{writer's notes: dear editor, per your request
find my report on Dr. Graves below ready for
publication.  Please notify  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks for the assignment.  JB}

Submitted by: Joel Bales  11.27.00  08:58 AM


Web: http://stateorigin.sun-city.net/historyonhold.html
PDF: http://stateorigin.sun-city.net/veterans.pdf
PHOTO1: http://stateorigin.sun-city.net/edatwhitehouse.JPG
PHOTO2: http://stateorigin.sun-city.net/edgravesnavyposter.html
Mail List: http://stateorigin.sun-city.net/mailpop_up.html

It was Veteran's Day 2000, four days after the American
Presidential election, and history was still on hold.
Newspaper headlines reminded all of a divided and
hypnotized country with the peculiarities of a presidential
election in limbo. Yet no headline of the Sixth Circuit's historic
election day order regarding Boyd Ed Graves, and his petition
against the President of the United Sates was to be found.

In less than two hours I would be in Cleveland Ohio,
interviewing AIDS activist, civil rights leader, American
Veteran and history maker, Boyd Ed Graves, J.D.  I was
about to interview a man who made history as the first
African American Navy Officer ever to be included
in a Navy recruitment poster, a man who had been
inside the Whitehouse of several administrations,
an ADA specialist championing the rights of the
disabled, and today the world's ultimate
AIDS activist.

I was a white man preparing to tell a black man's
story; ready to meet the man who shook the
international scientific and medical communities
in 1999 with his discoveries of the "Special Virus"
research logic flow chart and then sued the Pentagon
and the President of The United States. He has been
demanding immediate Congressional review,
deactivation, and an apology for the "Special Virus"
for over two years.  Needless to say, I was excited
preparing to meet a man of such tenacity and genius.

His case alleges and the evidence he has conclusively
proves the United States via the ultra-secret
"Special Virus Program" initiated as early as
1957, "created", "produced," and "proliferated"
the AIDS virus in accordance with 'controversial
population control' policies set into law by the
Nixon administration, in particular,
Public Law 91-213.

After over two years in the federal court system,
the Sixth Circuit issued a historic Election Day
order November 7, 2000. The court ordered Graves'
case and the true origin of AIDS - "frivolous."
Graves was called 'delusional.' The court was
wrong, and as Ed would politely point out,
in constitutional violation.

Once again, history was made in Cleveland,
while the nation's eyes were tuned to electoral
inequities in Florida. For eight months, Graves
stated the court was unconstitutionally holding
the decision in the case until election day.
Again, the evidence proved he was correct.
I awed at the magnitude of this Veteran's Day
journey thick with symbolism; a journey which
would lead to the most inspiring interview of my
career and to the most important mission of my life.

I set for the back of the plane finding a seat near the rear.
The flight was near empty.  I consider the back of a plane
safer than the front, and I chose to keep my safety factors
in check. A friendly man sitting in the backmost seat shared
his newspaper. He was headed to the game. He was an athlete,
an executive, a family man, and African American.

I explained I was set to meet and interview African American
legend and American hero, Boyd Ed Graves, J.D. His friends
call him Ed. The man listened intent as I explained, but admitted
 he had never heard of Boyd Ed Graves, nor of his case against
 the President of the United States.

I detailed the evidence in his case, the laboratory contracts,
scientific papers, and  government policies proving what Graves'
says is true: the "Special Virus" IS AIDS and it was not only
created in a laboratory by man, but  by men working for our
United States government in search of the ultimate ethnic
weapon, a genetic mechanism designed to facilitate racist
'social engineering' policies of a nation consumed by fear and
prejudice of the 60's.

Several months prior, Graves asked me to research Public Law
91-213 signed by then President Nixon. I did. It was part of
his case and the law establishing a controversial international
"population stabilization" program dedicated to maintaining
'adequate life' for the world's populations, including plans
for `controlling` population growth in the third world.

