his patriotic “America First” message from
reaching the American people.


The most obvious culprit in waylaying the Buchanan campaign was the role
played by the Establishment media.

James P. Tucker Jr. wrote in The SPOTLIGHT, June 19, that the world’s power
elite met in Brussels at Bilderberg 2000 and one of the main points
discussed by the Bilderbergers was “keeping Americans ignorant of
presidential candidate Pat Buchanan’s views by preventing newspapers and
broadcast networks from giving more than token coverage of his presidential

The SPOTLIGHT asked Ezola Foster, Buchanan’s vice presidential running mate,
on Election Day if she thought the mainstream media had blacked her out and
she replied, “99 and four-tenths percent of the time” it did.

The SPOTLIGHT conducted an independent straw poll around the country
following the Reform Party national convention in August and asked voters if
they had heard of Ezola Foster, the first black woman to be on a major
party’s presidential ticket. Invariably the answer was “no.”

What was most striking in this poll was that American black women knew
absolutely nothing about Ezola Foster, even after the elections, and had no
idea that a black woman was even running for national office on the Reform
Party ticket.

Ezola Foster’s image was completely left out of the mainstream press for one
reason—if black voters were made aware of her candidacy there may have been
a significant loss of votes from the Gore-Lieberman camp. Although
Lieberman’s minority status as an “observant” Jew was trumpeted from the
rooftops, Fos ter’s blackness was deliberately hidden from the voters of

When the press did write about Foster it was usually confined to unduly
harsh editorial pieces like the one by The Wash ing ton Post, whose
publisher, Donald Gra ham, attended the Bilderberg conference in Brussels.
The Post took her statements completely out of context and used them to
tarnish her in the eyes of readers.


“Our strategy was built on getting into the debates,” Buchanan said, and
when the bipartisan Commission on Presiden tial Debates (CPD) succeeded in
keeping him out it was seen by many as sounding the death knell for his

The SPOTLIGHT and others tried to arrange alternate debate forums in which
all the candidates would appear. These were all futile because Buchanan
campaign headquarters failed to contact us about them and the American
public was left with three vapid and vacuous debates sponsored by big
business and organized by the CPD.

Given the fact that Ralph Nader and Pat Buchanan were being locked out of
the presidential debates, The SPOTLIGHT urged Buchanan to do something
newsworthy and challenge, with Nader, the lock-out. Buchanan, however, did
not want to stand up to the commissars of the politically correct debates
and challenge the legitimacy of their Soviet-style forum. Three great
opportunities to gain national media attention were lost.


The Buchanan votes in Palm Beach county have been contested by Gore
supporters who challenge the legitimacy of the votes he received there. 

It needs to be remembered, however, that Buchanan received nearly 9,000
votes in Palm Beach County in 1996 and that there were 16,500 registered
members of the Reform Party in that county last year. For Buchanan to garner
3,400 in Palm Beach County in 2000 is, therefore, not exceptional in any way.


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