This law, especially within the context of other U.S.
sponsored policies on black Africa, raised
 disturbing questions and horrific realizations as
to personal prejudices of our national leaders.
 The detrimental effects of these policies on
the health of the world are . . . . I paused. . .
 I must sound crazy . . . I took a breath.
.  . . I said.

"By every definition of the word, we are talking about
state sanctioned genocide, Ethnic cleansing on a global scale."

He leaned close and said softly, "I believe this is true."

He's not alone. Rumors of the laboratory birth of the AIDS
pandemic have persisted as long as the plague itself.
Today no belief is necessary. No faith, no hunch,
no suspicion. The evidence of the laboratory birth
of AIDS speaks for itself. It's part of Ed's case.

Ed was raised by a poor but honest family in
Youngstown Ohio. His father supported the family
working in the steel mills. Eddie knew he would have
to put himself through college at a young age and
made that his goal. He achieved honors in his academics
which would end up earning him a place at the
United States Naval Academy, and a honored
place in history.

But in 1961 while nine year old Eddie
was earning honors as a Boy Scout in Ohio,
retroviral experiments with African Green Monkeys
and Human T-Cell Leukemia were well underway in a
Littleton Bionetics laboratory. The experiments contracted
through the NIH sponsored "Special Virus" program detail
the injections of human viruses into primates, and then back
again to create a deadly, "special virus" for which "no natural
 immunity could have been acquire, and no cure exists."

The year was 1961. The contract was SVCP PR#8 NIH #71-2025,
and the scientist our celebrated AIDS Czar, Dr. Robert Gallo.

Top scientists, doctors, and celebrities alike had gone on
record questioning the authenticity of the official government
sponsored stories, yet until 1999 the absolute hard evidence
proving  their accusations and suspicions had been missing.
Enter, Boyd Ed Graves, J.D.

The ultra secret "Special Virus" program represents the
largest international scientific effort in the history of
mankind, dwarfing the international space station in both
scope, duration, and effect on the human race.
The program met for over twenty years at Penn State as
outlined in their reports, yet the university has no record
of their meetings.  Relics of the "Special Virus" program
have been found by diligent researchers, collecting dust in
University libraries, but the bulk of the programs are
mysteriously missing.

"We don't need the complete program," Ed says.
"The flowchart and progress reports discovered thus
far are enough." Graves, again, is correct. By every
definition of the law, the evidence is solid, damning.

While following Ed's story, I would come to know
Nobel nominees, medical doctors, and scientists on
several continents, including American doctors and
authors Dr. Cantwell,  Dr. Horowitz, Dr. Gammil, and Dr. Lee
among others; all confirming what Graves has proven to be
verifiably true. I would meet leaders of nations.
Each on the mission to end AIDS, and each reaching the logic
and inevitable conclusions represented by the evidence
of the "Special Virus" program. It was the evidence of
the fingerprint of man, and it was firmly pressed
upon the AIDS pandemic.

Graves is  credited with the rediscovery of the program's
1972 Research Logic Flow Chart. He and other leading
experts agree the flow chart is the "missing link" in absolutely
proving the laboratory birth of AIDS. In 1999, the discovery
prompted Graves to amend his original September 28, 1998
federal complaint and request the U.S. President`s immediate
attention and leadership on the issue. Silence. Graves and his
army of scientists have been waiting in the wings for two years
to testify before a congressional hearing.

By December 1999, the story exploded into African papers.
The major American media remained silent. Congress members
backed off. Graves case was treated like a new form of plague,
it was an international public relations nightmare for a government
representing a  nation of proud and patriotic citizens. A nation with
a damning history of human experimentation and a paper trail of hate.
It was not education or campaign finance reform, or some other abstract
issue of distraction. It was a life and death issue about the largest human
medical experiment in the world.  It was about genocide.
The case was real. The evidence was tangible. The enemy was us.

For the United States government, Graves is the ultimate
international public relations disaster. Monica, Whitewater,
Watergate, none come close to the verifiable evidence of global
genocide. Black, educated, homosexual, and now dying of AIDS,
Graves is a man who honorably served his country, and in his search
for the cure and preservation of self, he uncovered the diabolical recipe
from which the plague was made. In the United States, Graves has been
largely ignored by the press, and when they do run stories Graves
becomes a victim of slanderous libel woven into the curtain of AIDS
disinformation. The  smear campaigns against Graves, like South African
President Mbeki,  have gone so far to blame his `delusional' claims as
the very cause of more AIDS in the world!

Blame the victims. It's worked for two decades.

 For over two years and completely within the framework
of the United States Constitution, Graves has developed
inroads into the democratic system. His call for independent and
immediate bi-partisan congressional and independent worldwide
review of the evidence of the laboratory birth of AIDS,
and the "Special Virus" program are being heard.
But in light of Ed's petitions and letter to President Clinton,
the administration and the Congress will be remembered
by historians as the very definition of "do nothing."

In the wake of these discoveries, a modern day
underground railroad of doctors, heads of state, volunteers,
and victims of the "Special Virus" have emerged.
Graves' court petition has demanded the immediate global
deactivation of the "Special Virus" and an apology.
According to the experiments documented within the
"Special Virus" Progress Reports; deactivation is possible.
They did it!

Election Day

On election day, I along with others across the country
supporting Graves' calls for immediate review of the
"Special Virus" program wrote in Boyd Ed Graves for

"I am not running for office,"  Ed replied matter of fact.

For the activists voting for Graves, this was an act of
solidarity and a signature petition to the oval office in
Washington D.C. of the highest degree.

His historic and powerful 1999 letter to President Clinton
requesting leadership on the issue, did not warrant the
standardized reply from Pennsylvania Avenue. Graves informed
Clinton of the "Special Virus" and asked for honest review of the
program in the spirit of forgiveness, stating deactivating the
"Special Virus" must become the nation's highest priority and
a matter of national security.

On March 3, 2000, Ed journeyed to Washington delivering
over 3,000 signature petitions to Congress demanding
bi-partisan review of the direct evidence.
On May 1, 2000 The Washington Post reported
President Clinton declared AIDS a threat to
National Security and placed the National Security
Council in charge of a virus, AIDS.

Ed's demand for immediate federal review of the
"Special Virus" program have provoked nothing
but silence from Washington D. C. establishment.

Indeed, it was a very "special virus",  a very special
activist, and an unprecedented event in world history.
But, as evidenced by the exhibits within Graves` federal
case, for some in the government the "Special Virus"
has always been. . . a matter of `National Security'.

I had been close to the case for over a year, witnessing as
Ed's requests met with orchestrated silence, or ridicule.
Soliciting myself as both a constituent and interviewer
to Congress, I experienced a little of Ed's frustrating silence.

I was a white man experiencing a black man's story.
The Iron Curtain, the Berlin Wall; I hadn't lived long
enough to experience the fabled power of these forces of
division; yet, this barrier seemed greater and more barbaric
than them all. . . and it was ours.

I was watching as a complex curtain of media propaganda,
scientific myth, internationally coordinated programs of
`social engineering`  driven by pharmaceutical greed
 were slowly being torn down before my eyes - methodically
being torn apart by the hard evidence in the "Special Virus"
 program: scientist by scientist, activist by activist, petition by
petition, country by country, and victim by victim.
Graves leads their charge.

 As the taxi pulled up to his east Cleveland residence,
Graves stood on the porch to greet me. He was a
surprisingly small man, the ravages of the "Special Virus"
apparent on his scarred skin and thinned face.
For the first time I realized how human and vulnerable
this heroic veteran was against the "Special Virus" and
the impending reality of his sentence to die an early,
unnatural, and excessively cruel death.

 Ed had been in and out of the hospital several times
the past year battling pneumonia and other infections
common to victims of the "Special Virus." Most times,
he was able to call me from the VA hospital and if several
days went by without hearing from Ed; I would know to
call there. Fortunately, Ed always came out of this corner
 - weaker in body,  but stronger in spirit, and ready to resume
 fighting another round in the most important fight of his life,
 the lives of a people, a nation, and a world.

I take a quick tour which ends at his upstairs office.
The reply to the courts election day order has been
finished for several hours. He finished it early.
Charts, scientific reports, letters from Congress,
The Pentagon, recommendations from Nobel Laureates,
awards from world leaders, presidents, they paper the walls.
And there on his desk. . . casually among the papers was the
most historic document of them all - the
"Research Logic Flow Chart of the Special Virus Program 1971."

I was at ground zero of the greatest legal, scientific, and
civil rights event in the history of mankind and in
every sense of the word, at the epicenter of a
promising new beginning in the global war against
the "Special Virus,"  the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

He unfolds the five phase flow chart. It is about a yard long
and provides the schematic instruction for the isolation and purification
of a "candidate" virus and step by step instruction for its "creation,"
"production," and "proliferation." Graves shocked the medical and
scientific communities when he presented the flow chart to a
stunned international medical conference in Canada
August 21, 1999. The authenticity of the document
is absolute. It  is undeniable.

On August 21, 1999 history was captured on video
tape during Ed's presentation, "The Societal Impact of AIDS."
He played the video for me. One of the scientists listed within the
pages and contracts of the "Special Virus" progress reports sat in
the front row. Graves begins his presentation with a detailed
historical documentation, then reveals the flow chart. Graves
referring to the 1971 Progress Report #8 page 104 contract
# (71-2025) documenting Dr. Robert Gallo's Green African
Monkey and Human Leukemia experiments causes a stir.

Standing up the scientist says "I had nothing to do with
this (special virus)." The  footage is historic. Graves video,
"The Societal Impact of AIDS" is now a matter for the record,
and a priceless piece of American, African American, and
world history. We walked through the paper trail of evidence
 in his federal case and each document proved what Graves
said to be true, horrifically true.

After dinner worked changed gears, Graves grabbed a scrapbook
and shared some more intimate aspects of his life. Carelessly
floating in the tattered books were photos of Ed at the White
House, White House programs including his name, boy scout
awards, military awards, newspaper articles, pictures of Ed with
legends like Bob Hope, acting communication officer aboard
the destroyer USS Buchannon, celebrities, scientists, world leaders.
Graves was the African American Navy poster boy in every literal
sense of the word.  Except one. Graves was honorably discharged
from the Navy in 1977 after a personality conflict resulted in
disclosing he was gay.

Ed  explained to me it was difficult it was to be black in the military,
and impossible to be gay.  He realized he was gay as a young
man, but kept that part of his soul a secret throughout his life
and military career. His college girlfriend fondly remembers Ed
and says it was hard for Ed to disclose his sexual preference to her,
but knows she will always love him. So would his parents. After
his honorable discharge following allegations of fraternization,
Graves told his parents. They stood by his side, love unabated.

 Ed would enter civilian life and go on to work for blue chip
companies like IBM, The Boy Scouts of America, and as an
ADA specialist, he would represent the rights of people with
disabilities for the National Council on Independent Living,
in Arlington, VA.

He turned another worn  page of his scrap book. Each page
another page of American history. I sensed the heart ache of
ultimate betrayal with every pages turn.

The night grew late and we continued  working over footage,
photographs, evidence. For a moment we raised our voices in
his upstairs office to hear over the purr of a helicopter approaching.
"You are witnessing this right?" asked Ed at the top of his voice.
I nodded to acknowledge. It sounded right on top of us.
"This happens all the time." he said. "This is why I keep the
blinds open and the lights on." He scratched his head with his
middle finger in prominent view to the helicopter outside.
The chopper leaves. Classic Graves. Absolutely Awesome!

Ed grabbed a file from his bedroom.
"Here is an autobiographical piece I wrote."
He continues reading from his file recounting one of the
earliest memories of his child hood. It was the story of a
white boy sneaking up behind the unsuspecting young negro
boy then pushing him into the raging river.
Ed barely survived drowning to death in the rapids.

The event would make local headlines that summer, and
almost prophetically set a course for the rest of his life.
I sat amazed and spiritually moved. It was just the first page!
Ed choked back a small tear, handing it to me.
"You can read the rest if you want."  I hand it back
requesting he continue. Taking the paper, he lifted his chin,
stood up, and continued.

He appeased me with four pages, every page gold.

I stayed as a guest at Ed's that evening. He prepared
his bed with fresh linens for me and  prepared the couch
for himself. "You will be more comfortable up here,"
Ed said. "You can close the blinds if you like."

"That's ok, I can take the couch downstairs," I said.
Remembering the recent fly by I hesitated. "You know,
some people ask me `why hasn't Ed been murdered if
what he says is really true?'"

Ed looked at me, silent. I was embarrassed. I went into his
room crawled into the freshly made bed folded to military precision.
I left the blinds open . .  after all, I had a middle finger too.

In 1990 Graves enrolled in Ohio Northern University, earning
a degree in law.  Two weeks after graduation, a routine blood
test would reveal Ed was HIV positive and set him on a course
of investigation and activism which would turn the medical, scientific,
and political worlds upside down. He says it is the most important
issue of the 21st Century. I agree.

By the time I got downstairs the next morning,
Ed had breakfast on the stove. His energy levels were high.
The morning is his best time to work. Prying my eyes open,
I began looking for the coffee, it was instant, decaf. Ed doesn't
drink coffee to get things done, he is a dynamo. He does not smoke
to unwind or drink to relax. Ed is a leader. Ed is a motivator,
 he is a soldier. Ed takes toxic pills to stay alive every day to
continue the fight.

We worked through the morning. By early afternoon
Ed required rest. I was witnessing the physical ravages
of the "Special Virus," first hand.  The toxic pharmaceuticals
 Ed takes to slow the "Special Virus" from further proliferation,
now also slows him. Without adequate investigation into the
 "Special Virus" program, the enzyme will remain unstoppable.

Even today, I do not want to believe it. In fact, I was able to
deny it for over a year, subconsciously wishing Graves, the doctors,
and scientists I had come to know were somehow wrong. That those
homosexuals who had sex with those 'dirty Africans' who got bit by those
monkeys in the jungle were somehow to blame.

I had participated in one of the several original petition
drives earlier in 2000, naively hoping the court would
hear and answer the people's call for immediate  review of
the "Special Virus" program and conclude the program
was somehow inconclusive.

While waiting for this news from the Grave camp,
I've reviewed the evidence myself.  Sadly, I realized
if Congress and the world were to read
the progress reports and research logic flowchart of the
"Special Virus" they would arrive at one logical and
common conclusion. Graves is right. His doctors are right.
The United States is wrong. . . very wrong

"One Nation Under God."

Ed does not believe in God, he considers himself an agnostic
and organized religion as a higher form of slavery. While I agree
with his ideas on religion, I am still holding onto God.
I have seen the atrocities inside  "Special Virus" program,
it is real, provable, undeniable evidence of man's inhumanity to man.
I consider it lucky for all of who still believe in a loving God that
one cannot prove a negative, for if it were possible to prove God did
 not exist, Boyd Ed Graves could do it.

Ed, however, has proven enough.

Breaking tradition on the flight home, I sat near the front of the plane.
Crowded, I was in a row with two other middle aged white folks.
I pulled out the historical documents and treasures Ed had trusted me
with, as if touching them would somehow make them more real.
I remembered what Ed said during our first telephone phone
interview in September 1999. "I have a room full of the evidence
of the laboratory birth of AIDS. . . It haunts me." Perhaps for
the first time, I began to understand what he meant. I touched
the documents. They were real.

I broke the ice with my neighbors on the flight back, asking
where he was from. He replied, "Youngstown Ohio."

"Wow, Boyd Ed Graves grew up there, he's your hometown hero!
`Who, what?' You know  decorated Naval academy graduate,
decorated veteran, civil rights leader, law scholar, director of
AIDS Concerns for the international medical research foundation
Common Cause, and history maker Boyd Ed Graves. You know,
your local newspaper `The Vindicator' recently interviewed him?
Boyd Ed Graves, the discoverer of the "Special Virus" program
research logic flow chart? NO? The man who filed a lawsuit asking
 the President of the United States for independent global review
the "Special Virus," a living legend in Africa, in America?" I asked.
I continued with my show and tell presentation of the past 24
 hours with Boyd Ed Graves on Veteran's Day 2000.

Wide eyes, suspicion, silence, social exile.

 "Never heard of him,"  he said. Our plane took off the runaway,
 he motioned the sign of the cross as we lifted into the air.
Conversation was redirected to the personal lamentations of
frustrations borne in a lingering presidential election, their common
vote for Bush Jr., and his promise to restore 'decency'
to the White House.  I yawned.

Reflecting on the day's events, I remembered the view through
the taxi window and the orange winter sun shining on Ed as I
set to leave an international icon and American hero, to his work.
He stood on the porch the same spot where he stood to greet me
and waved farewell.

In less than 24 hours, I knew Graves would make history again.
He would file his brief to the court, it would be a classic piece
of legal scholarship, politely outlining their constitutional error
in consideration of the direct and compelling evidence, and
establishing additional case precedents. Legal mastery. Genius.

But how much longer can the world wait?
The World Health Organization predicts 5.3 Million
new infections next year, 20 Million deaths so far.
80% of death and infection is in Africa. In the United
States, black heterosexual women are the highest
infection rates, and although African Americans
make up less than 125 of the total population, they represent closer to
90% of the AIDS cases. Are these unlucky African souls all dirty
"nigger faggots with AIDS," as the media would have us believe?

The "Special Virus" program progress reports
detail the hunt and isolation of racially specific blood markers.
Why is nobody, but Boyd Ed Graves, doing anything
to expose the atrocities of the "Special Virus" program
and demand that it stop?

I awed at the historical ramifications of Ed's latest court brief,
 the election day court order, and the priceless historical
documents now entrusted to my stewardship. I was humbled.
I felt somewhere in the system there indeed existed justice
for all, and that Ed's demands for it may have finally broken
through some of the orchestrated walls of silence, delays, and
distractions by the one nation under god, in limbo, and out of
control. I hoped so.  With 5.3 Million new infections predicted
by the WHO for 2001, 30 Million deaths, 600,000 children under 15,
history can not hold much longer.

 He waved goodbye and I waved back extending my fingers in a "V" for
the victories the brave veteran has won for his nation, for his people,
and for the victories he has yet to come.

Web: http://stateorigin.sun-city.net/historyonhold.html
PDF: http://stateorigin.sun-city.net/veterans.pdf
PHOTO1: http://stateorigin.sun-city.net/edatwhitehouse.JPG
PHOTO2: http://stateorigin.sun-city.net/edgravesnavyposter.html
Mail List: http://stateorigin.sun-city.net/mailpop_up.html

About the Author: Joel Bales has followed Dr. Graves'
story and the "Special Virus" review since September 1999.
Bales is publishing Graves' first book "State Origin: The
Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS", and is
working to produce Graves' life story for film.
Bales says the collection of evidence and historical items
he as amassed will soon become a memorial similar to
the Holocaust Museum, but sadly notes, the AIDS holocaust
is far from over. For information on the  "Special Virus",
petition drive, or Dr. Graves' legal case contact: 888-842-6419.

*Please forward to all interested persons, lists, and organizations.


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